While talking, Ding Ning was waiting patiently when he suddenly saw the door of Bei's house open and his wife being pushed out, and he hurriedly greeted her. Husband and wife have been separated for a long time, and then meet again, with runny noses and tears, pouring out their heartfelt feelings, which is so sad. Shisheng and Yunshi said that they were saved by an immortal, and they all felt extremely grateful and knelt down to worship. Then they held hands and returned home for a reunion.

Besides, Beibei was so frightened that his whole body was shaking with anger. Immediately, the county magistrate Ruan Dafu who sent the woman was scolded severely, and he was convicted of"behaving like a witch and violating the law in governing the county" and ordered to"suspend him from office and reflect". Magistrate Ruan was scolded like a dog, and he was a petty person. He couldn't stand it and couldn't bear his anger. After returning to his mansion, he hanged himself and died.

There is a poem to prove it:

It would be a pity to hang the county magistrate to death, but it would be a pity to bribe someone to kill him.

Snobs strive to reach high places, but only gentlemen desire justice.

Being narrow-minded and seeking short-sightedness, one gets on a pirate ship and harms oneself.

The laws of the Tang Dynasty were very strict, and people who obeyed the laws of the Tang Dynasty violated the deadline of death.

Beibei had already arranged for the general manager to accept generous gifts from various counties, and personally made promises to lower-level officials before sending away the visitors. Beibei carefully looked at the gift list, which was a palm thick stack, put it in a small bag, and threw it under the bed. He then ordered his servants to carry large and small boxes of gold, silver, treasures and gifts into the vault. He also ordered the enslaved servants to continue digging underground to hide the treasury.

How could Sun Wukong and Hua Xiaomei let such corrupt officials go? They wanted to play tricks on the corrupt officials, so they followed and pursued them invisibly. After chasing it to the underground vault, I saw that the vault was very long and many feet deep from the ground. There were ditches for drainage. Many workers were working hard to dig the soil and dig holes into the depths.

But see: the oil lamp illuminates the darkness, and the mud flows like yellow spring water.

The workers worked hard to dig the earth. How long was the hole to hide the money?

Beibei is in a hurry and ignores bad omens or good omens.

Coveting to enjoy wealth for generations, there is an inexhaustible gold treasure chest.

Strangely enough, Sun Dasheng and Hua Xiaomei did not use the punishment technique first, but Beibei encountered a series of great misfortunes.

Legend has it that Beibei was enjoying the delicacies of the mountains and seas in his mansion. Suddenly, he was startled when he heard the chattering of people in the courtyard. When I stretched my head to look,

I saw:

They all had green hair, bloody eyes, red and white fangs.

The ghost's back and waist are very similar, and the appearance is not too bad.

Mr. Bei was angry, thinking that these gangs were so bold and unruly that they dared to break into Bei's house without permission. When the old man sternly ordered the guards to drive away and beat up the monsters who invaded the courtyard, the warriors were so frightened that their legs became weak. It turned out that they had seen the monsters. Seeing the ferocious heads of the group of invaders, Jiji was laughing, and their laughter was different from that of humans. In the blink of an eye, it evaporated in the courtyard and disappeared. Beibei thought the door was not closed, so he sneaked away. Upon further investigation, they found that all four doors were closed and locked, and they all concluded that they had encountered a ghost. The servants in the nursing home talked a lot, saying that it was a group of ghosts who broke into the Bei Mansion without permission.

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