Li Jisi promised his neighbors:"When it is my turn to clean the street in front of my house, it will be clean and dust-free. I will get up early every day and never miss it." But in April, when it was his turn, he refused to let his family clean it, saying that" Wang Guiyan of the Wang family has taken the responsibility." Since then, in April, there are rows of people in front of the house, and no one is scanning. The ground is littered with rubbish and wind blowing.

Li Jisi was not trustworthy and his neighbors knew it. They were unwilling to deal with him and ignored his words. When Mrs. Li saw that her neighbors no longer paid attention to her children, she started to interact with strangers from Yuandang. Once, he met a man named Spade Hushan. He was so boastful and charming that he believed in Li Jisi very much. Li Jisi wanted to treat that spade Hu Shan to a delicious meal. When Mr. Shoe refused to go, Mr. Li forced himself onto the table and said,"Don't worry about running out of money. I'll pay the shopkeeper! We can afford the copper coins!"

The two of them chatted, eating and drinking while making friends, and they got drunk.. After eating, Li Jisi said he went to the toilet but never came back. The shopkeeper came to pay the bill, and Hu Shan said:"Big shopkeeper, my friend just said that he will pay the bill, and we have to wait for him to come back." The shopkeeper waited, waiting left and right, waiting in front and back, until the hotel was empty. , is about to close down business, and Li Jisi has not yet come to pay. The spade Hu Shan cursed:"Li Jisi is unfaithful! He is a big liar!" In desperation, he had to pay the bill with thirty copper coins.

Li Jisi's eldest sister, Li Xihua, thought that her younger brother was the most reliable. Once, Li Xihua wanted to give cotton-padded clothes and trousers to her son who was working far away. People here couldn't leave, so I told my brother Li Jisi, and he promised:"Just in time! I have urgent business, and I need to go there...I promise to deliver it in two days." Two days later

, his sister put the cotton-padded clothes in the bag. He gave the cotton trousers to his younger brother, and Li Jisi said,"It will be nice in the morning, so we can start our journey." Two days later, Li Xihua thought her brother was seeing him off, so she ran to ask his wife Jin Heji, saying that the official was visiting relatives and could not leave until five days later. His eldest sister endured it and waited for his brother to set off in five days.

Five days later, I went to my brother's house again to inquire and saw his brother. Li Jisi said:"I will definitely leave in five days. This time, there is no problem and no entanglement. Sister, just rest assured. I will definitely deliver it. I will definitely deliver it."!!"His eldest sister was kind-hearted and gentle, so she believed him.

More than ten days later, her eldest sister thought that her brother had been sent back, so she ran to ask her son how he was doing in Yuandang. When I arrived at my brother's house, the cotton-padded clothes and trousers were still intact and placed beside the bed. When I opened it, it was exactly that. Li Xihua was so angry that his face turned black and white, he lost his temper, angrily scolded Li Jisi, and said angrily:"Oh my God! My son is working in the north, and it didn't snow heavily half a month ago. The person who came back said that it just snowed two days ago. There is heavy snow, my son is freezing to death! You haven’t sent your winter clothes yet!!"

Li Jisi just bowed his head and said,"Sister! Sis, calm down, can't I just send you away now?"

Li Xihua said sternly:"Tomorrow comes tomorrow, there are so many tomorrows! Who still believes in you! I'm telling you this for the first time. , you promised to 'promise to deliver it in two days', but it didn't happen! The second time you said, 'It's nice to have a good morning tomorrow, so we can set off! My eldest sister believed you again! Later, five days passed, and another Ten days, it’s half a month again! Oh my god, my son is so miserable! You missed a big event, you lied to my eldest sister! You want your son to freeze to death in the north!! I will send it to you personally! If your son is frozen to death, take you You deserve your life!"

Even though Li Jisi kowtowed again and again, his eldest sister no longer believed him. I picked up my cotton-padded clothes and baggage and rushed out of the door angrily...

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