《"Shizifang" There are thousands of people in the wastehouse, ninety-nine losers, and only one winner. Bai Nianlang wins today and loses tomorrow, capricious. Master Bai and his wife returned to their hometown in Zhenjiang. Bai Nianlang's mother accused him of running a casino. Bai Nianlang was an only son. How could she listen? She took his mother's jewelry, orbs, and his father's leather jacket to a pawn shop, and exchanged them for After making money, I thought:"When I win the bet, I will buy a fox fur coat for each of my parents, build a new house, expand our home, make a fortune, and enjoy great blessings... I will also return home in fine clothes and in glory." And darkly. He thought:"When I win a fortune of ten thousand yuan, I can dress up my wife as the Queen of Suzhou." Shui Lian advised him,"A big heart will rob you of wealth, and a big tree will attract wind, so stop worrying as soon as possible! Collect the money and open a small teahouse. , a small business to support the family, plain and simple, bitter but sweet." How could Bai Nianlang be willing to listen.

Bai Nianlang borrowed the money from Hualiguai and Yinshuidong and returned it to them, but they didn't accept it. It was obvious that he must have some motives. Bai Nianlang is very bookish and thinks that Hua and Yin are loyal and good friends, so he is gradually seduced by Er Fentou, who goes in and out of the house with feasting and feasting. One day, Bai Nianlang drank flower wine with Hualiguai and Yinshuidong and got very drunk. He went to the gambling hall again and lost all the twenty taels of silver he exchanged in the pawn shop, plus the three hundred taels he had won. Light. Bai Nianlang refused to admit defeat. Seeing that his wife was about to give birth, he mortgaged his only semi-private house for three hundred taels of silver and went to the"Cross Gambling Hall" to place bets. As a result, he lost to the six-gold king Duracell again. Shui Lian went to a gambling house and took Mr. Bai home, but was attracted by Duracell, who secretly plotted against Shui Lian...

Bai Nianlang was hit in the head like a stick, and the gambling stick made him dizzy, as if he was gone. The scarecrow of the soul sways in the wind, influenced by the monsters in the flowers and the silver water cave. Bai Nianlang did not expect the consequences of losing his fortune: his father's fur coat was pawned. In winter, his father fell seriously ill and died in bed. After the house in Suzhou was mortgaged, they lost their money and were forced to leave. The couple was kicked out. Bai Nianlang took his wife who was about to give birth to live in a ruined temple. It was the cold winter, and he was cold and hungry.……

""Dongye Temple" was dirty, messy and leaky. Bai Nianlang cleaned up the inside and it was much cleaner, but he didn't know how to repair the leaky rooms. In addition, there were some big holes leaking snow, and snowflakes drifted in. This winter is strange, In the winter, the Thunder Gate was opened, thunder and snow fell. On this night, Bai Nianlang still refused to admit defeat. He looked at the light in his palms and said to himself:"My luck is coming, my luck has gotten better... I'm going to borrow money again. No way to win back the house! Bai

Nianlang went to Yinshui Cave and found the flower monster. In order to borrow twenty taels of silver, the flower monster put forward conditions and hinted:"One night and a hundred days of kindness between husband and wife, twenty taels of silver is considered a favor.""Bai Nianlang thought of his wife's misery and blame, and was forced to break the jar. He broke the precept for the first time, but the poems and words about his blood oath with his wife turned into ashes.

Unexpectedly, since Duracell, the six-gold overlord, fell in love with the Shui family, he became obsessed with it. He couldn't eat during the day and couldn't sleep at night. He sent ten thugs from his subordinates to go to Dongye Temple to rob people. Bai Nianlang returned to the temple. , was empty, and I searched everywhere, but couldn't find it.

Water Lotus was about to give birth, and the six Duracells tried hard and soft, but to no avail. The Shui family thanked Duracell in person. It turned out that Duracell was playing a"hero to save the beauty" strategy, saying clearly:" He beat away ten thugs and saved the woman."Shui was speechless. She really knew that the ten bandits were driven away by the warriors led by Liujin Overlord, and she was allowed to sit on the sedan chair and be safely transported to the Golden Overlord's Mansion, where they stayed in the first-class Jinxiu. Boudoir.

Bai Nianlang hurriedly looked for his wife, but he couldn't find anything, so he could only ask for help from the flower monster. The flower monster found out from the Heavenly Rat on the side:"The Shui clan was brought into the Kuo Mansion in a sedan chair by the Six Golden Overlords."The flower monster concealed this strange news and seduced Bai Nianyan all day long for fun. Bai Nianyan lost all the twenty taels of silver he borrowed from the flower monster and cursed himself:"I'm lucky! Lost everything again... Alas! If the lady hadn’t been lost and flustered, she would never have lost!"

Bai Nianlang lost his wife. He was completely bankrupt, his family was ruined, and he was heavily in debt. He hung out with the weird flowers all day long, drank to relieve his sorrow, and his sorrow became even worse. After all, Bai Nianlang and the Shui family had a deep friendship. The next day, Bai Nianlang went east again. I went to the temple to look for my wife who was pregnant and about to give birth, but she still couldn't find her. Seeing that all the household items and clothes in the ruined temple were all gone, I felt even more desolate. I thought to myself,"I've been here no less than ten times, but I haven't seen anyone... Forget it, I'll wait for Bai." Make a fortune and send some people to find her... I swear: there will be a day when I become a rich man and pick up my wife again!"

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