Rumor has it that something weird happened again that night. In Mr. Bei's underground vault, hundreds of boxes of gold, silver, orbs, ingots and other alluring treasures disappeared, disappearing silently and unknowingly. Since the haunting happened during the day, Beibei hasn't slept a wink at all. Heavy troops from several counties were mobilized to strictly guard the house, and the three floors inside and outside the house were tightly surrounded. There was no gap to take advantage of. It was almost like an iron wall.

However, how come so many gold and silver treasures disappeared? Beibei was suspicious that Headless was causing trouble, and felt guilty and frightened, but did not dare to speak out. Then he sent away the construction servants, invited the magician to ward off ghosts, and ordered his servants to hide the treasury underground, set up an incense case, and put flowers and fruits on it. The tribute of three sacrifices is great, and the red candle is burning high. Offer auspicious cakes, hold incense and kowtow, praying to ward off monsters. Follow the mage to exorcise ghosts and attract good luck, hoping to seek good fortune and get back the gold and silver treasures stolen by ghosts.

Legend has it that the mage was chanting incantations, his sword was stabbing in the air, and his Taoist robes were flowing and swaying. Beibei stood aside respectfully, kowtowing from time to time, just hoping to drive away the ghosts quickly. At this moment, underground water gushes out of the large hole in the treasury that is dozens of feet deep. The water flow is getting bigger and bigger, causing rolling waves. In the blink of an eye, like a river or a sea, it quickly washed away the cave, the cave walls collapsed, and both Beibei and the Master were buried in it and died.

There are poems to prove it:

Corrupt officials dig deep holes to hide their money, and troublesome water surges underground.

The fortresses and stone walls have collapsed. I wanted to be rich, but I was poor.

People in the world love money and follow the right path. Don't imitate Beibei and become a dead insect.

Billions of dollars in external possessions are nothing compared to a pure heart.

This matter spread, and everyone in the city and outside knew about it. Many people wondered where all the gold and silver treasures had gone. Some old people told the story of"Mingdu Bank". It is said that there is a money bank in the underworld set up by the underworld underground. The king of hell in the ten palaces of the underworld sends silver-haired ghosts to guard and run the bank. Mr. Bei's underground vault was dug too deep and reached the bank of the underworld, which alarmed the underworld. The Prince of Hell then sent several men, big and small, to collect the gold and silver money that Beibei had accepted as bribes and return it to the general treasury of the Mingdu Bank for freezing. There was a flood, the treasury was wiped out, corrupt officials were drowned, and Bei Bai was taken to the underworld for trial.

Sun Wukong and Hua Xiaomei saw that Beibei had suffered the consequences, and Shisheng and his wife were reunited, so they left side by side. Along the way, Xiao Mei said:"The world is confused. Under the strict and honest government of the Tang Dynasty, there are also corrupt officials who seek money from the dead!" Wukong said:"Corrupt officials make money by bribery. I think that with gold and silver, beauty and wealth, it is like boarding a Heaven. Don’t you know that on the contrary, you ruined yourself and walked into hell." Xiao Mei said:"What the old people say is neither true nor false. In fact, the heart of a corrupt official is the bottomless pit! This black hole is also dug too deep. Go to hell and reach the Yin Division's main bank." Wukong said:""Underworld Bank"? It seems to be there but not at all. A gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way. Don't get unjust wealth, otherwise, you will get disaster and retribution."Xiao Mei said:"Corrupt official! His heart is as high as the sky, his life is as thin as paper. Be careful! The black hole in your heart is dug too deep. One day, it will dig to the gate of hell."

The poem says:

I was trying to make money but I lost it. Money is always greedy for good fortune but brings disaster.

The evil heart of the thief officer is as high as the sky, and he hides his gold and digs it into the hell platform.

Money is all external possessions, and if you are not honest, you will be corrupted.

Birds die for food and become dung, and people die for wealth and cause trouble.

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