War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1924 - There’s No Need For That!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Seek revenge?" Gu Long was stunned when he heard Gu Chun's words. He pushed Gu Chun away before he asked in his deep voice, "Little Chun, what happened? Is your Innate Spiritual Root really gone?"

"Brother, it's true… My Innate Spiritual Root is really gone!" Gu Chun said with a sorrowful expression. Gu Long felt his heart ached when he heard this.

"How can an Innate Spiritual Root disappear just like that? You even told me to seek revenge for you? Seek revenge from who?" Gu Long asked with a frown. He was puzzled.

According to the Bronze Flame Elder, even his cousin did not know why or how his Innate Spiritual Root had disappeared. If that was the case, who did Gu Chun want him to seek revenge from?

"Brother, I suspect my Innate Spiritual Root is destroyed by Duan Ling Tian! However I have no proof, and I'm not completely sure that he's the culprit! If it's not him, then I don't know why my Innate Spiritual Root would disappear for no reason!" Gu Chun said in response to Gu Long's questions. He told Gu Long about his dispute with Duan Ling Tian and all the things that had happened whenever he encountered him.

"I think he's the biggest suspect. I have a strong feeling he has something to do with the disappearance of my Innate Spiritual Root!" Gu Chun said through clenched teeth. His expression was fierce as he fisted his hands tightly.

"He cast his Territory and blocked everyone's sights? Based on what you said, it seems highly likely that he has something to do with the disappearance of your Innate Spiritual Root!" Gu Long's eyes flashed coldly. After he thought about it for a while, he said, "He must have mastered some secret technique that can destroy someone's Innate Spiritual Root without harming that person's soul. However, in everyone's opinion, it's impossible for a Saint Celestial Stage powerhouse to destroy a person's Innate without harming that person's soul, let alone someone like Duan Ling Tian. This is why nobody suspects him at all!" A terrifying killing intent rose from Gu Long's body when he finished speaking.

If Duan Ling Tian was here, he would have been shocked by Gu Long's words. Although Gu Long's words were not entirely correct, it was still quite close to the truth.

"It's highly likely that's what had happened. However, a month ago, I didn't dare to swear on the lightning penalty oath because I'm not 100% certain. I didn't dare to take the risk. I was afraid I would be killed by the lightning penalty if he really has nothing to do with the disappearance of my Innate Spiritual Root. Brother. Am I weak? Are you disappointed in me?" Gu Chun was like a child in front of Gu Long.

"No! You're not weak, Little Chun. You're just being careful. You did well, Little Chun!" Gu Long shook his head when he heard Gu Chun's words.

His eyes flashed fiercely as though he was about to kill someone. Naturally, it was not directed at Gu Chun. It was directed at Duan Ling Tian whom he had not even met yet.

"Brother, I want Duan Ling Tian dead!" Gu Long's arrival had pulled Gu Chun out of his despair. His eyes glinted with killing intent. His expression turned ugly when he thought about Duan Ling Tian whom he regarded as his mortal enemy.

"Don't worry, I won't let him live!" Gu Long said as he changed into the exclusive uniform of Black Turtle Sanctum's disciple that the Bronze Flame Elder had given him.

Now that he had worn the uniform, he had officially become a disciple of the Fire Worship Sect. To be more precise, he had become a Black Turtle Sanctum's disciple in the Fire Worship Sect.

"Brother, the rules in the Fire Worship Sect are very strict so we must come up with a method that won't violate the rules when we deal with Duan Ling Tian. It's not worth it to sacrifice ourselves just to seek revenge from him," Gu Chun said coldly after he took a deep breath.

"There's no need for that!" Gu Long rejected his words immediately in a tone that brooked no argument when he heard Gu Chun's words.

When Gu Long saw Gu Chun had fallen into a daze when he saw how vehemently he had refused him, he explained, "Little Chun, don't forget that I have a blue Innate Spiritual Root. Even if I break the rules and kill Duan Ling Tian, do you really think the sect is going to punish me for the sake of an ordinary disciple with a yellow Innate Spiritual Root?"

"Of course not!" Gu Chun shook his head without any hesitation.

What a joke!

A genius with a blue Innate Spiritual Root was not someone with a yellow Innate Spiritual Root could compare to. Even if the former killed the latter, the Fire Worship Sect would not harshly punish the former since they needed more geniuses in the sect.

A genius with a blue Innate Spiritual Root would definitely become a Saint Celestial Stage powerhouse in the future. It would be easy for him to become a Silver Flame Elder or even a Golden Flame Elder.

Among the Golden Flame Elders in the Fire Worship Sect, there were currently three Golden Flame Elders who possessed blue Innate Spiritual Roots.

