(13) Trust in the world

Chapter 78: Don’t be a trustworthy person.

There are many trustworthy people in the world, and Zhang Guo is the most trustworthy. There are people in the world who are greedy, corrupt, traitorous, rebellious, evil, evil, wicked, bad, etc.; there are ugly people, selfish people, self-interested people, villains, and snobbish people. However, on the other side of the sun, there are people who are kind, good, benevolent, righteous, polite, virtuous, compassionate, and trustworthy; there are also people who sacrifice themselves for righteousness, sacrifice their lives for righteousness, forget selfishness, sacrifice to save others, heroes, upright people, and smart people. People wait. Zhang Guolao advocates encouraging the sunny side and satirizes those with the dark side.

During the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhang Guolao was invited by Tieguai Li to join the Eight Immortals in Stalagmite Mountain. This is the legend of the gathering of immortals in the Northern Song Dynasty. The place where the Eight Immortals cross the sea is in Penglai, Yantai, Shandong. There are the Eight Immortals Crossing and the Eight Immortals Bridge.

Taoist sentiments originated from Taoist songs of the Tang Dynasty, which took Taoist matters as their themes and promoted ideas such as birth and birth. Zhang Guoze is the ancestor of Taoqing teachers, and Taoqing is closer to people’s lives.…………

The next day, Zhang Guolao rode his donkey backwards, played fishing drums, and sang:"The roots of all lives are self-explanatory, and the miracles can be clearly understood after a thorough investigation."

Resurrection from the dead to seek secrets, family affairs divided and reunited.

Don't be angry on the day of moving, otherwise you will get sick.

Use rice, rapeseed, salt, and frugally, so that you can grow old and suffer from illness without future problems.

It is a great blessing for the Lord to have happy events, but don't be overjoyed.

Don’t panic when encountering evil things. Be kind-hearted and virtuous in dealing with disasters.

If the mind of ghosts and minds is opened, you will be blessed with good fortune and good luck if you give up money.

The boss knows that rice and noodles are expensive, so he keeps a close eye on small sums of money.

A minor illness may turn into a serious one, and beware of death approaching.

Kneeling in the Golden Palace for seven days and seven nights, all the people suffered endless complaints.

There are often good people who are wronged and faced with great disasters and bad years.

It is advisable to sing a few verses of good words. Evil people and evil people please listen to them.


But there was a man named Bai Shiping in Gusu (Suzhou) City. He was in his early thirties, his wife was An Zhengmei, and they had two sons and one daughter. This Bai family is a family of ancestral loyalty, and Bai Shiping is even better than his predecessors.

On the other hand, there is a most unfaithful person in Gusu City. His name is Li Jisi, his wife is Jin Heji, and they have two daughters and one son. Li Jisi had just turned thirty. His ancestors had been loyal to him for generations, but when it was his turn, he became a person who was known to be unfaithful, righteous and rude.

When Li Jisi was a scholar, he borrowed things from people and refused to return them. It was said that he paid it back on the same day, but three days later, he still hadn't returned it to his classmates, so Xuewazi gave him a nickname, Li Baihua. The meaning is that what he said is so pale, so blank, unreal.

After graduating from private school, he inherited his father's business and started a small business. In the business world, Li Jisi talks nonsense. A neighbor named Gong Xingquan went to his store to buy walnuts. He said:"This bag of walnuts costs twenty copper coins, which is the lowest price in Gusu City." Gong was very happy, so he handed over twenty copper coins. Bought it and left.

The second time he went to Li's store to buy walnuts, Gong took out forty copper coins, paid for them, and took out two bags. Li Jisi was very unhappy and said sternly:"Brother Gong, it's not that price! The price was wrong last time. The price was wrong last time. The original price was thirty copper coins per bag, but the price was ten copper coins less. Therefore, the price was sold twice in total. It's a good deal to charge my brother sixty yuan and buy back another bag."

After hearing this, Gong Xingquan turned blue with anger and said:"Giving a horse to someone is not allowed to take it back! The market price is only twenty yuan. It's just copper coins! Why are you talking so cunningly? No wonder all the fellow villagers are talking nonsense!"

After hearing this, Li Jisi became even more unhappy and refused to give in. He said sternly:"Hmph! We are neighbors, how can we exploit him! Just say that the iron price is immutable!" Gong Xingquan had no choice but to say:"That's it! Refund the money! Don't buy it!" Li Jisi returned thirty copper coins to him and said sternly:"There are ten more that will not be refunded, just to make up for it. The price difference from last time!" Gong didn't want to fight and started fighting. He took back thirty coins and lost ten copper coins. He was unhappy and went home empty-handed.

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