Soon it will be the Dragon Boat Festival. The girls of Zhifang will gather together to eat rice dumplings and celebrate the ceremony, which is very lively. Sitting in rows, eating fruit and talking about common things. Master Deng said:"It's a festival here, don't be restrained, be at ease, talk about what you want, sing when there are songs, and eat when there are fruits. Just be happy and happy."

Liu Yuezhuo has some knowledge. This daughter Eighteen years old, beautiful, she smiled softly and said:"Master, eldest sister, the little girl is bold and comes up with an idea. Every time a daughter writes a poem or speaks a country saying, the Dragon Boat Festival will be special."

Before Deng Shiying opened her mouth to say whether it was OK or not, many of the dozens or twenty daughters below made refutations. Tang Huanjin was quite generous and said with a smile:"Sister Liu's idea is good, but most of my daughter's family is not talented in poetry. Let's talk about the current affairs in our hometown and gossip casually. There is a lot of news."

Shan Qinqing He was very close to Tang Chengjin and said:"Yes, yes, yes! Just now, many sisters were discussing hometown affairs. It was very exciting. There is no need to be formal. Just talk about it casually and gain a bit of insight."

Seventeen years old Daughter Sun Fenjing, who is always good at talking, fluent in speech, and eloquent, said:"I have already said half of what I said just now. Most of the neighbors in my village are harmonious, but they get into trouble over small things, and even There was a big fight. One question: Why was the beating so bloody? Neither side said anything. In fact, it was as clear as a mirror in their hearts. They were all about the boundaries, land, and crops. In a word, people cannot live without food, clothing, and shelter. There are quarrels over trivial matters."

Ban Yushu, a young girl, continued:"This is called 'poverty'! Over and over again, trivial matters, small and non-trivial, are caused by quarrels over money and land. After all, people are poor! No. Money, how can we survive? To live a good life, food is the most important thing for the people! If this family is so rich, and every family has a warehouse full of food, there will be far fewer quarrels, fights, and unpleasant things to hear and see. It’s hard to see me."

Nineteen-year-old daughter Fang Qiu, who can be regarded as the older one among them, said deeply:"My classmate is talking about the best! Not only food, clothing and housing, everyone knows about oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, firewood, rice and vegetables. As a result, everything is indispensable. What is even more difficult is: there is no money to treat the illness. Many families are:"I am suffering from minor illnesses, suffering from serious illnesses, and I am about to die, so I go to the doctor's house!" The little girl's father passed away because of this. Got it……"As he spoke, he shed a few tears, but he could no longer complain.

Eighteen-year-old Hechun's daughter has a weak temperament. Thinking of the recent death of her old mother, she felt the same sadness. She said sadly:"Sister Fang was talking about my family's pain point. The mother of my little girl passed away not long ago. My mother's voice, appearance and smile are all there. How can I forget this in my little girl's heart? My poor mother also had no money for medical treatment. I managed to earn some money at the paper mill, and I collected it and sent it all to my mother for medical treatment. It was not bad, and my mother lived for two more years. , otherwise, it would have been tragic if I had died a long time ago and died in the West!"

The girl Lin Xiangmiao is particularly gentle, she is usually shy and taciturn. On this day, although I was a little shy, but seeing the excitement, I also said:"It is exactly what all the sisters said, money, money, and life are connected! How can you survive without money! Food, diesel, salt, etc. are all Money; see a doctor and treat a disease, and medicine is even more money. People say that 'gold has a price, but medicine is priceless'. Life-saving depends on jelly grass. Among the nine jelly grasses, which one is not expensive? If you don't have money to treat a disease, you will lose your life. oh."

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