Would the Fire Worship Sect kill a soon-to-be Silver Flame Elder or possibly a Golden Flame Elder for the sake of an ordinary disciple with a yellow Innate Spiritual Root?

Of course not.

"If I kill Duan Ling Tian without wearing the uniform of the Black Turtle Sanctum's disciples, it would be different since it can be considered as an outsider provoking the Fire Worship Sect. They'll definitely not let me go. However, now that I'm a disciple of the Black Turtle Sanctum, I'll just be killing a fellow disciple. At the most, they'll give me a slap on the wrist. If I show them my strength, it's certain that they wouldn't do anything to me. Especially not for someone like Duan Ling Tian!" Gu Long said confidently.

"Little Chun, which Tertius house is Duan Ling Tian staying in?!" Gu Long said he rose up into the air. His eyes looked fierce as he looked at the thousands of Tertius houses in the surroundings.

"He's also a Black Turtle Sanctum's disciple?" Although some of the Black Turtle Sanctum did not hear Gu Chun and Gu Long's conversation, they could tell they had a close relationship. Moreover, they could see Gu Long was also dressed in the Black Turtle Sanctum's uniform.

"I've never seen him before!"

"Don't tell me he has just arrived in the Fire Worship Sect?"

"He just arrived? Then he must be a martial genius. Only geniuses with blue Innate Spiritual Roots or higher are allowed to enter the Fire Worship Sect at any time!"

"Could it be that this person possesses the blue Innate Spiritual Root?"

The Black Turtle Sanctum's disciple began to discuss among themselves as they trained their burning gazes on Gu Long who was hovering in the air.

They could clearly sense the killing intent Gu Long emitted.

"What's he trying to do?!" Many of the Black Turtle Sanctum's disciples shuddered when they felt his killing intent.

"Brother, it's that one!" The Black Turtle Sanctum's disciples present on the scene heard Gu Chun's voice. They saw him rising up into the air as well as he pointed a finger at a Tertius house in the distance.

"Doesn't that Tertius house belong to Duan Ling Tian?" Many people knew the Tertius house Gu Chun was pointing at belonged to Duan Ling Tian. They instantly figured out what was going on. It was obvious Gu Long's killing intent was directed at Duan Ling Tian.

"I heard Gu Chun calling him brother."

"He's Gu Chun's brother?"

Many people began to focus on the way Gu Chun addressed Gu Long. It caused an uproar among the disciples. It did not occur to them that this newcomer was Gu Chun's brother.

No matter how they guessed earlier, it did not occur to any of them that this person was actually Gu Chun's brother.

At the same time, a figure appeared inside the Tertius house that Gu Chun was pointing at. Duan Ling Tian had just exited the Seven Treasures Pagoda.

"Elder Huo said that somebody has malicious intent toward me outside?" Duan Ling Tian had stopped cultivating and left the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda because Elder Huo had alerted him of someone who was coming with malicious intent.

He left the Tertius house immediately after he put away the Seven Treasure Exquisite Pagoda.

The instant he went out, he instantly felt two fierce gazes filled with killing intent that was trained on him.

'Is it Gu Chun and Li An again?' Duan Ling Tian thought to himself before he turned to look at them.

When he raised his head to look at the owners of the eyes, he discovered that apart of Gu Chun, there was another person whom he did not recognize standing next to him. It was clearly not Li An. It was a Black Turtle Sanctum's disciple who carried a long saber behind him.

At this moment, he could feel the killing intent from that person. It was obvious that person's target was him.

"Who's he?" Duan Ling Tian was puzzled when he saw the Black Turtle Sanctum's disciple standing next to Gu Chun.

"Brother, that's him!" At the same time, Duan Ling Tian heard Gu Chun's furious voice as he spoke to the Black Turtle Sanctum's disciple who was carrying a long saber.

"Gu Chun's Brother?" Duan Ling Tian finally figured out what was happening.

As it turned out, this Black Turtle Sanctum's disciple was Gu Chun's brother. No wonder he was targeted by him.

"I didn't know Gu Chun's brother is also in the Black Turtle Sanctum?" Duan Ling Tian thought Gu Chun's brother had been in the Black Turtle Sanctum for some time. It did not occur to him that Gu Long had only just arrived at the Black Turtle Sanctum today.

It did not even cross his mind that Gu Long was a genius who possessed a blue Innate Spiritual Root.

"You're Duan Ling Tian?" Gu Long asked in a cold voice as soon as Gu Chun finished speaking.

"So what if I am?" Duan Ling Tian did not bother with being polite since he knew they came with ill intention.

"You're really impudent!" Gu Long said with a grave expression. At the same time, he raised his hand and unsheathed the long saber behind him. "I'd like to see if you have to ability to act so impudent!"

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