On the contrary, the fidelity man Bai Shiping mentioned earlier is a sharp contrast among the characters in Gusu City.

Bai Shiping's ancestors have been based on faith and integrity for generations. When you borrow money from someone and don't have time to pay it back, you scrape it together and do everything you can to pay it back without defaulting. The second time I borrowed it, my friends also trusted him very much. Money, no matter how much or how little, is given to him. Therefore, with money as a backbone, he grew from a small one to a big one in the city, his business prospered, and his family business prospered.

Bai Shiping said that if anyone needs urgent goods, they should be delivered in advance, no later than an hour. If you borrow money from someone reliable, you will always get it in advance, and you will be greatly appreciated. Bai Shi usually promised people:"I would rather sacrifice my life! Be loyal to the world!"

However, there are unforeseen circumstances. Once, my friend Quai Hushan, whose family was critically ill, asked Bai Shiping to borrow ten taels of cash. He said,"There are many people affected by the disaster. You are a step too late. If you don't have any cash, you will have to wait for a few days.""It's one day late," said Quai Hushan. If we can't get the ginseng and precious medicine from Changbai Mountain, my wife will not be able to live. We have to borrow money today." After hearing this, Bai Shiping made an oath and promised:"Okay! I will deliver it to your house personally before midnight!"

Unfortunately, there was hail and violent storms at night. When his wife An Zhengmei heard that he was going to take the risk to send money, she stopped him and said sternly:"You don't want your life!? The walnuts were hit by big hail from time to time, and there were thunder and lightning and heavy rain. Let's just send it tomorrow."

Bai Shiping took the bamboo hat and I put on my raincoat, hung my money bag around my waist, put on a pair of hemp shoes, and went out. His wife stepped forward to block her again and said sternly:"Stop! Is it worthwhile for you to save the Spade family and risk your life?!"

Bai Shiping pushed his wife out of the way and said sternly:"Get out of the way! Our ancestors have passed down the tradition from generation to generation. Come down and see the golden words"Xinyi Tianxia" on the plaque in the main hall! Have you forgotten?!" The wife raised her eyes and saw silver lightning illuminating the plaque,"Xinyi Tianxia" shining in gold, she said softly,"How can I I can forget, but I am afraid that something will happen to the official. Hearing what my wife said, it is better to go and see him off early tomorrow."

Bai Shiping said sonorously:"Madam, my husband is true to his word! I have sworn to him in person before midnight. How can we not keep our word when we deliver it to his home? Not to mention hail and heavy rain, even if we use a knife, we have to deliver it before midnight!" His wife was helpless. Bai Shiping lit the lantern, put it on and left the house. Taking the risk, he still delivered the life-saving money.

His wife can be described as a simple, kind and wise wife who knows her husband's temper quite well. I once remembered an incident that happened before marriage. Her mother was seriously ill. Bai Shiping volunteered to hire a wise doctor. He asserted to his mother-in-law:"I will definitely hire the great doctor Lin Wei." His father-in-law said:" That doctor is called a miraculous doctor, what if he can’t be invited?!" Bai Shiping swore and promised:"Don’t worry, father-in-law! I will definitely invite you! I’ll be sure! If I can’t invite you, I won’t go home and live in a cave!"

Bai Shiping traveled three hundred miles to ask the great doctor Jing Lin Wei. Since he was not there, he would rather suffer from hunger. I heard that the doctor visited the doctor for three days to treat serious illnesses. He was afraid that he would miss his mother-in-law's treatment, so he hired a doctor to treat her illness.

An Zhengmei's mother's illness was not cured, but it was greatly alleviated. The family was also extremely grateful to Bai Shiping. But Bai Shiping felt very uncomfortable. He thought:"People should be true to their word and do what they say! I said I won't invite you and I will live in a cave, so I will do what I say!" Thinking of this, he moved into a dark and dark house. Living in a dirty cave dwelling is hard on one's mind…………

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