War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1731 - Divine Saint Stage, Divine Ability!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Yes, I heard it." Faced with Huang Tong's question, Duan Ling Tian nodded indifferently. In fact, he could not be bothered with the matter at all.

"You're stronger than my younger brother, but you don't have the manner a powerhouse should have and humiliated my brother in such a way. Don't you think you've crossed the line?" Huang Tong asked with a grave expression.

"Crossed the line?" Duan Ling Tian smiled. "You say that I've crossed the line. However, are you aware that your brother intended to break into my residence and interrupt my cultivation? When he saw me came out, he continuously provoked me and even issued me a challenge… What would you do if you were in my position? Be patient? Tell him I'm stronger so that he can retreat in the face of difficulties?" Duan Ling Tian revealed the details of what had happened.

In fact, Huang Tong had already known about what had actually transpired, and his brother was the one at fault. Otherwise, he would not have been so 'polite' with his words after learning that the person before him was Ling Tian.

Although Huang Tong might be aware of all the details, this did not mean the group of disciples on patrol was aware of it. The look in their eyes immediately began to turn strange.

They only knew that Huang Tong's younger brother, Huang Ji's hair was shaved, but they did not know he was the one to blame for this outcome.

Huang Tong took a deep breath before asking in a tone that was bordering on interrogative, "My younger brother is indeed in the wrong. However, don't you think you went too far by treating him that way in front of so many people? How's he going to face the others in the future?"

"I don't think I went too far," Duan Ling Tian continued to reply indifferently, "It's a good thing we were in Mystical Sky Mansion. Otherwise, if he had dared to break into my residence outside to disturb my cultivation, he would've died if not crippled!" When Duan Ling Tian reached the end of his sentence, his eyes gleamed ruthlessly.

He was not a kind person by nature. In his opinion, he had already shown mercy to Huang Ji, and the incident had already passed as well. However, someone was bringing up the incident again to look for trouble with him. This was undoubtedly a blatant provocation.

"YOU!" Huang Tong did not expect Duan Ling Tian to be so extreme. Faced with Duan Ling Tian's lack of courtesy, his expression turned grave, and his eyes were gleaming with anger as though it would be able to burn anything.

"Senior Brother Huang Tong!" When the group of disciples on patrol saw how both of them were on the verge of fighting, they began to panic immediately. They quickly stopped Huang Tong and advised him.

What a joke!

If one were to investigate this incident, Ling Tian was definitely in the right!

Even if Ling Tian was proven to be at fault, Huang Tong would still be the one punished in the end.

With Ling Tian's high innate talent and prowess, he would definitely be the pillar of Mystical Sky Mansion in the future when he grew stronger. It was not impossible for him to become the next Mansion Master of the Mystical Sky Mansion as well.

Let alone the future, currently, the Palace Master of Heaven Palace must have already learned about Ling Tian's deeds. Moreover, even the Mansion Master of their Mystical Sky Mansion might already be paying attention to Ling Tian. After all, his high innate talent and strength that he had displayed after coming to the Mystical Sky Mansion were just too shocking.

In terms of prowess, he was already on par with the strong disciples at the Mastery Refined Saint Stage in the Heaven Palace. This alone was enough to prove his strength was at least at the Mastery Refined Saint Stage and close to the peak of the Refined Saint Stage.

Most importantly, he was not even 40 years old yet!

There were only a few Mastery Refined Saint Stage powerhouses who were below the age of forty in the history of Mystical Sky Mansion. Moreover, even those people were not as monstrous as he was.

In terms of innate talent, it had only taken him twenty days to finish absorbing the Heaven and Earth Spirit Energy inside the Heaven Palace's Spirit Pool. After all, the more powerful one's innate talent was, the faster the cultivation speed would be. Due to this reason, the speed of absorbing the Heaven and Earth Spirit Energy would also be fast as well.

Based on the Heaven Palace's Spirit Pool's incident, one could see Ling Tian's innate talent was monstrously high. This was enough to shock the entire Mystical Sky Mansion.

Even the group of disciples on patrol could think of this, how could Huang Tong have not thought about this as well?

Due to everyone's persuasion, he began to calm down after glancing at Duan Ling Tian indifferently and left with the others.

However, before he left, Duan Ling Tian did not miss the piercing gleam that flashed across his eyes. Still, Duan Ling Tian was not concerned since he did not take Huang Tong seriously at all.

After entering the Mystical Sky Mansion's suspended island, Duan Ling Tian was blocked once again. This time, the person who stopped him was a disciple guarding the suspended island.

"You're Ling Tian from Heaven Palace?" When the disciple on guard duty was helping Duan Ling Tian to register, he flipped the token over and saw the two words 'Ling Tian' carved on the back. He was instantly shocked.

Perhaps, Ling Tian from the Heaven Palace had only just joined the Mystical Sky Mansion not too long ago. However, his name was like a bolt of lightning to them.

The person who had risen to fame recently in the Mystical Sky Mansion was none other than Duan Ling Tian.

"Yes." Duan Ling Tian smiled as he nodded.

When the disciple on guard duty saw his smile, he felt refreshed immediately. His impression toward Duan Ling Tian rose as well. "Junior Brother Ling Tian, I've finished with your registration. Since you're not a disciple on the Mystical Sky Ranking, you can only stay in the Main Mansion a month at the most. Before you leave, you'll have to come here and register again."

