Rochester's speech did not have much of an impact, which is inevitable, because in today's society, a general's influence is not even comparable to a sentence of the so-called economic master, and those who come to serve in the military inevitably have no yearning for the army of their own.


are still a few humanoids like Rochester, there are not too many humanoids who are willing to suffer for a long time on such a distant frontier, wandering in the universe is the norm for contemporary soldiers, and being sacrificed is also the norm, and being alive is a kind of luck for the front line to be chosen.

The cause of death of most humanoids is often due to unknown dangers encountered on the way to explore the frontier, and there are so many unknown things in this universe that it is clear that death has become a norm. At a time when the civil war in the Thunder Star Domain was brewing and fermenting, the Third Star Domain was peaceful, but in order to contain the military departments that were far away in the sky, had the power to interfere with the internal affairs in various ways at any time, and always firmly supported the royal family, the Council used a very sinister thing.

The power of people's livelihood is endless, and when Rochester got that notice, he couldn't help but explode.

"Military personnel should always have the country and the people at heart. "

Such a notice is the last sentence in the exploration of resource stars, and it is clear that this is not a sentence of support in the actual sense.

No matter how much dissatisfaction Rochester has, he can only work hard to accumulate his own power outside, although it is true that he wants to help the royal family and help Luville, but obviously the current situation is not suitable. In the current situation, it is clear that doing nothing is the best way to help his wife.

Luvier had rushed back to where he should be, and Emily was not yet able to take power alone, but their current king, the Emperor, Raymond, had to resign himself to his fate due to old age, and he had always been very close to the young humanoids of the council, and the ambition of Marati, a humanoid, was unabashedly high-spirited.

Of course, behind the most high-spirited humanoids in all politics, there are often countless more or less humanoids who have been sacrificed. It's inevitable, at least for Marati who never stops because of these little things. It may be true that society and morality can suppress the animality and evil nature of humanoids to a certain extent, but for Malatty, he has never been so troubled. He has the capital, the ability, and the unparalleled self-confidence that he is pushing the right world forward, and for that his human-like sacrifice is meaningful.

How could Raymond not know the mind of this seemingly kind humanoid, he was already two hundred years old, he had experienced the glory of his own clan and understood the lowest moments of his own clan, and now his high position made him not only young but also began to envy the youthful vitality.

He appreciated Marati.

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