(7) A Beautiful Wife Turns into a Monster

Chapter 40: Doing good will lead to happiness.

Zhang Guolao rode his donkey upside down, crossed mountains and rivers, and sang a love song as he ran. When I went to the country market and saw many people, I sang loudly:

Good people will live long, evil people will die early.

To be safe, a gentleman must first strengthen himself.

If you are greedy for food, you will lose a year's food.

If you fight for a chicken, you will lose a cubit of sheep.

A villain has short ambitions, but a horse has long hair.

I am anxious, but no one knows I am busy.

Earth and rocks can prevent muddy water.

A noble man is injured by wine.

There are thousands of fertile fields, but it is difficult to enter a hundred warehouses.

There are thousands of rooms in the building, and the sleeping chamber is eight feet long.

The hut is poor, but it can be built with pillars.

Those who follow nature will be promoted, and those who go against nature will perish.

Suddenly, I saw a market in front of me, with a bunch of people gathering together and talking. Guo Lao wanted to hear what was going on among the people, so he folded the donkey like paper, put it in a towel box, picked up various items, and walked closer. I heard that everyone in the group was talking very lively, and someone said:

"……That old man Li rescued a baby from the water for free. He saved people many times without leaving his name. He is a good old man."

"Hey, there are many good people in this city. There is Fatty Liu. His wife was burned while fighting a fire in a wine shop and cannot move at home. Fatty Liu served him for twenty years, wiping shit and pissing, and suffered without a single complaint."

"But there are no good men! Huang's house is on a back street, and his wife is sick and can't get out of bed. Huang Laosi had a different idea, sold his family property for silver, abandoned his wife, took the money and his three-year-old son, and left. What a heartless werewolf!"

"There are many strange things and tragic things in the back streets! A man from two families had his fingers cut off by a gambler because he lost money in gambling and had no money to pay off his gambling debts. It was so cruel! There are people in this city who have gambled away their houses and their wives!"

"Bet your wife away? Whose family? Could it be that he gave his wife to the winner of the bet and slept with him in the same bed?!"

"No need to ask anyone! Ergouwa hasn’t seen him for a year, it’s not who he is!"

"This is a complicated matter! The wife that Ergouwa married was his adoptive father's daughter. It was all because of his unscrupulous adoptive father who forced him to get married. The two dogs had a bad temper and once poured leftover vegetable soup on his wife."

Everyone sighed after hearing this.

Zhang Guolao listened in detail and was moved by emotions. He sang the lyrics:

Hitting a stone can produce fire. If you don't hit it, there will be smoke.

Don't learn to gamble on human nature, and only then can you achieve morality and justice.

Don't stay behind when you are a guest. , Don’t move forward when you see an official. If you live by your duty, you will have no worries after all.

If you don’t know the origin of the matter, how can you get troubles?

Gold is not expensive, only contentment is valuable.

A virtuous wife has few troubles, and a son is filial to his father.

A man goes astray. , his wife and children suffered a calamity.

Doing good will bring you the most happiness, but how can you escape if you do evil. I advise you to follow the right path, and your blessings will be boundless.

Everyone felt that his singing was pleasant, and it eliminated their troubles and worries. He came forward happily and surrounded him with smiling faces. A group of guests called He said:"Sir, you are right in your singing, but some people do the opposite. Their nature is hard to change, they cause trouble and cause trouble, and they do harm to others. What can you do?" Another spectator asked:"These days, everyone is different. Sweeping the snow in front of the door, why bother meddling in other people's business. If you want to control it, the more you control it, the more trouble it will cause!"

A farmer said sternly:"If everyone doesn't care about evil things, evil will definitely creep into their own homes! By then, no one can escape. It should be: I wish there were nosy people!"

The other man nodded repeatedly and said,"That's right! If no one is in charge, how can Yejiadu cross the river? Old man Wang has been ferrying and punting there all year round, ferrying people across the river for free. No one admires or praises those who manage such things well."

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