War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1725 - A Tough Woman

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Wang Fei Xuan was unaware of the reason Duan Ling Tian was staring at her in a daze. If she had known the reason, she would have given him a slap. After all, it was a great humiliation for a woman to be stared at by a man while the man was thinking about another woman.

If it was an ordinary man who had stared at her like that, she would have long flown into a rage. However, Wang Fei Xuan was not repulsed by the man before her at all. Therefore, she was not angry that he was staring at her. Instead, she even felt a little smug. 'Pretending to be prim and proper prior to this! Look! In the end, you're still subdued by my charm!"

'Huh?' All of a sudden, Wang Fei Xuan noticed the man in front of her had retracted his gaze.

It seemed like nothing was wrong at first. However, she saw a sorrowful expression on his face when he retracted his gaze. The pair of eyes that were originally shining brightly had suddenly turned dull.

Upon seeing this, even Wang Fei Xuan had no idea why she felt a pang of pain in her chest.

The smug expression on Wang Fei Xuan's face had disappeared. Instead, she asked in a slightly worried voice, "W-What's wrong with you?"

"I'm sorry, I was a little rude. It's just that when you frowned, you resemble my fiancee a little, and it reminded me of her." When Duan Ling Tian heard her voice, he returned to his senses and apologized.

When Wang Fei Xuan heard his words, her delicate face turned gloomy immediately. "Y-You thought of your fiancee when you looked at me?"

Just as previously mentioned, this was undoubtedly a great humiliation to a woman.

"I'm sorry." Naturally, Duan Ling Tian knew about this principle. Due to this reason, he instantly apologized sincerely.

When Wang Fei Xuan heard his apology and saw his slightly solemn expression, her anger dissipated a lot. "Well, Ling fellow, aren't you supposed to be happy thinking about your fiancee? Why are you pulling a long face instead?"

"My fiancee… It's fine, nothing's wrong. You won't understand even if I tell you," Duan Ling Tian said instinctively. However, he stopped when he reached mid-sentence and changed the topic.

"What do you mean by I won't understand even if you tell me?" Wang Fei Xuan snapped back at him, "Naturally, I won't understand if you don't tell me. How do you know I won't understand if you don't tell me?"

"There's nothing to tell." Duan Ling Tian shook his head. To him, Ke'er's matter was undoubtedly a wound in his heart. Talking about it was just like pouring salt on his wound.

"Excuse me! Why are you being like this? You said something interesting and then you refused to say anymore. You can't be like this! You must tell me! If you don't, I'm going to bother you every day and interrupt your cultivation," Wang Fei Xuan threatened angrily.

Duan Ling Tian frowned. He did not think Wang Fei Xuan would be this awful. If he had known earlier, he would not have mentioned his fiancee to her at all.

He had mentioned his fiancee earlier because he wanted to let Wang Fei Xuan know that he already had a fiancee so that she would be aware of the overwhelming odds against her.

Who knew that after learning that he had a fiancee, not only did Wang Fei Xuan did not show a change in her expression, she was even curious about his fiancee's situation.

When Duan Ling Tian saw the determined expression on Wang Fei Xuan's face, he knew she was not joking. He could only smile wryly. He had dropped a stone onto his own feet in regard to this matter.

"I can tell you about this. However, you must promise me that you won't tell anyone about this, not even your relatives! Don't think I'm merely joking. There's nothing good for anyone if you spread this! Moreover, even you and your Tyrannic Saber Mansion might be annihilated!" Duan Ling Tian said solemnly, "Don't think I'm just exaggerating to scare you! I'm being serious!"

Initially, he thought Wang Fei Xuan would be nervous after hearing him speak in such a solemn way, but he did not expect that not only was she not nervous, but her eyes brightened when she heard his words. With a curious expression, she chimed in, "Based on your words, this seems very interesting. I'm really curious now. It's not a problem for me to keep this a secret. In fact, I'll swear on the lightning penalty oath now!"

Then, Wang Fei Xuan instantly swore on the lightning penalty oath. Although Duan Ling Tian wanted to stop her, it was too late for him to do so. This was because there was no reason for her to swear on the lightning penalty oath over such a trivial matter. He only wanted her to promise him.

Although he had not known Wang Fei Xuan for long, he could see this woman who had a seductive body and a beautiful face was even more manly in manner than many men.

Every word carried weight, and he believed that she could do it.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Along with nine claps of thunder, Wang Fei Xuan's lightning oath penalty was confirmed.

Under Wang Fei Xuan's curious gaze, Duan Ling Tian told her about Ke'er's matter. Naturally, he placed great emphasis on Ke'er's twin sister and how powerful she was. Moreover, he also told her how Ke'er's sister had said that she was from the Fire Worship Sect.

"Fire Worship Sect?!" Wang Fei Xuan could not help but narrow her eyes with an astonished expression on her face when she finished listening to Duan Ling Tian's story.

