Naturally, Rochester is also included, but fortunately, his current situation is not yet to be able to grasp those actual powers, he is still just a mechanical soldier who likes to fantasize about operating a spaceship on the battlefield, and what is more needed in contemporary warfare is not to have good military literacy, and it has become the most common mode to use super-large magic to bombard, of course, in order to deal with such a situation, each star field has its own countermeasures, and the countermeasures of the thunder star field are a large number of simulation operations, using pure empiricism, and constantly updating and iterating through those past experiences。

"Since you think it's good, then I'll say it," Louvier had beautiful long hair, and her hands and body were covered with some strange patterns, which made her outstanding appearance even more seductive of its own, although it did have some abnormal textures, but it did not prevent the perfection of this humanoid in Rochester's young heart.

She was a different person than before, and Rochester noticed that Luville had changed into a plain white dress, which should not have been in the lady's luggage, and Rochester recalled a courier she had helped Miss Luvier pick up the previous week.

It looks really, Rochester thought to himself, "Nice clothes." Before she knew it, the lady's face looked a little flushed, and the original dull patterns seemed to light up a little, they had not been together for a long time, but it must be time for each other to perceive their hearts.

Love does not need to ask each other repeatedly, and even compared to scientific explanations, although Rochester did learn about the cause of love due to hormones, etc., it is undeniable that if there is no wavering and trust in the heart, how can it be so easily manipulated by the body.

A young soldier will never be happier than that moment.

"So, since the clothes are good, would you like to be with me?"

Rochester's brain was spinning for five or six seconds, and then the entire humanoid body reacted sufficiently, turning into a reddening apple, which should have been exceptionally sweet.


years have passed so long, Rochester has forgotten what happened next, and the clearest moment is eternally stuck here, on a barren planet, but under the common witness of countless lives, two ordinary humanoids abandoned their identities and everything, and decided to follow their hearts, showing their loyalty and respect for life.

There is nothing in the world that fits the definition of life more than love.

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