Daughter Bi Qingshui took over and said:"Fortunately, we come to the paper mill, and there is still money left every month. If it weren't for Sister Deng, the owner of the mill, the little girl would not be where she is today. During the Dragon Boat Festival, we eat rice dumplings and fruits, some of which are brought home. Most of them are bought in the market, buy! You need money!"

Shan Qinqing stood up and said:"Sister Bi, when we talk about upwards, we talk about the roots! Our daughter's family follows the owner's sister to do paper crafts, so that we can have a good life.. Therefore, we must be honest and work hard without complaint. Otherwise, how can we produce high-quality paper, first-class, and high-quality paper? Without high-quality paper, how can we exchange money, and how can the paper mill be successful? Where is the income? There is it in the big pot, but only in each daughter’s bowl!"

All the daughters said in unison:

"When it comes to this woman, I feel very happy. I think about it every day."

"I have to work harder, work harder and skillfully, and make good paper"

"Once I came home, my parents would tell me to do more hard work."

"Thank you to the owner for your care. The little girl is willing to work hard for the paper mill all her life.!"

"It’s not right to just work hard! You have to work skillfully"

"Yes, yes, only with skillful hands and mind can you create high-quality paper."

"Well, this girl used to work in the future and she was a three-cry girl! She cried three times a day, always in front of her parents. Now, my smile is always open, I am cheerful, and I am not sick at all.!"

"This is my second life! I committed suicide once and died once by jumping off a cliff, but I was saved by the shop owner. This life is hard-won and was given to me by the shop owner. I am willing to risk my life for the shop owner!"

Hearing this, Deng Shiying stood up and said proudly:"There is no need to work hard! Saving one life is worth ten years of studying. Wow! The host was very happy to hear this. He has never been in such a happy mood before. Sisters, on the occasion of the Dragon Boat Festival, hearing these heartfelt words gives me more courage. Thank you all sisters. If our boss does not adopt the system of bonded work, you should not act like a desperate worker either! As long as everyone works together, the paper industry will prosper. There is also the old god from the Zhongtiao Mountain Temple who secretly helps our paper mill. He predicts that our paper mill will have good fortune and that there will be nothing serious or evil, which will increase our ambition."

After hearing this, all the daughters cheered and shouted:"The gods bless our daughter Zifangli.!"

"Ours can be called a little girl’s country, a happy and hard-working country.""We are far away from the Beixiang Gang, the Lazy Gang, and the Beggars Gang. I would like to thank the owner Sister Deng very much.!"

"If grandpa is a great god, thank God"

"When the little girl listened to Zhang Guolao's lyrics, she understood the truth of"Tao Te Ching", a high theory of life. If everyone can do it, there is no doubt that the future will be brilliant."

"In some families, there are quarrels, fights and divisions. Most of them are caused by the inability to provide support, the inability to untie the pot, and the inability to survive in life."

"Nowadays, our daughter is a state-owned enterprise. It is also the paper mill that makes money, and the business is booming. Only then can you, the little girls, have income."

"It's in the big pot, and it's in the small bowl."

Every daughter has her own truth. After hearing this, Deng Shiying was particularly interested and said with a smile:"You sisters are knowledgeable and pragmatic, help each other with righteousness, down-to-earth, and work kindly, which is admirable. It is exactly this: a tree will not sprout if it has no intention, and a person will not advance if it has no intention; it will be easy for those who have no intention, and it will be difficult for those who have intention. Everyone inspires each other and has great ambitions. That's it: one brick is of no use, but a thousand bricks build a high wall. There is strength and wisdom in numbers, and the papermaking industry relies on the daughters working together and working together as one. If it is a thin hemp rope, it will be easily broken, but if dozens of fine hemp ropes are combined into a thick hemp rope, it will not break."

After hearing this, the daughters even responded:

"If people have more hearts, paper can turn into gold!"

"Don’t worry, Sister Deng, she won’t bend down despite the heavy wind and snow.!"

"The little girl's heart is harder than a guillotine, she is determined! Work hard with the boss!"

"No matter how hot the sun is, it won’t be as warm as the hearts of my daughter and my boss.!"

"Sisters, listen quickly, who is playing and singing?!"

"Hey, he's the seasoned Taoist that our boss invited us to do.!"

"It's Zhang Guolao! Yes, listen quickly……"

It was Youguo Lao who was playing fishing drums and playing music, and the lyrics came down the wind:

Parents are more filial when they are here to show the kindness of their children.

After death, how will the old man in the grave taste the precious food offered to him?

Ziwu, Yin, Shenwu and Chen, the daughter will become rich and prosperous.

The paper industry prospered before getting rich, and copper, silver, grain and silk were brought in every year.

The people in front of the horse sing the name of the owner, and everything in his daughter's country is prosperous.

Fortune telling will bring you good fortune and peace, and the wisdom in the paper path is like a forest.

We are separated from our ancestors and work together, and our wealth and wealth are destined to live together in this life.

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