But it was said that Prince She Tuning of the East took his wife to the capital to seek treatment from the imperial doctor and was not allowed to return to Luoyang. None of his daughters could take care of the affairs of the She Mansion, so his only son She Pi was naturally in charge of everything inside and outside. She Pi's appearance was not strange, but his heart was strange.

Exactly: ugly appearance is not ugly, only the soul is ugly.

Rong Mei has a sinister heart and is not as good as a dog.

It's hard to know people's hearts by looking at them, and their actions are based on measurement.

If a villain takes advantage by force, what will he get in the end?

She Pi was even more frightened after the master dissected the cause of the disease. She was unhappy because she had not seen her parents back home for a long time. When his servant Liao Cai saw it, he came forward to salute him and said,"Young Master, why are you so worried?" She Pi said nothing but sighed. This business attracts a lot of money and is nicknamed: Lots of ideas. He really had a lot of ideas. He knew it at a glance and said politely:"Young Master, it must be because of the ghost thing that caused you unhappiness. The Master has solved it, so don't worry about it anymore. Now, there is a great miracle that will surely happen." Solve the young master's heartache." She Pi asked in surprise:"What a miracle?" Di Ziduo smiled and said:"There is a magical thing in the city, saying that a fairy appeared in the Bao family on East Street and could come down from the wall to do things. , to serve the guests. At night, they settled on the wall again, and turned into wall sculptures. The servants didn’t believe it was true, so they went to check it out, and it turned out to be true." She Pi was shocked when he heard this, and said suspiciously:"There is such a strange thing. , I’ve never heard of it, I’m afraid I’m trying to deceive people, I don’t believe it!" The guest said:"Young master, it’s absolutely true, absolutely true. When I heard about it, I didn’t believe it at all. But I went to watch it for three days in a row. Check, it really happened. The servants saw it with their own eyes: The girl is very beautiful. She goes out early and comes back late. She is transformed from a wall sculpture. She looks up and down. If she is not a fairy, what is she?" She Pi jumped up from the chair suddenly. He stood up and said sternly:"Seeing is believing! I went to see it. If it is a lie, why should I be punished?!" Di Diduo gritted his teeth, bowed sternly, and said:"My slave will not tell lies or deceive the young master. If it is If you don't, you will be whipped and chopped into pieces, and you will be punished as you please." She Pi waved his hand and said sternly:"Let's go! I want to see with my own eyes, is there such a great wonder?!" After that, the two of them left the house together..

When we arrived at Bao's"People's Inn" on East Street, it was a lively scene. People were everywhere, bustling with people, and there were no empty seats. Everyone's eyes fell on the magical woman with the wall sculpture.

But see:

The willow eyebrows are curved with a lively expression, and the face of the yin and yang of the heaven and earth is full of moon.

The graceful appearance of jade hides kindness, and the shy mouth and plain skirt are originally immortals.

When several young men in the city saw that She Pi, the eldest young master of the Dongye Mansion, was coming, they all bowed and offered to sit down. Mr. She and Lu Menke also returned the courtesy and sat down to ask. All the young masters rushed to answer, and they all answered the same question as Lu Licai, a visitor around him. She Pi exclaimed:"Ah, I really met a fairy. In the past, I could only dream about it; now, I am right in front of my eyes." The young masters were laughing and sighing at the wind. The fairy was so fast. When she saw the new visitor, her steps were light and graceful. Dancing, smiling like flowers, serving tea to She Pi and the passers-by. The young master couldn't take his eyes away, he was fascinated, and in a moment of excitement, he rushed forward. The fairy daughter suddenly stumbled and walked away quickly. Young Master She missed the opportunity, and all the young gentlemen laughed.

She Pi was helped by the diners to sit down, feeling agitated. Seeing that the scene was too big and there were so many people, it was inconvenient to chase him. He looked left and right, up and down, and forgot to eat or drink. He was fascinated and fascinated, and the tea bowl in his hand fell to the ground. The customer hurriedly shouted: Change the tea again! The visitors were not fairies, but two brothers and sisters from the Bao family. Bao Sanggen and Bao Sangye saw the young master of the prince's palace and hurriedly paid tribute to him. Mr. She asked again to find out what was going on, and the brother and sister responded with the same answer as the other gentlemen. She Pi sternly asked the fairy to wait on her, so the two brothers and sisters went to socialize. In the blink of an eye, the fairy held the tea tray in her jade hands, her colorful flower skirt fluttered, and she danced gracefully. He still has a smile on his face, which is so funny and intoxicating. She Pi stood up in surprise, bowed to sit down, and said:"What a beautiful fairy, please sit down. Please sit down." The fairy said nothing and did not sit with her. She gently put down the tea bowl, bowed well, turned around and left. She Pi was anxious and could not control his infatuation. He was used to being rampant and could not control himself. The mage's warning was forgotten, and he was still as furious as before. He pulled away and chased the fairy, pulling up with both hands, everyone was shocked. The fairy was even more embarrassed. She walked as fast as flying, and in a flash, she flew up the carved wall. The guests did not see the fairy. They only saw the fairy carved on the wide and long wall, but she did not come down. They sighed and talked about this.

But see: the fairy goes up on the wall and becomes the person in the painting.

Customers jostle and jostle to see.

The powerful young man is ahead of the curve to see through.

Zhang San and Li Si, summoned and sighed silently.

The crowd stirred up the water and the sky, and Jade was frightened and ashamed.

In an instant, the guests dispersed in the common people's inn, and it was as empty as a field. The two brothers and sisters of the Bao family knelt in front of the wall sculpture, burned incense and kowtowed, but they did not see the fairy carved on the wall come down. Baosanggen and Baosangye were so sorry that they didn't sleep a wink all night and kept praying in front of the wall sculpture. The gastrodia was bright and it was still the same hour in the sky. The wall sculpture fairy came down from the wall as usual, doing things lively and cooking neatly. The two brothers and sisters couldn't help but praise a few times, but the good fairy daughter laughed it off. Once it was passed on to ten, it was passed on to hundreds. When the neighbors came to see it, the guests came in droves again, and the door was like a market.

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