"There's still an hour to rotate, wait for Miss Luvier. Rochester replied that the base was not busy on weekdays, and for Rochester, although his family had been in the army for three generations, he had never understood what his ancestors did, and he didn't care about being exiled to such a small place now.

For him, any place where he could fulfill his dream of protecting was not for nothing, and even more so the data here might be important in a sense, even though the humanoid didn't know what he was guarding.

As a descendant of an officer living in the Capital Star, to be honest, his father is indeed a rare figure in his entire childhood, including his current youth life, but this does not affect the image of him as a great person in Rochester's heart.

Such an image depends on the father's really sharp and warm understanding of his children in the few times he comes home. Rochester used to learn a variety of things with his father's encouragement, including but not limited to painting, a range of musical instruments, some craft work.

"If there's something you want to try, do it, and if you don't try, you may never be in the mood to try it again for the rest of your life. The mighty general showed his demeanor and full humor when facing his own children, "After all, this is how I was deceived by your mother into coming home." "

He slapped his hand on the general's head in a flash, and because he was holding the child, the male humanoid with excellent reflexes didn't open this palm in time. "What do you say?" said the angry female voice, "that you willingly." "

"Yes, yes, okay, can we eat?" the not-so-serious humanoid stomach hadn't eaten his partner's craft for a long time.

There are not too many disputes in the memories of his father, which also makes Rochester's yearning for the military deeper, his father does not often discuss things about his work at home, in part because of the need for secrecy, but Rochester once asked his father this question when he got an answer that made him firm for a lifetime.

"Because it is the desire of all our humanoids on the battlefield that all humanoids are no longer forced to discuss military affairs, but to have a confident and calm daily life, the purpose of war is always to stop it. "

Such an idealistic statement was uttered by a man of the same kind who faced such a tragic situation, and every time he thought of this, Rochester couldn't help but miss his father and be more determined about the road under his feet. Sacrifice is common, but it is even more painful to live. For a humanoid who lives up to his ideals, the battlefield is always the place where his doughnut-like hollow illusions can be shattered the fastest, and the foolish struggle and death between humanoids are also the places that can make him understand where to go on the road ahead.

Rochester hadn't seen the battlefield head-on, at least not the Void System had never allowed him to go to war, though he had been a soldier for a year, and only one of the humans had been deployed here during that year, as well as a former military couple.

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