Deng Shiying said:"The old man told me the whole story, it is really miraculous. I only know that Cai Lun made paper, but I didn't know that there are many miracles in it." Guo Lao said:"Creation depends on intelligence, intelligence depends on perseverance, wisdom and courage are combined to overcome Only after many twists and turns and hard work can we achieve miraculous results." After that, Zhang Guolao picked up the fishing drum from the corner, played and sang:"If you understand it thoroughly, you will become a professional, and you will be able to read tens of thousands of volumes."

Usually use your heart wisely, and when you use it, it will be wonderful.

If you want to achieve your goal, you must bypass it without being lazy.

Arrogance must be eliminated, and extraordinary achievements must be destined.

The trees are old and have many roots, and people have experienced everything over time.

When you are involved in the near, you will feel inferior; when you climb high, you can see far.

Make progress every day and become a habit.

The land must be cultivated diligently, and the work must be done with a strong heart.

A humble scholar is wise, but an arrogant person is in trouble.

The stupid bird always flies first, and the proud one is at a loss.

With high ambitions, nothing is too high to reach.

The outline is bright and clear, and you are ahead of everything.

Tang Chengjin and Shan Qinqing listened quietly and kept it in their hearts. Deng Fangzhu understood it even more. She said:"I have memorized the original lyrics of the old man's lyrics. This time I have been inspired again. I am deeply grateful."My third daughter came to"Beiyue Temple" specifically to invite the old man to the paper workshop to give guidance, predict bad luck, and avert danger. How about asking the old man to come over? Zhang

Guolao looked at the distance outside the door intently, and said as if:"Oh, you can resolve the danger by yourself. If you can't, the old man will take care of it naturally." Looking at the face and color, it can be seen that the boss has both courage and potential, and his intelligence is not inferior to others. To turn danger into good fortune, you have to rely on yourself. Those who work hard and have a strong will will be afraid of evil.

Tang Chengjin saluted and said:"Grandpa, the master of our temple is an outstanding woman. She is kind-hearted, hard-working and intelligent. She is afraid of something unexpected, so she has visited the temple three times and asked the Taoist master to come.""

Shan Qinqing also added a few words, thinking that the strength of the crowd would influence Guo Lao, so she went immediately. Then she also gave her a daughter's gift and said with a smile:"Grandpa, for thousands of miles around, it is said that grandpa predicts bad luck. Like a god or an immortal. If there is evil in the paper mill, the elder sister of the mill will tell the girls to work hard to eliminate it. So, how about asking Mr. Lao three times and just wanting to go away once? Guo

Lao took a few steps forward, raised his head and said,"Hey, someone has already come to your paper mill." Deng Shiying was surprised and asked urgently:"Who has been here?" Guo Lao said:"No need to ask, just tell me! When my daughter comes here, it is a fortune-telling, nothing serious." Later, your three daughters came twice, and the Taoist priest has already sent word to me. For this reason, I have made careful calculations and calculated it over and over again. There are no bad omens for your paper shop, and the future is bright but not dark. As long as you carefully understand my unpleasant lyrics, remember them and do them, you will be in good luck. If there is any unexpected evil, just send a message and I will go there to help."

After hearing this, Deng Shiying felt at ease and felt very relieved, so she smiled slightly and said:"Thank you, sir, for your hard work and thumbs up for"Daughter's Paper Shop". The senior's words made the little girl understand and her mind became much more open."As he said this, he gave Tang and Shan a warm look and said,"Why don't you quickly say thank you, grandpa!" The second daughter, together with Deng Shiying, knelt down and thanked him, then said goodbye and drove on the road.

Back to their daughter's paper shop. , and relayed what Mr. Zhang Guo said and the lyrics one by one, so that everyone knew about it. From then on, the girls in the workshop worked more enthusiastically, without caring about it, and they were not afraid of any external rumors or evil affairs.

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