Shui Lian took off the jade bracelet from her wrist and said,"On the day we got engaged, my husband selected these pair of mandarin duck jade bracelets for my wife at the jewelry stall under the Drum Tower. You said, we are considered a pair of mandarin ducks by people in Suzhou. Therefore, you should buy a pair of mandarin duck jade bracelets. Do you remember?" He said:"Remember, the engagement day was so lively. Your parents, my parents, and my sisters all came... and they praised these pair of mandarin duck jade bracelets." She said. He said:"I have no brothers, and you have no brothers. Your and my sisters have all married far away... I miss them so much, and I miss my parents even more." He said:"Our parents are all in Zhenjiang, waiting for me to get married. Wealth, come back to your hometown in fine clothes!" She said:"Return to hometown in fine clothes? Hey, now the pot can hardly be lifted!"

Shui Lian said again:"The moon has turned to the west." Suddenly, the baby in her belly was squirming, and she caressed it. Caressing, he also started caressing. She said:"The little baby also interrupted and wanted to see the bracelet." He said:"It's a girl, so naturally she likes to see the bracelet; it's a boy, so she wants to see the sword. It's unusual.""

The water lotus looked even more beautiful in the moonlit night. She was still recalling, and said:"In the past, we enjoyed happiness in heaven, getting along with each other, and the scenes... I can't finish it.……"He said:"Which time was the happiest?" She said:"Where are you watching, Sir?" He said:"The time we took a boat trip to Taihu Lake…………That was the first time...the first time and the happiest time in my life. It was so enjoyable."

Shui Lian recalled:"Actually, I don't think it was the happiest time to visit Taihu Lake for the first time! He said:"Then tell me: When was the happiest time?" She said:"It was that time on Songshan Mountain." He said:"What fun is there on Songshan Mountain?" She said:"Of course Matsuyama." I don’t know why, but the weather was the best that day. It was cloudless and the scenery of Taihu Lake was in full view. Looking at the world, our poetic nature flourished, and each of us wrote three poems. Do you still remember? He said:"I was composed of poems in three places, 'Leverage the scenery to create feelings, have great ambitions, and look at the hometown.……"She said:"There are not many high-pitched tunes in the poem. It expresses our benevolence. Benevolence and justice are the highest realms of enjoyment in the world. Do you remember that poem?"

Bai Nianyan sighed and praised:"My lady, Feng Go back to the academy and be quiet, spring comes every time. Life and death are one life, and the journey of heaven and earth will be remembered forever." Shui Lian said excitedly:"Young Master, the poem I wrote is: Dreaming of returning to my hometown, a pair of mandarin ducks. Who will go up to the embroidered building? , only Brother Lang can do it."

Bai Nianlang sang:"Sister Lotus, you are worth a thousand times more than the moonflowers, but you are as young as a green leaf. The silver birds outside the window can't stop singing, and one word can break your heart."

Shui Lian sang. :"Young Young Master, the autumn wind in the courtyard has faded, and my heart is warm and I have forgotten the coldness of the fifth night. I don't know who my brother is in my dream, but when I wake up, I am in front of you."

Bai Nianyan praised:"My wife, I am looking forward to the sunrise for you. By the middle of the moon, seven souls have been lost and eight souls have collapsed."

Shui Lian said:"Master, I am here for you: I can't see the sun with my eyes, and my heart is like a knife piercing the liver and breaking my heart."

Shui Lian said:"My husband has loved poetry and composition since he was a child. , I'm afraid I didn't just do these few sentences." He smiled proudly and said:"Only three poems.?……joke! I wrote about a thousand love poems and lyrics about you, but I didn’t remember many of them and I forgot some sentences. She smiled and said:"I have also done a lot of love poems when we were passionately dating each other, but I didn't do well... Young Master, what other ones do you remember?" Let’s sing a quick song, this Mid-Autumn Festival night with a full moon makes life interesting. Bai

Nianlang blurted out:"Lianmei: I miss you. I once met my soulmate while traveling in the old place, and I miss Lianmei like a cloud in my dreams.""

Shui Lian continued the chant and said:"Young Master: I miss you, vomiting blood and dying, turning into a fairy or a ghost to come to you."

Bai Nianlang said with great interest:"Madam, let me drink wine at dusk to let the spring breeze blow, and everyone will be alone in the jar. Knowing that souls are destined is the only way to be clear. The pines are still green when the flowers fall."

The water lotus chanted:"Young Master: People are like dusk and I am like morning, who should I use as the criterion in my dream? Borrow a sword to cut off a piece of the soul, and don't be a lost soul when I present it to you."

Bai Nianyan sang:"The ebb and flow of the tide will never grow old, and the willows will shine with the sunshine of youth. The spring breeze brings vitality, startling the mandarin ducks on the lakeside. Shui Lian smiled and said:"

The ripples circle like waves of love, and the sound of leaves calling Shaolang." The carp in the lake leaps three times, which is auspicious if it is not used as bait. Bai

Nianlang held the love hydrangea she gave her in his hand and sang:"Although the hydrangea is blown by in small flying directions, the cold snow and ice are all driven away." Hidden in my dream, I can never exchange for gold, and my companionship will warm my heart from generation to generation."

Water Lotus chanted:"You gave me a precious jade bracelet from Peeping, so that you can get through it easily if you have any troubles. Accompanying my wife every night to protect her from wind and rain, spending more time with my wife and having a full moon with more love."

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