War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1923 - Seeking Revenge For Me!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the Upper Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land, the was an iron-clad law that everyone knew about. Those with blue Innate Spiritual Roots or higher would be able to enter the Saint Celestial Stage as long as they were determined enough!

The Saint Celestial Stage was the highest stage in the Dao Martial Saint Land.

A Saint Celestial Stage powerhouse would stand on the summit of the Dao Martial Saint Land, looking down on the entire world!

"Brother Gu Long, according to our Fire Worship Sect's rule, those who possess blue Innate Spiritual Root or higher will be able to enter the sect without any assessment. You'll have to stay in one of the Four Symbols Sanctum for the time being!" The Bronze Flame Elder became a lot friendlier when he discovered Gu Long had a blue Innate Spiritual Root.

He even said, "Our Black Turtle Sanctum is one of the Four Symbols Sanctums. The number one defensive Divine Ability, the Black Turtle's Barrier, is located in our Black Turtle Sanctum! Why don't you stay in the Black Turtle Sanctum for now, Brother Gu Long?" He looked at Gu Long anticipatorily when he finished speaking. He hoped Gu Long would stay in the Black Turtle Sanctum.

If Gu Long stayed in the Black Turtle Sanctum, he could then recommend this genius with a blue Innate Spiritual Root to the Sanctum Leader of Black Turtle Sanctum.

He believed the Sanctum Leader of Black Turtle Sanctum would be interested to take Gu Long as his direct disciple! He would receive many benefits if the Sanctum Leader was happy with him.

"I'll stay in whichever Sanctum my cousin is staying in!" Gu Long said indifferently and ignored the Bronze Flame Elder's words.

He was a genius with a blue Innate Spiritual Root and had great potential. His achievement in the future would surpass this Bronze Flame Elder. For this reason, he acted very casually in front of the Bronze Flame Elder.

The Bronze Flame Elder thought Gu Long would agree to his suggestions when he heard Gu Long's words. He was puzzled. Then, he asked, "May I know who your cousin is, Brother Gu Long?"

"He's called Gu Chun and has a green Innate Spiritual Root. He came to participate in the assessment to enter the Four Symbols Sanctums in the Fire Worship Sect about two months ago. If everything went well, he should be a disciple of one of your Silver Flame Elder. The reason I came to the Fire Worship Sect is also to become a disciple of the Silver Flame Elder," Gu Long said. When he spoke about Gu Chun, there was a hint of affection in his eyes.

Several months ago, Gu Long and Gu Chun had made a pact to be disciples under the same master before they came to the Fire Worship Sect.

In order to take care of his cousin, Gu Chun, Gu Long was even willing to give up the chance of becoming a disciple of a Golden Flame Elder.

He had told Gu Chun to look for a Silver Flame Elder to become his master after he entered the Fire Worship Sect's Four Symbols Sanctums. If that Silver Flame Elder did not want to accept him as a disciple, he could use his name instead.

Gu Long believed that as long as he was willing to become the disciple of any Fire Worship Sect's Silver Flame Elder, that Silver Flame Elder would definitely take Gu Chun in as a disciple for his sake.

He was confident because of the blue Innate Spiritual Root he possessed!

His blue Innate Spiritual Root was his trump card. No Silver Flame Elder would be able to reject it.

"Y-You are Gu Chun's cousin?" Upon hearing Gu Long's words, the Bronze Flame Elder could not help but stare at him. He had a shocked expression on his face as though there was something he knew.

Naturally, he had heard of Gu Chun. Their Fire Worship Sect's Four Symbols Sanctums would recruit disciples from outside every three years. The recent one was held less than two months ago.

Among all the Silver Flame Elders in the Black Turtle Sanctum, Li An was the only one who accepted a disciple.

All the Bronze Flame Elders found this strange. Elder Li An was the First Silver Flame Elder in the Black Turtle Sanctum, and he had very high standards. He had accepted three disciples before, and they all had blue Innate Spiritual Roots.

When they learned that Li An had taken Gu Chun who had a green Innate Spiritual Root as a disciple, they were confused. They could not figure out why Li An's requirement seemed to have dropped.

Now that he had met Gu Long and heard his words, he finally figured out the answer.

'No wonder, no wonder… No wonder Elder Li An took Gu Chun as his disciple! As it turns out, it's all because of Gu Long,' the Bronze Flame Elder thought to himself.

Gu Long was a martial genius with a blue Innate Spiritual Root. If he was willing to become Li An's disciple, Li An would definitely not hesitate to take Gu Chun as his disciple as well.

The Bronze Flame Elder sighed softly in disappointment. It seemed like there was no way for him to recommend this person to the Sanctum Leader of Black Turtle Sanctum.

Perhaps, Lord Sanctum Leader would be interested in a martial genius with a blue Innate Spiritual Root. However, he would not stoop so low as to fight over someone with his subordinate. Not unless it was some monstrous genius with an indigo Innate Spiritual Root!

