On this day, She Mansion's road manager was ordered by the young master She Pi to work as a lobbyist again. Avoid the bustle and bustle, and discuss matters in secret with Bosangen. Mr. Bao was particularly affectionate today. He had some encounters with the She Mansion last time, but today he had forgotten all about it. He greeted him with great courtesy and hospitality. With a smile on his face, he bowed and said,"Young Master Lu, you are well. You should look at me with admiration.""There are many ideas:"How do you say this?" Master Bao said:"Master, today you are full of pride and confidence, unlike last time, you have countless things in your heart, so you should look at me with admiration." Master Lu was very happy after hearing this and said :"Now that Mr. Bao has figured it out, there is no need to beat around the bush and get straight to the point. The eldest young master made a bet for this fairy inn and plans to spend ten thousand taels of silver and one hundred taels of platinum to buy it out! What do you think? ?!" Mr. Bao was surprised and thought to himself:"Wow, I thought there were only a few hundred taels of silver and a few taels of gold. Ah, I'm rich! My dream has come true." He said,"After you left last time, Xiaosheng thought about it. I want to go, but I feel that it is inconvenient for Young Master She to offend. Besides, money can make all the difference. With money, why not open another first-class Jinxiu Restaurant and Inn. Firstly, it will help She Mansion, and secondly, it will help my own family. , both are correct." After listening to many ideas, he clapped his thighs and said:"Okay! It's settled!" Mr. Bao gritted his teeth and said:"A gentleman's words are hard to follow." Both parties laughed freely and said goodbye with hand gestures..

The next day, the eldest young master of the She Mansion, She Pi, personally went out to sign the contract with Mr. Bao and delivered the gold and silver in full. Mr. Bao promised to move out in two days and hand over the entire inn to Mr. She.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Bao was counting the money and verifying the amount again when his sister came over. Baosangye looked angry and accused Baosanggen of not selling the inheritance. The brother and sister argued so hard that their necks and faces turned red. Mr. Bao originally planned to give some to his sister, so he dismissed it. During this argument, he blurted out:"Everyone has half!" His sister said sternly:"No! You have misjudged me! I am not a money-grubber!" He refused and turned around to leave.

That night, the beautiful female ghost came to spend the night with Mr. Bao again as usual. Mr. Bao sold the inn and got a huge amount of gold and silver! Tell it from beginning to end. He also confided everything about the new Jinxiu Restaurant and Xiaobu's plans for a happy life. Xiaobu stood up and said angrily:"Young master is wrong! To tell the truth, I came here to make the inn prosperous. I feel sorry for the lonely master, and I would like to keep him company. I didn't expect that you didn't consult with me and acted arbitrarily, but sold the inn Come on!" After that, Xiaobu was very angry, got up and dressed in a hurry, and left in a hurry.

Ringing in the drum tower. When Mr. Bao saw Xiaobu angrily leaving and feeling lonely and sulky, he drank heavily to relieve his pain. After finishing a small jar of wine, he continued to drink, but was so drunk that he fell on the bed and fell unconscious. When he woke up the next day, his sister hurriedly came to report that the lock on the money bank door had been picked off. Mr. Bao's brother and sister went to check and found that all the silver and gold were gone. The brother and sister went to the Yamen to report the crime. The police came to investigate, but there were no clues and the matter was dropped.

After She Pi occupied the inn, he was very pleased with himself. But the wall sculpture fairy is on the wall and cannot come down. In the first few days, customers didn't know it, but there was still business. Later, it became desolate and empty, with no customers. Unexpectedly, the Bao brothers and sisters sued him to the Yamen, and he had to be tried in court. Mr. She also instigated his followers behind his back to make money and give him money, and took care of things behind his back. The judge accepted a bribe and concluded that the accusation was false. She Pi also sent gold, so the judge captured Baosang Ye and put him in prison. He was sentenced to"the evil girl complained first. She had no money to get married, so she stole the gold and silver in the middle of the night, pretending to be early and reported the news to her brother." When confronted in court, Baosang Ye was confronted. Ye Buxin. To rebuke the judge is to give in to the good, to surrender to power, to be afraid of Dongfu, and to create an unjust case. The judge's name was Sha Xingdou. He was related to the Luoyang governor and had an affair. How could he be subjected to such infamy in broad daylight in court? He was so angry that he blew his beard and glared. In anger, he slapped the gavel and ordered:"The criminal openly resisted! He will be punished!"

Bosangye was pulled to kneel on fire bricks and brought to the court, but he was fine and could stand without any injuries. The judge thought that the officer was being disrespectful, so the two officers knelt down and said there was a ghost. Everyone complained, and when they opened their trouser legs, they found that four of their knees had been burnt, and the two of them complained incessantly. Judge Sha Xingdou didn't believe there was a ghost and ordered him to be beaten fifty times in court. The injured soldier retreated, and Baosangye was pushed to the ground by the other two big soldiers, who then beat him hard with weapons. But Baosangye didn't feel any pain at all. He only heard Judge Sha screaming:"Oh - ah - ah - it hurts - wow... why did you hit me!?" He hurriedly shouted:"Wow......There is a ghost...Stop! Stop!" When the judge was in a panic, a beautiful lady rushed into the lobby, pulled up the bosom leaf, saluted the judge, and said sternly:"Interrogator, I am the wall sculpture. Fairy, I came to the court to testify. At night, I witnessed with my own eyes: She Pi of the East Prince personally led people to steal the silver and gold in a car." Judge Sha was afraid of ghosts and gods. He was afraid that this fairy was causing trouble behind his back and he would be injured. suffering. But he had already accepted bribes and was afraid of She Pi from the East Palace, so he dared to disturb Tai Sui. Amidst a"mighty" roar, he said:"You are not human! You don't understand the major cases in the world. She Pi is an upright son of the East Palace. I know best. How can I falsely accuse a gentleman! It is clearly a villain who committed evil. This case is a 'suspicious case' There is no evidence, so let him go for the time being. Go back and wait for my officer to send someone to investigate carefully." After that, it ended without any settlement.

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