"Thank you, Senior Brother." Duan Ling Tian quickly thanked the disciple on duty after he took back his personal token.

"Junior Brother Ling Tian, please take this jade token. The rules and warnings of entering the Main Mansion are recorded in it. There's a list of forbidden places as well where you won't be allowed to enter," the disciple on guard duty said kindly as he took a jade token out before passing it to Duan Ling Tian.

After taking the jade token, Duan Ling Tian expressed his gratitude again before he left.

When the disciple on guard duty looked at Duan Ling Tian's disappearing silhouette, he could not help but sigh emotionally. "This Junior Brother Ling Tian possesses such high innate talent and is so strong, but he's not arrogant at all. How rare!"

Another disciple on guard duty chimed in, "That's right! The original few young geniuses in our Mystical Sky Mansion are far from being comparable to him… Put aside the fact that their innate talent and strength are not as good as Junior Brother Ling Tian, their conduct is not as good as Junior Brother Ling Tian as well!"

Even Duan Ling Tian was unaware that he had given such a good impression to other people.

At this moment, he was browsing through the content inside the jade token. Soon after, he learned about the forbidden places and the places he was allowed to enter in the Main Mansion.

The Main Mansion was an island suspended in the air. The clouds above were foggy, making it look like a fairyland.

Along the way, Duan Ling Tian could see richly decorated jade palaces and a few scattered figures. Some were disciples on patrol from the Main Mansion, and some were high-ranking officials and disciples cultivating in the Main Mansion.

Duan Ling Tian did not forget his main intention of coming to the Main Mansion. He headed to the library immediately as soon as he arrived.

There were many records and books that were passed down since the founding of Mystical Sky Mansion in the ancient time. These were called master copies.

As for those other identical copies stored in the Heaven, Earth, Mystical, and Yellow Palaces, they were all rubbing editions.

Due to the fact that the library only stored some books with all kinds of miscellaneous information without any cultivation or martial tactics, the surveillance here was not that strict either. Duan Ling Tian only needed to register before entering.

After he had entered the library, rows and rows of bookshelves of different heights, arranged meticulously, entered his sight.

"So many books… How long will I take in order to finish reading all of them?" When Duan Ling Tian saw the huge pile of books in the bookshelves, he could not help but click his tongue. "I only have a month, so I'll have to be selective."

The reason Duan Ling Tian came to the library was to learn about powerhouses who had surpassed the Eminent Saint Stage in the Dao Martial Saint Land. He did not know much about these powerhouses. Naturally, this was because there were rarely people at this stage at the places he had been.

It was different now since he had come to the Mystical Sky Mansion. The Mystical Sky Mansion was a force that stood at the top of the Lower Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land. He could learn about many things here that he could not elsewhere.

'I'll just take my time… One month should be enough time for me…' The moment Duan Ling Tian thought of this, he began to browse through the books in the library. He merely glanced through books he was not interested in before putting them back since he had no time to waste on them.

As he continued to immerse himself in reading, the world after the Eminent Saint Stage began to open its door to Duan Ling Tian.

'After the Eminent Saint Stage is the Divine Saint Stage! Once I make a breakthrough to the Divine Saint Stage, I'll be able to use the Divine Ability… For instance, a Divine Saint Stage Dao Cultivator would be able to cast the Duplicated Embodiment Divine Ability. He can attach the Divine Ability on some item, and once someone activates the item, the Dao Cultivator's Duplicated Embodiment would materialize. However, this Duplicated Embodiment can only protect someone, it's useless to oneself.' When Duan Ling Tian saw the entry about the Divine Ability, he immediately thought about his Golden Crow's Wings. According to Elder Huo, he had now consolidated the embryonic form of the Golden Crow's Wings. As long as he made further progress, he would be able to use the Divine Ability, the Golden Crow's Wings, when he entered the Eminent Saint Stage.

The Golden Crow's Wings was a Divine Ability.

"Elder Huo!" The moment Duan Ling Tian thought of this, he could not help but awaken Elder Huo who was in the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, "I've learned from these books that only someone who's at the Divine Saint Stage or above can master the Divine Ability in the Dao Martial Saint Land. Previously, you told me I'll be able to master the Divine Ability, the Golden Crow's Wings, the moment I break through to the Eminent Saint Stage. Is this true?"

"Of course, it's true!" Elder Huo replied, "Don't forget the True Origin flowing inside your body is not an ordinary True Origin but the Sun True Origin. You're now at the Early Refined Saint Stage, but your Sun True Origin's force is comparable to the True Origin of an ordinary Eminent Saint Stage powerhouse. Once you've made it to the Eminent Saint Stage, your Sun True Origin will, naturally, be comparable to a Divine Saint Stage powerhouse's prowess. Divine Ability relies on the strength of the caster. Do you understand my explanation?" Elder Huo asked.

"Yes, I do now," Duan Ling Tian nodded. He would have no excuse if he still could not understand it by now.

The Divine Ability relied on the strength of the caster.

An ordinary Martial, Dao and Devil Cultivator would only be able to cast the Divine Ability when they reached the Divine Saint Stage.

He, Duan Ling Tian, on the other hand, would have strength that was comparable to a Divine Saint Stage powerhouse when he reached the Eminent Saint Stage. Due to this reason, it would not be a problem for him to cast the Divine Ability.

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