However, a monstrous genius with an indigo Innate Spiritual Root was someone that even the people in the Fire Worship Sect's Saint Land would be interested in. For that reason, he would not be so presumptuous to take him as a disciple.

"Why? Do you know my cousin, Elder?" Gu Long asked with a glint in his eyes when he heard the Bronze Flame Elder's words and saw the shocked expression on his face.

"Yes." The Bronze Flame Elder nodded. "Your cousin is under the command of First Silver Flame Elder Li An of our Black Turtle Sanctum."

"Elder Li An? The First Silver Flame Elder of the Black Turtle Sanctum?" Gu Li nodded in approval when he heard this.

It seemed like his cousin had quite good judgment. He managed to become the disciple of the First Silver Flame Elder of the Black Turtle Sanctum.

"However, your cousin's current condition is not very good…" The Bronze Flame Elder added. When he reached the end of his sentence, he cast a wary glance at Gu Long.

The incident that happened a month ago did not only spread in the Black Turtle Sanctum, but it had spread to the other Sanctums and the Saint Land as well!

The news of Gu Chun, the recent disciple that First Silver Flame Elder Li An had accepted, losing his Innate Spiritual Root had spread. Mysteriously, although his Innate Spiritual Root had vanished, his soul was perfectly well.

This was a feat that even a Saint Celestial Stage powerhouse at the Ninth Form could not do.

For this reason, ever since a month ago, this incident remained unsolved, and Gu Chun's name had spread far and wide in the Fire Worship Sect.

Naturally, if Gu Chun had a choice, he did not want this fame at all. The cost of fame was too steep.

Now that he no longer had an Innate Spiritual Root, it was impossible for his cultivation base to progress. It would remain stagnant for the rest of his life. His life was ruined.

"What happened to my cousin?!" Gu Long knew something had happened to his cousin when he heard the Bronze Flame Elder's words. Horror dawned on him immediately.

Gu Chun might only be his cousin, but to Gu Long, he was even more important than his own brother.

He had lost his parents when he was young. It was Gu Chun's parents who had taken him in and raised him. Moreover, Gu Chun's father had died to save him from an accident.

Ever since then, he had become a father and brother to Gu Chun. It was only natural for him to panic when he found out that something had happened to Gu Chun.

"I'll send you to the residence of the Black Turtle Sanctum's disciples. I'll tell you about what happened to Gu Chun as we make our way there." The Bronze Flame Elder dismissed the others as he brought Gu Long to the east of the Black Turtle Sanctum where the Black Turtle Sanctum's disciples lived.

"This is the uniform of the Black Turtle Sanctum's disciples." During their journey, the Bronze Flame Elder gave Gu Long the exclusive uniform of a Black Turtle Sanctum's disciple.

"Elder, what happened to my cousin?" Gu Long's eyes did not leave the Bronze Flame Elder even when he took the uniform. A worried expression could be seen on his face.

"His Innate Spiritual Root is gone!" The Bronze Flame Elder answered with a sigh.

His Innate Spiritual Root was gone!

When Gu Long heard the Bronze Flame Elder's words, he felt as though he had been struck by lightning. His expression turned grave immediately, and his eyes turned red. An oppressive aura began to rise from his body.

"His Innate Spiritual Root is gone?" After a long while, Gu Long asked in a hoarse voice. His tone was cold. "What is going on? How can his Innate Spiritual Root disappear just like that? Who did it?!"

Gu Long knew very well what it meant to lose one's Innate Spiritual Root. He could imagine his cousin's despair.

"I don't know the details of what happened. Even Gu Chun isn't sure," the Bronze Flame Elder said wryly when he heard Gu Long's words.

"He's not sure as well?" Gu Long was baffled. The oppressive aura began to dissipate as well.

Initially, he thought someone had destroyed his cousin's Innate Spiritual Root. That was why he was so furious. However, now that he heard even his cousin was not sure of what had happened, he felt a sense of helplessness.

Under the guidance of the Bronze Flame Elder, Gu Long finally arrived at the residence of the Black Turtle Sanctum's disciples.

After he located the Tertius house Gu Chun was staying in with the help of a Black Turtle Sanctum's disciple, the Bronze Flame Elder left after bidding goodbye to Gu Long.

Meanwhile, Gu Long descended from the sky and made his way to the Tertius house.

"Who's he?"

"He looks unfamiliar… The Bronze Flame Elder just brought him here."

"It seems like he's looking for Gu Chun."

Gu Long's appearance naturally attracted many of the Black Turtle Sanctum's disciples.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Gu Long knocked on the door before it finally opened.

"Brother!" When Gu Chun opened the door and saw Gu Long, his originally pale face brightened immediately. It was as though he had just seen his life savior. He jumped forward excitedly and hugged Gu Long. He did not let go for a long time.

"Brother! You must help me! You must seek revenge for me!" Before Gu Long could say anything, Gu Chun had already spoken. His voice was agitated when he spoke.

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