After finally feeding Ju Er's minimalist dinner, Stream went to have a very simple chat, and when he opened his star network communication, he saw a cordial greeting from Ms. Mia, a very classic Thunder Star Domain's foul language, which basically contained three aspects of one element.

A clear statement on the weakness of the human race, and by extension, the human race should be cautious in its words, not to do things in a big way, and not to implicate friends who have not been in touch for many years.

When Liu saw this information, he selectively ignored a large part of the previous paragraph, and the key word fell on "friend", a word that had not appeared in his dictionary for a long time.

So he directly sent a voice to the same voice, "My dear Miss Mia, your words still have the characteristics of the Thunder Star Domain as always, but I still have to say this matter, do you think I will kill an innocent man for no reason?"

"I'm just being kind enough to get people in the right place to play the right role as always, otherwise how would you see a scene without resistance?"

Thanks to the combination of magic and technology, the transmission of information is no longer limited by the speed of light as the planets that once lived. Some special magic arrays can change their form at the same time, always maintaining the opposite nature, through such a magic matrix can efficiently transmit effective information, of course, you can also scold passionately.

However, in fact, as an important enterprise under the control of the federation with public rights and a certain degree of private rights, its fee system is still the largest in the entire federation, despite the dominant population of the twelve major star fields or a certain degree of economic and financial support from the government elected by the people.

Therefore, the payment of the star network is very spiritual, it belongs to the money made casually, and the powerful may not even know how much money is per month, but ordinary people have to rely on their meager salary and the communication subsidy that the company doesn't know if there is.

So in fact, the local communication industry can also support a cheap sky, just like the stream is now using a very reasonable local star network to communicate with Mia.

"Aren't you just deceiving those young kids, Rochester, what do you think, even if people are stupid, you have to pay the price. Mia's old, strong voice had the hoarseness of an old man, but there was no sense of decadence in the sparse world.

"I didn't calculate him, it was he who decided, I still have the video here, you'll know when the time comes, then you should be able to merit if you arrest me, do you want to let your political career echo from beginning to end, starting from the mafia and leaving the murderer?".

"I'll go to you, I've already sent my apprentice to the place you mentioned earlier. Jack, my heir, is a human race, don't you want to get close to the eldest prince, Jack and the second prince have a very good personal relationship. "

"You're starting to think about me, I look like I've come at the right time. "

"You've never missed the time, that's been the way it was from the beginning, hasn't you?".

"You're talking as if I'm good, it's all the way around. "

"Not everyone can see the so-called general trend, you are much better than people like us. "

"No, weren't you still scolding me just now?".

"It's nothing, I'm just unwilling. "

"Send me the photos and information of your good heir, and let me see what kind of person the heir of the chief human race judge of the Thunder Star Domain was back then." "

"When you say that, it's like going back in time. "

"I miss the time when I was beautiful. "

"No, I've already sent the information, you can look at it yourself. "

"Okay, we'll see you in prison. "

"It's so unlucky, old friends meet every time you choose a place so shabby. Mia muttered and stopped talking.

Stream put down the tablet in his hand, chuckled, and said to himself, "Meeting this kind of thing depends on people, not places." "

Time flies. He rubbed his eyes, picked up his computer again and began to look at the information, and at the same time received a message from Lucio that he had found a restaurant in the capital star.

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