As somebody who came from a fourth-rate force, the Tyrannic Saber Mansion and also the most beloved granddaughter of the current Mansion Master of Tyrannic Saber Mansion, Wang Fei Xuan had done some random reading on some of the secret letters and records that were passed down in the Tyrannic Saber Mansion since the ancient times. Due to this reason, she was not unfamiliar with the Fire Worship Sect.

The true glorious era of the Dao Martial Saint Land was a very long time ago before the Dao Martial Saint Land was split into the Upper and Lower Province.

During that era, there were three great sects that stood on the summit of the Dao Martial Saint Land. They were acknowledged as the three greatest forces in the Dao Martial Saint Land.

In the Dao Martial Saint Land, five words could be used to summarize the division of power.

Three religions and nine forces!

The three religions referred to the three greatest sects while the nine forces referred to the first to ninth-rate forces.

The three greatest sects were the three greatest forces that domineered the first-rate forces last time. They were the three greatest forces in the Dao Martial Saint Land with a long legacy. Their position had never wavered before.

Based on this, it was enough to prove how powerful they were.

The Fire Worship Sect was one of the three greatest sects.

Wang Fei Xuan snapped back into reality after a few moments. She gasped before she asked in shock, "Your fiancee's sister is actually from the Fire Worship Sect? Moreover, based on her words, it seems like the Fire Worship Sect has sent out many people to look for your fiancee, but she has beaten them to it first?"

"Exactly." Duan Ling Tian nodded.

"The fact that the Fire Worship Sect sent people to look for your fiancee is enough to prove that your fiancee is not a simple person. At the very least, she's not a nobody to the Fire Worship Sect. Otherwise, why would they still be searching for somebody who had disappeared over thirty years ago?" Wang Fei Xuan speculated. Her speculations were similar to Duan Ling Tian's.

"However, since the person who brought your fiancee away was her twin sister, I'm sure she wouldn't harm her… Don't you worry, your fiancee must have just gone to the Upper Province. I don't think any harm will come to her." Wang Fei Xuan reassured him.

Currently, Wang Fei Xuan finally understood the sorrowful expression on Duan Ling Tian's expression before this. As it turned out, he was in this sort of predicament.

When she placed herself in Duan Ling Tian's position, she could understand his pain as well.

Nobody would feel happy seeing their own fiancee being taken away and was completely helpless to do anything about it.

"I hope so." Duan Ling Tian nodded. It was as though he had thought of something before he sighed. "Currently, I'm most worried about the child in her belly. After her twin sister found out about our relationship, she was absolutely furious. I wonder if she'd go crazy and harm our child."

"Y-You even have a child together?" Wang Fei Xuan's eyes were as big as saucers.

"Yes. He or she should be born by now." Duan Ling Tian nodded. Hints of nostalgia and love could be seen in his eyes.

His two children must have been born now.

However, until now, he had not seen his children yet. He only knew Li Fei had given birth to a son.

"I can't believe you're so young but actually such a playboy… I really don't know how you cultivate usually. I often neglect sleep and meals for the sake of cultivating. However, up until now, I'm only at the Early Refined Saint Stage. You, on the other hand, live such a nice life. You even have a fiancee and a child. I wonder how much time you spent on that. However, you're still able to break through to the Mastery Refined Saint Stage at such a young age." Wang Fei Xuan's tone was sour when she reached the end of the sentence.

One of the most important thing for a high innate talent was cultivating time. It was apparent the time she had spent cultivating was more than the young man in front of her. However, she was two stages below him.

This caused Wang Fei Xuan to feel a little frustrated.

Suddenly, as though she was hit by a pang of realization, she stared at Duan Ling Tian with anticipation in her eyes as she asked, "You only have one woman?"

Duan Ling Tian shook his head. "I have two fiancees and another girlfriend. If nothing goes wrong, three of them will become my wives in the future."

The moment Duan Ling Tian thought of Ke'er, Li Fei, and Feng Tian Wu, a happy smile appeared on his face.

"Three… It's not too many." Wang Fei Xuan nodded her head solemnly, rendering Duan Ling Tian speechless.

"Three is not many?"

In fact, on earth where Duan Ling Tian was from in his previous life, apart from a minority of people, everyone in his native land practiced monogamy.

In this world, although polygamy was normal, he still felt having three women were more than enough.

Who knew Wang Fei Xuan would actually be so tough. She was a woman, and yet, she still said that having three women was not too many.

Duan Ling Tian did not know how to deal with her for a moment when he saw her turning her attention back to him.

"Junior Brother Ling Tian!" At this moment, Wang Pi's voice resonated from afar in a timely manner. After a while, he landed in Duan Ling Tian's huge courtyard.

"Senior Brother Wang Pi!" When Duan Ling Tian saw Wang Pi, it was as though he had seen his savior. He immediately stood up. "Are we going to the Spirit Pool now?"

"Hehe… Looks like you're a little eager, Junior Brother Ling Tian. In that case, let's go." Wang Pi cast a glance at Wang Fei Xuan before giving Duan Ling Tian a meaningful look and chuckled.

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