"I will make the sacrifices meaningless, so that the death of the humanoids will have their own destiny. Rochester had this passage in his first draft, which for him was nothing more than an ordinary speech, and it could even be said that it was a summary of many different speeches of the same type.

But for Rochester and his wife, at least for them, they knew in their hearts that these high-sounding grandiosities were all empty talk after all, and that the battlefield was not a place for humanoids to be impassioned.

Such a speech is certainly the biggest joke in the world, at least for those humanoids who actually go to war, and they would rather hear that you will survive than that you will die but that your death is worth it.

What's more, for those soldiers, it is not the general who really determines their life and death, but those more inorganic things, the Void System is always a kind of inhuman thing, empiricism is not even an advanced means for the Thunder Star Domain, but it cannot be questioned, the Void has indeed saved many humanoid lives.


is not an exaggeration to use some more drastic language in this regard, and Rochester did so in the first draft, and Miss Louville, or Rochester's partner, apparently did not think so, as a woman who had indeed survived in politics for many years, and in terms of linguistic sensibility, even if she herself had a great dislike for being bound by outdated political ideas and frameworks, Louville would inevitably have to move on in her own past.

At least she preferred her status as the wife of the male humanoid more than the name Royalty, not because of her admiration for Rochester's strength, but more because Rochester gave her the emotion she needed most for a long time, and the feeling of redemption seemed to be filled in the huge void in her heart.

And as an excellent backer along the way with Rochester, Luvier was in some ways more able to empathize with the unintentionally exposed thoughts of the soldiers when they relaxed.

They don't appreciate the void, and the void doesn't need their thanks. The value of life should never be judged and given by machines, and while digitizing soldiers, the void also makes soldiers treat it as a tool rather than an object of gratitude.

They are grateful to the Thunder Apostle, which is also obvious, even if the Thunder Apostle has a belief that is no longer mandatory to manage and require the people, but for the people in the Thunder Star Domain, especially for the humanoids who worry about whether they will face death all day, faith is always the simplest and most violent self-comfort.

These humanoids clearly know that they will only have three endings in the end, one is to find their own truth, the second is to believe in whatever they want, and the third is to go crazy. Most humanoids don't feel that they have the kind of consciousness to find themselves in such a situation, and they don't want to go crazy, so all they are left with is faith.

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