However, after discussing the previous matters, they started to discuss the matters in Yinfang Town. The more they discussed, the more energetic they became, scrambling to be the first, and each showing his own opinion.

Hong Songning, the head of the sealing workshop, said:"I heard that there are a lot of strange things happening outside the walls of Bisheng Sealing Workshop. In this town of sealing workshop, there is a person nicknamed Fly. He likes to smell stinky things, hang out with stinky people, and often go to stinky places. He buys stinky things, does stinky things, and becomes a bed bug! Folks, do you think there is such a role?"

A Mr. Yin Yang said:"Yes, there is such a person. People can't tell the difference between good smell and good smell. That person is called a fly in the town, it's true! He will attack when he sees a smell."

An old woman stepped forward and said:"Hey! There are many weirdos in Yinfang Town! There is also a dog slave. Hey, he worked as a bitch in the county government and came back to the town. He showed off his power and made many farmers suffer."

Shi Ronghua, the female printer, was also here, standing next to the old woman and said:"Auntie, he If you dare to harm the villagers, sue him. The law of the Song Dynasty! How can you forgive him?"

The old woman said:"Hey! There are many people who have sued him. However, the Yamen mentioned a few good things he did and got away with it. Who can You're still suing!"

Printer Yu Tianshi said:"Hey, there are all kinds of people in the world. They do good things and bad things. Such people are difficult to deal with. However, once you are under the criminal law, you can go to the Shangfu. Warning, you will definitely hit!"

Mr. Yin Yang stroked his beard and said,"Only when all kinds of people are present can we call the world a good one. Those who are good are loyal, those who are courteous are righteous, those who are benevolent are filial, those who are great and those who are ambitious, and so on, there are many people there. , this is the yang side. The other side is the yin side, which refers to all kinds of evil people, snobs, pests, reptiles, thieves, murderers, liars, but there are only a few of these dark side people." Everyone nodded in agreement..

The old woman's surname was She, and she was called Shehua Lao. She is quite sensible. It is common practice for her to believe in gods and worship Buddha, burn incense and kowtow. The She family told a strange story. Seeing that everyone was speechless, she opened a chatterbox and talked non-stop, pointing out:"All you big and small workers, long-term and short-term workers, and fellow countrymen. Speaking of all kinds of evil people, those with little power People, pests, little reptiles, the old woman has heard of a kind of evil monster. The evil monster does all kinds of harm to people, but it is a two-inch-long little man. This little evil monster looks exactly like a human. But it was a little taller. Hiding in a dark corner of the house, the victim swept several times with the handle of a basket, and some small insects were also swept behind the water tank. The water tank was as high as a person's chest, and there were crickets, centipedes, etc. under the corners of the tank. Wet worms, scorpions and the like. These worms only saw the two-inch tall monster, and saw it jumping and jumping. The centipedes thought it was coming to compete for caves and food, so they all put up their claws to fight with the little monster.. The evil things were surrounded in the middle. Some bugs only bit the short hands, some bugs only bit the short legs, and some bugs only bit the head as big as a finger. In a short time, the two-inch tall little man was bitten to death. , and were eaten by those little reptiles one after another."

After hearing this, everyone was amazed and a little confused.

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