War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1724 - Making A Name In Mystical Sky Mansion

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Junior Brother Ling Tian, your strength is very admirable." Naturally, Guo Lu knew they only came to a draw because Duan Ling Tian did not want to humiliate him in public. Due to this reason, apart from politeness, there was a hint of gratitude in his eyes as well when he looked at Duan Ling Tian.

"Senior Brother Guo Lu's strength is powerful as well. We can help each other improve more in the future." Duan Ling Tian smiled politely and nobly.

This farce had also come to an end with Duan Ling Tian and Guo Lu's duel ending in a draw. Even so, the news still shocked the entire Heaven Palace. Even the Mystical Sky Mansion was shocked!

There were only a few Martial Cultivators who did not reach the age of forty when they reached the Mastery Refined Saint Stage in the history of Mystical Sky Mansion. Moreover, there was no one like that in this generation. Naturally, this meant an absolute genius had appeared in this generation of Mystical Sky Mansion now that Duan Ling Tian had joined them.

After the group of disciples from the Heaven Palace cast a respectful and fearful glance at Duan Ling Tian, they left together with Guo Lu in an orderly manner.

If it was said that their hearts were filled with unwillingness when they first came, thinking Duan Ling Tian was merely lucky for obtaining the spot to enter the Spirit Pool a few days later and receiving care from Vice Palace Master Xiao, currently, after witnessing Duan Ling Tian's strength, they were sincerely convinced the spot to enter the Spirit Pool should be given to him.

In this world where the strong ruled, a powerhouse would always be respected no matter where he went, let alone the fact that Duan Ling Tian was only a young man who had not even reached the age of forty.

Although he was not even forty years old, he had already entered the Mastery Refined Saint Stage. If he was given enough time, he would definitely become the pillar of the Mystical Sky Mansion. And if his innate talent did not decrease in the future, it was even possible for him to become the all-powerful Mansion Master of Mystical Sky Mansion.

After the group of Heaven Palace's disciples left, only two people remained behind. Apart from Duan Ling Tian, the other person was none other than Wang Fei Xuan.

Wang Fei Xuan stared at Duan Ling Tian for a long time with utmost concentration. The young man standing before her thoroughly baffled her.

Guo Lu's strength that was considered to be in the top three among all Mastery Refined Saint Stage powerhouses could not defeat him and could only come to a draw.

At this moment, Wang Fei Xuan's heart felt thwarted by failure.

Previously, she had thought Li Feng was the only one she could look up to among the younger generation. However, there seemed to be an additional person now. Perhaps, this man was not as powerful as Li Feng, but he was definitely more powerful than her.

"Have you seen enough?" Duan Ling Tian asked with a frown when he saw Wang Fei Xuan staring at him in a daze for a long time now.

She only returned to her senses when she heard his question resonating in the air.

Wang Fei Xuan's beautiful face flushed as she snapped at him, "Ptuii! Who's looking at you?"

"I only asked if you've seen enough. I don't think I mentioned that you're specifically looking at me, right? Aren't you letting the cat out of the bag without me saying anything?" Duan Ling Tian raised a brow as he suppressed the smile that threatened to show on his face.

It did not cross his mind that this Great Young Miss Wang who was usually so bold and unreasonable in front of him was capable of showing such a shy expression. She looked cuter like this.

When Duan Ling Tian saw how Wang Fei Xuan's face had turned even redder, he turned around and returned to his room, casually closing the door behind him, in order to avoid the awkwardness


Wang Fei Xuan only returned to her senses when she heard the sound of the door closing. She pouted as she clenched her delicate hands and muttered to herself, "What kind of man is he to not understand what flirting is?"

"Who doesn't understand flirting?" Duan Ling Tian who had just entered the room had, naturally, heard her words. He could not help but smile wryly. Naturally, he knew Wang Fei Xuan liked him.

Perhaps, Wang Fei Xuan's interest in him now stemmed from his innate talent and prowess. However, who knew if it would deepen into something else in the future?

Let alone the fact that he already had two fiances and a girlfriend, just the matter of the livelihood of his fiancee, Ke'er, being uncertain was enough to put him off flirting with other women. Due to this reason, he decided to avoid Wang Fei Xuan as much as he could. After all, if he could not afford to flirt with her, it was better to avoid her, right?

"Only a few days more… I hope I'll be able to progress further." With just a thought, Duan Ling Tian entered the third level of the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda and continued to cultivate.

Naturally, Duan Ling Tian who was immersed in cultivation was unaware that news of him defeating Huang Ji, the Heaven Palace's disciple at the Intermediate Refined Saint Stage, and coming to a draw with Guo Lu, the Heaven Palace's disciple at the Mastery Refined Saint Stage, had already swept through the entire Heaven Palace like a typhoon and shook the entire Heaven Palace.

"He's not even forty years old, and he actually came to a draw with Guo Lu?"

"Guo Lu's strength can be considered to be in the top three among all Martial and Dao Cultivators at the Mastery Refined Saint Stage in Heaven Palace… However, he only managed to come to a draw with Duan Ling Tian?"

"Where did this monstrous Ling Tian come from? His innate talent and prowess are about the same with that Li Feng who became a hot topic previously."

"There were also a few powerhouses who entered the Mastery Refined Saint Stage before they reached the age of forty in the history of our Mystical Sky Mansion before. I can't believe one has appeared now. Could it be time for our Mystical Sky Mansion to rise soon?"

