But these guys can obviously come to collect directly, why do they have to use this method? Yu Er did maintain a certain suspicion and earnest hope for this matter to end as soon as possible, after all, it seems that these people have no tendency to hope to take themselves away, and it is just a temporary random inspection.

Of course, Juji shouldn't have been awake in such a situation, but who made the whole head suddenly quarrel, and Liu suddenly began to reconnect with Juji, but according to his own words, his magic as a human race was empty, and the reason why the rest could be contacted was because Juji himself was constantly trying to wake up, which caused his magic array to start running unconsciously.

Fortunately, this magic circle is extremely hidden, and if you don't do a full-body type inspection, it's difficult to find clues from it, of course, the most convenient way is to see if you're using magic power.

It was only at this time that Juji realized that what the former second prince said was not groundless, was this the so-called connection with the military? He complained in his own heart, and then he saw that the humanoid in front of him was wearing a pitch-black suit, a very distinctive infiltration type of clothing, but at a glance, he knew that it was from the military.

The reason why I was able to judge it so accurately was because my dear classmate Ju Er had also seen regular soldiers in the past.

As for why he met the humanoids in the regular army before, he had to mention some old things about Rochester's past, Judah rarely saw Rochester's friends, and it seemed that such a strange-tempered humanoid should not have those worldly friends.

By chance, on a certain route to the casino, they accidentally or the stubborn old man deliberately deviated to a nearby planet, and it was this time that Juji saw the other side of this one, and in this visit, Rochester went to meet an impressive human.

Not every planet in the third-level star field is so habitable, it is obvious that one of Rochester's old friends has the same strange habits as him, Judas after an unusually bumpy landing, while vomiting and cursing in his heart, at this time there is still half a year before the death of this Rochester, if Judah knew this in advance, maybe his heart will be relieved, but it is a pity that at such a time, the double blow of physical and psychological makes Judah Comrade have no time to take care of these things.

Hatred is not a good emotion to deal with, for Judah and even more so for Rochester, he resents not a specific humanoid, he knows this very well, his heart is so conflicted that he has been entangled for so long to meet a humanoid who lives in such a remote area.

As a result, it was this humanoid who killed his wife, which is irrefutable, but as a former soldier, Rochester clearly understands how much turmoil and remorse the heart of the humanoid who lives here now.

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