War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1730 - Main Mansion

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Wang Fei Xuan remembered it very well.

Twenty days ago, she had followed Ling Tian to the Spirit Pool. Naturally, she was only allowed outside. Ling Tian was the only who was allowed to enter the Spirit Pool.

She had also enquired about the Mystical Sky Mansion's Spirit Pool before. There was a total of four Spirit Pools in the Mystical Sky Mansion. Among the four, the one in Heaven Palace was the best.

However, even if it was the Heaven Palace's Spirit Pool, it would take an ordinary person about two months before he or she could completely finish absorbing all the Heaven and Earth Spirit Energy inside. Those whose innate talent was higher would take at least a month and a half.

However, Ling Tian was only in there for twenty days before he came out. 'Don't tell me he came out before he finished absorbing the Heaven and Earth Spirit Energy?'

The moment this thought appeared in Wang Fei Xuan's mind, she immediately dismissed it.

Indeed, it was a rarity to be able to enter the Spirit Pool, and there was no time limit either. Not only was the opening of the Saint Martial Secret Zone still far away, but only an idiot would rush out of the Spirit Pool.

Was Ling Tian an idiot?

Wang Fei Xuan quickly dismissed this possibility.

'I don't care. I'll just go and ask him.' The moment she thought of this, she left her residence and went to find Duan Ling Tian.

However, when she arrived at Duan Ling Tian's residence, she noticed that he was not there. It was as though he had hidden beforehand, causing her to be so furious she could only stomp her feet. "That damn fellow! How did he hide so quickly? Does he really think I won't be able to find him just because he's hiding?"

It was a good thing Duan Ling Tian did not see this. Otherwise, he would be rendered speechless.

Today, he had intended to research and comprehend the Sovereign Heart Sword, but due to the fact that he had just broken through to the Refined Saint Stage, it was difficult to suppress his excitement, causing his mind to not be in a state of peace.

Due to this reason, he gave up comprehending the Sovereign Heart Sword for the time being and went to the library in the Mystical Sky Mansion instead.

The Mystical Sky Mansion's library was split into five branches.

Each of the Heaven, Earth, Mystical, and Yellow Palaces had one. There was also one located in the suspended island above the four palaces. That library was also the biggest library in the Mystical Sky Mansion with books on every subject and all kinds of nature. Other than some secret records of the Mystical Sky Mansion, everything a force like the Mystical Sky Mansion knew about was there.

Duan Ling Tian wanted to read more about the things that he did not know. The library on the suspended island was undoubtedly the best choice for him.

Apart from being the residences of high-ranking officials, the suspended island was also filled with outstanding Mystical Sky Mansion's disciples. As long as one could enter the Mystical Sky Rankings set by the Mystical Sky Mansion, one would be able to obtain a spot on the suspended island and an exclusive cultivation place.

Usually, those who made it to the Mystical Sky Rankings were those who were at the Eminent Saint Stage or above.

There was usually no Eminent Saint Stage powerhouse in a sixth-rate force, and they were usually high-ranking officials in a fifth-rate force.

In a fourth-rate force, they would be given a position even though the position would not be very high.

However, if they were in a quasi third-rate force, they were no longer considered special since there were many powerhouses who had exceeded the Eminent Saint Stage in quasi third-rate forces. Some of the outstanding disciples would break through to the Eminent Saint Stage without fail as well when they had reached a certain age.

For this reason, Eminent Saint Stage was basically nothing in a quasi third-rate force like the Mystical Sky Mansion.

"Apart from those on the Mystical Sky Rankings, every Mystical Sky Mansion's disciple would only be allowed to enter the Main Mansion once every three months!" The Main Mansion was the suspended island located in the middle of the Mystical Sky Mansion's estate.

This time, Duan Ling Tian planned to use the opportunity every three months to enter the Main Mansion's library to increase his knowledge. He was not tempted at all by the other things in the Main Mansion.

The Main Mansion had a better cultivation environment, and that was about it.

The cultivation environment in his Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda was far better than the Mystical Sky Mansion's Main Mansion. Due to this reason, it was not important to Duan Ling Tian whether he entered the Main Mansion or not.


Along with the sound of wind whistling, a ghost-like figure approached the suspended island on the Mystical Sky Mansion's estate.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

However, before this figure managed to get close to the suspended island, he was instantly blocked by a few figures. The owners of these figures were uniformly dressed Mystical Sky Mansion's disciples.

In the Mystical Sky Mansion, only a disciple on duty was allowed to wear the uniform. Ordinary disciples only needed to bring along their personal tokens.

"You're a Heaven Palace's disciple?" The group of Mystical Sky Mansion's disciples who appeared swiftly were disciples on patrol. A middle-aged man was obviously the leader. His piercing gaze swept over the visitor's body to the personal token hanging on the waist of the visitor. The word 'Heaven' was carved on the personal token.

"I'm Ling Tian, a Heaven Palace's disciple. Good day to all of you, Senior Brothers." The visitor was none other than Duan Ling Tian who had come from the Heaven Palace.

Faced with the group of disciples on patrol, Duan Ling Tian smiled as greeted them, "The purpose of my trip this time is to go to the library in the Main Mansion."

"Ling Tian?" However, the group of disciples on patrol did not seem to hear the second half of his sentence. Their attention was focused on the first half of his sentence.

Ling Tian!

