On this day, a visitor from Shefu came to visit Bo Sanggen proudly, and borrowed a place of refuge to talk. The passers-by were very courteous, and after giving him the gift, he smiled and said:"Master Bao, I am here to apologize for my humble duty. Don't be offended." Bao Sanggen said coldly:"Last time, I saw that She Pi was the eldest young master of the Dongwang Palace. I wanted to give him a gift. He doesn't want to offend him because of his dignity. The matter has already passed, so there is no need to be polite." Lu Licai said with a sly smile:"Master, the matter has not yet passed." Bao Sang asked sternly:"Why has it not passed?!" The guest looked majestic and said:"Hey! Ever since my eldest young master saw the fairy, he has been fascinated by it. After returning home, he could not eat during the day or sleep at night. He ordered his subordinates to act as lobbyists and buy this common people's inn.. How much gold and silver are needed? Master Bao only needs to quote a price, and he will return to the She Mansion to resume his duties." After Baosanggen fell silent, he said:"She Pi is the eldest young master of the prince's manor, and I cannot afford to offend him. But this property It was my parents who stayed here, so how could I sell them at will? For money, I ruined this big business. Now, with the help of fairies, the business is booming, prosperous, and has a constant flow of customers. The young master no longer dares to be greedy for money and ruin the family business."No matter how much gold and silver I have, I won't sell it! Besides, the fairy is beautiful, and my biggest wish in my later life is to find a companion. Now, I will be content with having a fairy by my side from morning to night," She Pi said. After the guest heard this, he just laughed and made plans in his mind. After hearing Mr. Bao say,"No matter how much gold and silver I have, I won't sell it," he respectfully left.

Mr. Bao is a scholar, with a courtesy name of Xiaocheng. He is twenty years old and has not yet married a woman of his heart. It was also when my father was still alive that he picked things up here and there, and his eyes were spoiled. There were too many girls to marry, no less than a hundred, but he didn't like them all, thinking that his daughter was not beautiful or perfect. Bosangen wanted to find a beautiful fairy, but this fairy could only stabilize his heart and be his companion during the day. At night, she would go up to the wall. Mr. Bao couldn't sleep at night and walked alone in his study, feeling very sad. Suddenly, a woman outside the window said softly:"Sir, brother, please open the door. My sister is coming in." When Baosanggen heard this, he was very excited. He said,"You are the wall sculpture fairy, and you have to come down to do some work tomorrow. I'm sorry, but Xiaosheng is about to fall asleep." The daughter outside smiled and said,"Wrong! I am not a wall sculpture fairy, and I don't dare to be one." The young master said in surprise."Then who are you?" said the daughter,"just look at me and you'll know." Bosangen opened the window and took a look, and was stunned. Seeing that the girl is very beautiful, no one can compare with her, even the wall sculpture fairy is not as beautiful as this girl. Unable to control himself, he involuntarily opened the latch and let his daughter into the house. He was also afraid that the fairy on the wall had changed, so he hurried to look and saw that the fairy on the wall had not come down and was still on the wall, so he was relieved.

Mr. Bao returned to the room and looked at the woman intently. He saw that she was docile and beautiful, and there was nothing like her in the world.But see:

Just like Bao's Xishi standing, the egg white is pure and the jade skin is white.

The soft and tender lotus appearance is naturally the best in the world.

Who doesn't fall in love with her after seeing her? It doesn't matter whether she is a human or a ghost.

To be intoxicated by being born under a fence of flowers is incomparable to mountains of gold and silver.

The young master was suspicious:"You dare to come looking for a man in the middle of the night, and he is so beautiful. He must not be a mortal. I have read many books and listened to many things, so I am afraid he is a female ghost." But he was fascinated by her, They talked and laughed and had a good conversation. Mr. Bao asked:"What is your surname?" The little girl said with a smile:"My surname is Bu. From now on, Mr. Bao, just call me Xiao Bu." Mr. Bao's eyes were filled with desire. It was the stunning woman of his dreams who had arrived. He didn't care about anything. First, regardless of whether she was a human or a ghost, she and Xiaobu made love and affection, and the two slept together that night. Before the fifth watch, when it was almost dawn, the chickens crowed loudly. The woman smiled, got up, dressed, and left happily. From then on, I came at the second watch and left at the fifth watch every day. There was no shortage every day.

Besides, Mr. Bao's sister Bao Sangye is a filial daughter and is determined to keep her parents' mourning for three years. Never think about life-long events within three years. Many people proposed marriage, but all were turned away. I saw that the fairy was diligent and busy from morning to night, never expecting any reward, and attracted many customers. She was full every day, the business was prosperous day by day, and her sister was also satisfied. The fairy took great care of them, and the mulberry-leaf girl felt relieved and slept soundly at night. Who knows that her brother spends the night with a beautiful woman every day? When the rooster crows, the daughter surnamed Bu scares away. Sang Ye suspects that the woman is a ghost.

Mr. Bao was obsessed with the beauty who came at night. As time went by, he decided that Xiao Bu was a human being and not a ghost. But I felt quite dissatisfied, and thought:"I just come and go at night secretly, why not marry me as my wife. We can be together in broad daylight, holding hands, walking side by side on the street, how glorious." So, I regretted a little:"If I agree, Then She Pi sold the inn for money. Firstly, the younger sister would no longer have to work too hard, and she would be able to get married and enjoy happiness by giving her some money. Secondly, the fairy would not be in trouble, and she could buy a beautiful house in a large courtyard. , I just want to enjoy all the glory and wealth with Xiaobu, how leisurely it is. Without being tied up in the inn, the young couple can go sightseeing together, and no one will get in the way."

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