
so-called atonement is meaningless if the victim doesn't forgive himself, isn't it? For Rochester, at least that's what he has always had, so at the end of his life, such a thing is more important than getting something.


memories of his youth are so distant that it means that the not-so-young male humanoids can no longer recall them clearly, and this soldier is one of the few people who can go back in time from the past.

The past is not traceable, just as it is now. He walked in calmly, and those past came back to him again.

"Rochester," a crisp voice sounded in his ears, the days of being stationed at the border may be a kind of grind, but for Rochester it is definitely not suffering in any sense, such days are too common and too ordinary. For every humanoid from the military, border defense is always an extremely important process that must be passed in life, whether long or short, and some people even sacrifice themselves for it.

The economic take-off has certainly brought a series of benefits, but at the same time, it has also brought a group of people who can interpret bad intentions even if they risk their lives at any cost, and the pressure suddenly increases, making the already stressful border defense full of tension again.

Although most of the real magic methods are effective and good methods, but a small number of primary locations still need to be adequately armed, and the three-dimensional space span of the Thunder Star Domain can be said to be extremely large, after all, not every star field needs to have its own army.

"Although the Thunder Star Domain, as the second star domain territory, is not directly related to strength, it is indeed the second largest star field. Based on this, the whole set of "Void Network" developed by the Thunder Star Domain was once called an almost unsolvable existence in group warfare, and through the dual logic system of magic and technology, the unique ability of different types of human races has been strengthened very quickly, and the overall use and comprehensive understanding can become one of the languages to describe this system. "

——Excerpt from "A Brief History of the Thunder Star Domain".

"This system once made the Thunder Star Domain embark on their own glorious moment, of course, now, I have to admit that the Thunder Star Domain is still from its own peak, but now the Thunder Star Domain no longer has the same vigor as it was at the beginning, different political struggles, years of excessive entertainment, the blockade of technology and magic and wrong research, together created the current history, for those who have already experienced that era, failure is not terrible, but when the tiger is worn away from its claws is the saddest。 "

- Annotations by unknown figures

"I'm here. Rochester was about to do a routine check, facing a whole screen of data, which was a different kind of torture for him, and he might as well go to training, he thought to himself, but he still tried to force himself to concentrate and look at the data.

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