They were no stranger to this name. Moreover, this name had shocked them twice!

Ling Tian was a new disciple who had just entered the Mystical Sky Mansion, the Heaven Palace. When he first entered the Heaven Palace, he immediately came to a draw with Guo Lu, the Heaven Palace's disciple whose strength was ranked in the top three among all Mastery Refined Saint Stage disciples in the Heaven Palace, during a duel.

That was their first time hearing the name Ling Tian.

At that time, they were all baffled. This Saint Stage genius had already had such shocking strength even though he was not even forty yet. How shocking would his strength be in the future?

Today was the second time they heard of Ling Tian's name.

Ling Tian had come out early in the morning today after entering the Heaven Palace's Spirit Pool twenty days ago. He seemed to have only spent twenty days to finish absorbing the liquified Heaven and Earth Spirit Energy in the Heaven Palace's Spirit Pool.

To those who had just entered the Mystical Sky Mansion, they might not be that shocked. However, every veteran in the Mystical Sky Mansion knew how shocking this news was.

In the Mystical Sky Mansion's history, there was no disciple below the Eminent Saint Stage who could finish absorbing the Heaven and Earth Spirit Energy in the Spirit Pool in just twenty days. Let's not even mention the fact that the Heaven Palace's Spirit Pool was the best pool among all four Spirit Pools in the Mystical Sky Mansion.

In the history of Mystical Sky Mansion, someone had spent one month and three days to completely finish absorbing all the Heaven and Earth Spirit Energy in the Spirit Pool.

However, that was the Yellow Palace's Spirit Pool, and it was still a little lacking compared to the Heaven Palace's Spirit Pool.

However, this time, a new disciple who had just entered the Mystical Sky Mansion not long ago had actually only used twenty days to finish absorbing the Heaven and Earth Spirit Energy in the Heaven Palace's Spirit Pool. To them and to the entire Mystical Sky Mansion, this was undoubtedly earth-shattering news.

"You're Ling Tian from the Heaven Palace?" The middle-aged man in the lead was the first to regain his senses. His eyes brightened as he stared at Duan Ling Tian.

"Huh?" Usually, it was not a big issue to be stared at. However, Duan Ling Tian realized when this middle-aged man stared at him there was a hint of shock and hostility in the depths of his eyes.

This puzzled him. 'This is my first time meeting him so why would he be hostile?"

At the same time, the group of disciples on patrol behind the middle-aged man had also snapped back to reality and sensed the tension between the middle-aged man and Duan Ling Tian.

They immediately began to whisper among themselves.

"I almost forgot! Senior Brother Huang Tong's brother has gone into closed-door cultivation ever since he was humiliated by Duan Ling Tian… Rumor has it that he has announced that he won't come out until he breaks through to the Mastery Refined Saint Stage."

"I heard it's Huang Ji who went knocking on the door to provoke Duan Ling Tian. Instead, he was shaved bald in the end."

"This matter has not only spread in the Heaven Palace, but it has even spread to the Earth, Mystical, and Yellow Palaces as well. Huang Ji has become a laughing stock now… He is Senior Brother Huang Tong's only biological younger brother. How could Senior Brother Huang Tong not be angry that his younger brother was humiliated?"

"That's right! It's still okay if Ling Tian didn't show up in front of Senior Brother Huang Tong since he still has to act reasonably and can't simply seek revenge. However, Ling Tian presented Senior Brother Huang Tong with a chance to seek revenge. If he doesn't do anything, he might be called a coward by other people if news of this spread out since he doesn't even dare to seek revenge for his younger brother."

The group of disciples on patrol continued to whisper among themselves. Although their voices were not loud, Duan Ling Tian heard their conversation clearly.

Huang Tong?

Huang Ji's elder brother?

At this moment, Duan Ling Tian finally understood the situation. No wonder Huang Tong was so hostile toward him. As it turned out, he was Huang Ji's biological older brother.

Naturally, Duan Ling Tian remembered who Huang Ji was. Almost a month ago, a group of Heaven Palace's disciples had gathered in front of his door because they were dissatisfied he was directly given the spot to enter the Spirit Pool. Huang Ji and another two men even wanted to break into his house. However, due to his timely appearance, they did not manage to break in.

Although they did not manage to do that, they still provoked him verbally without any reservations. Huang Ji even took the initiative to challenge him.

The moment Duan Ling Tian thought of Huang Ji's rudeness, he had shaved his hair out of spite. In his opinion, he had already shown mercy.

Duan Ling Tian was a man who always returned kindness tenfold. Guo Lu who was polite to him was an example of that. Since Guo Lu scratched his back, he had scratched Guo Lu's back in return. Although he could easily defeat Guo Lu, he deliberately came to draw during the duel with Guo Lu to save him face.

Duan Ling Tian only looked at Huang Tong calmly when he discovered he was Huang Ji's biological brother. He was initially slightly surprised, but that was it.

He was not worried about Huang Tong seeking revenge.

With his current strength, even if Huang Tong was an ordinary high-ranking official in the Mystical Sky Mansion, he would not fear him at all, let alone the fact that he was only the leader of a group of disciples on patrol.

With his strength, he was 90% confident he could kill Eminent Saint Stage powerhouses if he wielded the Jasper Celestial Sword with all his might.

"Did you hear what they say?" Huang Tong asked as he looked at Duan Ling Tian indifferently.

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