(2) His wife and children are separated.

In Chapter 8, Yu'er was born in the rain.

Bai Nianlang was addicted to gambling, and it was inevitable that his family would die. And the famous"Cross Place" has many top-notch gamblers. How can Bai Nianlang be his opponent. Bai Nianlang refused to admit defeat and dreamed of earning back all the money he had lost. He even claimed back the 321 taels of silver that his father had issued in Zhenjiang before his death and threw it into the gambling table, but he lost again cleanly. Light. When his mother found out about this, she was so angry that she fell ill and was bedridden. My mother was over sixty years old, poor and sick, and she hated her son's gambling. She refused to listen to repeated advice, and her illness became increasingly serious, and she died that year. Bai Nianlang didn't have a penny, so he begged Hualiguai and borrowed money to bury his mother hastily.

In the old days, Lang's family was ruined, his wife was scattered, and his fortune was ruined. He was still unconvinced. He still attributed the failure to the failure of winning in the casino, thinking to himself:"If you are lucky and win... you will revive the family business. Alas! Gambling luck is unpredictable. If you win, you will lose... If you lose too much, you must win! Maybe this fortune is coming."

Bai Nianlang refused to look back and borrowed money from the flower monster again, but the flower monster couldn't afford it. He went to Yinshui Cave to borrow money, but the woman could only get in and out of the money. She was very stingy, and Bai Nianlang hit a snag. Bai Lang was angry, dry and helpless. He had a few pieces of silver left, so he went to drink. He drank until he was dizzy, vomited all over the floor, and his body was like a puddle of meat.

The flower monster still had some good intentions, so he found someone to drag Bai Nianlang back to the boudoir, where he washed and used medicine. The next day, Bai Nianlang woke up and found out what happened yesterday. The flower monster couldn't afford Bai Nianlang, so he came up with the idea to recommend him to Yao Qianshu, the owner of"Ye Hua Lou". The original name of the brothel owner was Yao Yulin. Because he made a fortune from dozens of women in the brothel, he was hailed as a cash cow in the world, and the nickname came from the situation. Boss Yao is over 40 years old and is from Lin'an (Hangzhou), Kyoto. She looks cool, covered in silk and satin, and has a head full of jewels. She is naturally wealthy. Besides,"Yehua Tower" has two floors, with a total of forty rooms. The business is booming, but there is a shortage of capable management personnel.

Boss Yao's wife was favored by the flower monster, and Bai Nianlang was introduced. Yao Qianshu was very shrewd and took a fancy to Scholar Bai, so he accepted him as a retainer and did some behind-the-scenes work in supervising the male guests' interactions with men. Bai Nianlang considered his luck and said complacently:"God won't kill me! Fortunately, I didn't become a beggar. One day, I will achieve something. This is called surviving a catastrophe, and I will be blessed later." There was a strange sound in the flower. He even flattered him and wished Bai Nianlang:"I hope Bai Lang will have a prosperous day, good luck will come, and wealth will roll in. The gold and silver mountains, Bai Lang will bear on his shoulders.""


Shui Lian was placed under house arrest in the Liujin Overlord's Mansion, and she only thought about Bai Nianlang. Duracell pretended to help her find a husband, but a month later, there was still no news. The Shui family looked like they were about to give birth and gave birth to a child. How could it be possible without her husband by her side? Fearing that Duracell had evil intentions, she went to Dongye Temple to find her husband with a big belly. Shui Lian didn't give up after failing to find her the first time. She went to find Bai Nianlang the second time, but was not allowed to be escorted by Duracell's servants. But this time the search for someone came to nothing.

Shui Lian also misses you deeply, and is alone in Dongye Temple reminiscing about the love between husband and wife. It happened to be a rainy day, and the ruined temple leaked, and the rain soaked him. Shui Lian was born suddenly in the rain due to severe abdominal pain and shock due to the long walk. Amid the heart-wrenching baby's cry, Shui was struggling. Fortunately, a peasant woman in her prime who was sheltering from the rain passed by. The kind-hearted Grandma Li took care of Shui and reported with surprise:"He is a son... The eldest son is a great blessing." Shui Lian was taken to live at home by Grandma Li. She was a widow. The old woman also wants to find someone to accompany her. The Shui family worshiped Aunt Li as their godmother and spent their confinement in a humble house in this rural town. A month later, Nanny Li asked:"My goddaughter, how many days has it been since the baby was one month old? What should I name it? Is it ready?" Shui Lian looked at the smiling baby in the cradle and said with a smile,"What if he It would be great if my father is here. He is a white-faced scholar and knows how to give a good name." Aunt Li smiled and said,"My godson, I can't wait. I went to the city and asked many people, but no one knew about Bai Nianyan. This guy, the mother-in-law just has to give her a name. It’s ridiculous to have no name or surname." Shui Lian said:"My godmother is right, what is a good name for me? It was raining that day...yes. A son born in the rain." Aunt Li brought a bowl of soy milk and said,"Woman, the soy milk is ready, drink it while it's hot... Drinking soy milk can produce milk... the milk is good and plentiful, fast." Shui Lian drank. After drinking hot soy milk, she said,"Thank you, godmother. If it weren't for godmother's care, we, mother and son, would freeze to death. Godmother is my reborn mother." Nanny Li teased the baby's face with her index finger and said with a smile,"This son But it’s a treasure. When he was born, there was thunder in the sky. Strangely, it was the first time to open the thunder gate in winter. When he grows up, he will be promising. There is no need to say polite words to the goddaughter. If you recognize me as your godmother, you are my daughter. I I treat you as my own daughter, come up with a name quickly." Shui Lian said:"It rained that day, so let's call her 'Yu'er'." Aunt Li said:"Yu'er... sounds nice, so let's call her Yu'er, and Easy to remember."

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