Sometimes Rochester would envy the relationship between the two, Miss Louvier was indeed a suitable love object for Rochester, and he often fantasized about the possibility of those romantic and unrealistic words, for this male humanoid living in his youth, the degree of hormonal control had to be said to be sinking.

What an extravagant fantasy free love is, and how two people should embark on their own love journey, Rochester has never thought about this, but it is certain that this question should be put on the agenda for itself.

After a whole working time, Rochester was extremely tired to remove his own experience from the screen of the entire star network, in a whole year of practice, this screen is indeed familiar enough for Rochester, aside from Rochester's poor understanding of the network, operation record proofreading has indeed become Rochester's instinct.

In this almost barren place, the whole world is quiet, and the planet Ray-3-179-ε in the three-star domain of the border is a planet used to be a border star, and any illegal crossing of this realm is the so-called invasion of the realm, of course, there is also the monitoring and protection of the Void system in this regard.

This system is actually the most obvious deterrent and guarantee, which also leads to the fact that the regime of the Thunder Star Domain has been isolated to a certain extent, rather than affecting each other by multiple star domains. The difference between absolute isolation and relative isolation is reflected in the first and second star fields, the angel clan has an almost strict stable regime, that is, the great patriarch and the angelic apostle are the main body of the leader, and some other systems are unknown, as if it is a black box system.

"Rochester, what do you think of this place?" asked Luwell, the sky was as dark as ever, Ray-III-179-ε was a solid planet very far away from its own star, there was no day or night here, and there was only a large magic circle, responsible for helping them live in this place based on their physiological needs, such a magic circle was naturally played with flowers, and a few young people planted flowers here, and then farmland and trees.

The planet soon became green, like the mind of a teenager, from budding to branching, so fast that people couldn't react for a while, and when they really realized it, they were already a little annoyed by their hesitation.

"Miss Luvier, do you mean this place?" Rochester asked uncertainly, he had never understood the mind of a female humanoid, just as he had never really guessed how his mother knew he was in love. It's just an ordinary video call, how do you understand your mood from the tone of reporting safety, women are really magical creatures.

Rochester thought, "yes, I think it's nice here." "

yes, it's a good place, it's the place with the most creatures on the planet, Rochester glanced at what used to be a sapling but was now taller than the unknown tree he had dug up from his backyard and mailed in.

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