"If Ling Tian can maintain his current innate talent and progress, perhaps he would be like that new Mansion Master of the Azure Cloud Mansion and lead our Mystical Sky Mansion to the summit of the Lower Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land."

Discussions like these were heard all over the Heaven Palace.

Some people even compared Duan Ling Tian to the current Mansion Master of the Azure Cloud Mansion. After the latter became the Mansion Master of Azure Cloud Mansion, the Azure Cloud Mansion stood at the summit of the Lower Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land. Due to this reason, it became a rival to the Mountainshade Black Market that was, originally, without a rival.

However, they had no idea that the current Mansion Master of Azure Cloud Mansion was actually the father of Ling Tian who was being discussed by them.

Naturally, Duan Ling Tian himself was also unaware of this. Otherwise, he would not have come to the Mystical Sky Mansion in the first place.

"Good lad! To think you actually defeated Huang Ji and came to a draw with Guo Lu." After Xiao Yi, the Vice Palace Master of Heaven Palace heard this news, he was greatly shocked as well.

He had thought Duan Ling Tian was merely an Intermediate Refined Saint Stage Martial Cultivator. It did not cross his mind that he was a Mastery Refined Saint Stage Martial Cultivator. Moreover, his strength was so outstanding that ordinary Mastery Refined Saint Stage powerhouses could not compare to him at all.

This could be seen from how Duan Ling Tian had come to a draw with Guo Lu.

However, it would never cross Xiao Yi's mind, not even in his wildest dream, that the person whom he thought had come to a draw with Guo Lu had not used all his strength. Otherwise, he would have been able to defeat Guo Lu in just a blow!

At the same time, news of Duan Ling Tian coming to a draw with Guo Lu had also spread to the Earth, Mystical, and Yellow Palaces.

Although Guo Lu was merely an ordinary disciple in the Heaven Palace, due to his strength that was quite powerful among Mastery Refined Saint Stage powerhouses, many people in the other three palaces knew him as well. Particularly disciples who were at the Mastery Refined Saint Stage, they knew Guo Lu even better.

"Guo Lu? The person whose strength is considered to be in the top three among the Mastery Refined Saint Stage disciples in the Heaven Palace?"

"Such a person came to a draw with Ling Tian?"

"My goodness! That Ling Tian is really powerful! Initially, I thought his cultivation base at the Intermediate Refined Saint Stage is amazing enough. I didn't think he would be even more monstrously strong!"

"Speaking of monstrously strong, it's still Li Feng who had appeared in the Rising Sky Mansion's district who's even more monstrous. Li Feng actually entered the peak of the Refined Saint Stage before the age of forty. Ling Tian's still lacking compared to him."

"Indeed, Li Feng is more of a genius."

When the three palaces' disciples discussed among themselves, they could not help but compare Duan Ling Tian to Li Feng. If Duan Ling Tian heard their discussion, he would definitely smile wryly. Naturally, he would not bother to explain anything to them at all. After all, he was not Li Feng but Ling Tian now.

Li Feng was him a year ago after all. Currently, his strength was in a different league compared to a year ago.

Regardless, the news of Duan Ling Tian coming to a draw with Guo Lu had swept through the entire Mystical Sky Mansion like a typhoon in the end. Moreover, many great personages in the Mystical Sky Mansion were taken by surprise as well. In fact, many people wanted to accept him as a disciple.

Despite what was happening outside, the person in question, Duan Ling Tian, was currently cultivating obediently in the third level of the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda. He only came out on the day the Spirit Pool opened. He opened the door to his room and walked out before sitting down in front of the stone table in his big courtyard.

With a raise of his hand, a bottle of wine appeared Duan Ling Tian's hand. He began to have a little drink as he waited.

Soon after, he lifted his head when he heard the faint sound of wind rustling in the air. He had thought Wang Pi had arrived, but as it turned out, it was Wang Fei Xuan again.

Duan Ling Tian did not know why, but when he saw Wang Fei Xuan, he immediately had a headache. He could not scold nor beat this woman up just for being bold and unruly since she did not cross his bottom line. It was obvious he was unaware that she was the one who had added fuel to the flame and instigated the group of Heaven Palace's disciples a few days ago to look for trouble with him. If he had known this, his impression of her would change.

Wang Fei Xuan walked ostentatiously and sat in front of Duan Ling Tian without any modesty as she told Duan Ling Tian, "Hey, Ling fellow, to think that you actually woke up so early in the morning… And here I thought I'd come early to intercept Senior Brother Wang Pi and tell him you've given me the spot to enter the Spirit Pool if you didn't come out in time."

"And you think Senior Brother Wang Pi will believe you?" Duan Ling Tian replied calmly as he took another mouthful of wine.

"Hurmph! Wang Fei Xuan snorted. Her pale brows furrowed, but she still looked good.

At that instant when Wang Fei Xuan frowned, Duan Ling Tian who was just casually glancing at her suddenly froze. It was as though his acupuncture points had been pressed.

This was because when Wang Fei Xuan frowned, her bearing was very similar to his fiancee, Ke'er.

As the saying went, 'To be moved by what one sees,' Duan Ling Tian was currently staring at Wang Fei Xuan in a daze for a moment when saw the similarity between Wang Fei Xuan and Ke'er.

Naturally, Wang Fei Xuan had noticed Duan Ling Tian's gaze on her. She thought to herself, 'Could it be that this fellow has finally come to his sense now?'

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