The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 853 - The Princess Vow

Lory tapped her finger on the porcelain teacup in a monotone tone, her mind wondered what Wei Zu Tian was doing with Lao Min Na, and again it was not hard to imagine Lao Min Na might know Wei Zu Tian for a long time because of Duan Shu Shu, Wei Zu Tian's birth mother. Currently, Lao Min Na has two strong cards in her hand, one is Jin Kai and the other is Wei Zu Tian, ​​soon she will play her cards against Zhao Li Xin but Lao Min Na's real target is her.

The problem is Lory doesn't know how Lao Min Na will play her cards, this is why her plan now is so important.

"You don't look surprised" Tian Meng Ji's sudden comment made Lory turn her gaze towards the old man. Lory's faint smile annoyed Tian Meng Ji as if he was being played with the little girl. "Looks like I came here just wasting my time" the old man grumbled under his breath.

"Not really" Lory suppressed a smile when she saw Tian Meng Ji sulk, "It's good to know that it's not only us who are suspicious about what happened in the whispering forest"

"Of course, there are also many sects looking for their members who come to the forest whispering for treatment, but they haven't been heard from them again, according to the news that the person who runs the place is Lao Min Na"

Tian Meng Ji drew a long breath. He had known for a long time about the enmity between Zhao Li Xin and Lao Min Na at first he thought it was just an ordinary fight due to jealousy of Lory being married to Zhao Li Xin, it is not strange if there are women who are obsessed by Zhao Li Xin and do a crazy thing because of it, he has seen many examples including Tang Mei Yi.

but after he did an in-depth investigation he felt the enmity between Zhao Li Xin and Lao Min Na wasn't that simple, there was something deeper and sinister in their enmity.

"Lao Min Na promised them many things to them, rapid progress in their cultivation, power, authority, fame, therefore they follow Lao Min Na after all she does gives them some proof, Long time ago there is almost no sovereign cultivator in Xing Fang continent but now they are everywhere like cabbages…." Tian Meng Ji clicks his tongue expressing his trouble thought "But their condition become strange….I mean their minds, Lao Min Na did say there is an after effect for some of them who is not strong enough to take the pills, but she gave another promise that she able to help them…"

"I hope you are not one of the people who took Lao Min Na pills" Lory's voice hints with worry.

Tian Meng Ji harrumph "Of course not, after Jin Hao and Mu Jan Ge had warned me beforehand, I wasn't easily fooled into taking dubious pills from strangers especially if the promise was too good to be true"

"Smart" Lory gave him a heartfelt compliment.

"Of course, I was the one who taught Zhao Li Xin so how can I be stupid!" he lifted his chin proudly, but his expression turned serious again "Although some people questioned Lao Min Na's intentions, yet many believed her and believed her like she was some kind of goddess or something, well it's not hard to imagine with a celestial beauty like her it's no wonder so many stupid men would be seduced by her beauty" after he said that she subconsciously glanced at Lory, at first he felt strange every time he saw Lory real appearance because her appearance wasn't something he was used to but now he looks at her again he felt she didn't look that bad in fact she could be said as strangely beautiful, especially the pair of purple eyes that shone under the dim light.

Lory sighed, she was silent for a moment then shook her head weakly, "Lao Min Na can be described as many things but God is not one of them"

Tian Meng Ji agreed that's why his face became even more gloomy "And that fake goddess join hands with the psychopath Wei Zu Tian, ​​I can only imagine what horrific acts they did in that forest" Tian Meng Ji looked worried.

Lory was curious to see Tian Meng Ji's expression if he knew Jin Kai was also teamed up with Lao Min Na and Wei Zu Tian.

"I have known about Wei Zu Tian for a long time, I heard and also witnessed how cruel that person is, they say my disciple is a monster but compared to Wei Zu Tian my disciple is quite tame. Zhao Li Xin still has Bottomline despite everything he did there was still a line he was never willing to cross, Zhao Li Xin never hurt innocent people especially children, and whenever Zhao Li Xin hurt someone there was always a clear reason behind it, however, Wei Zu Tian was not the same....he doesn't need a reason to hurt others, he has no basis, his morality is lost, and he has no hesitation to satisfy his desires, even if it's just a whim, Wei Zu Tian won't care, just like he did to the Poor Guan family" Tian Meng Ji clenched his fist in anger.

He didn't know the Guan Family but what Wei Zu Tian did to the family was outrageous, just because Wei Zu Tian was attracted to the daughter of the Guan family and he was politely rejected by the family because he was already engaged beside what sane family would marry in their good daughter to a notorious psychopath like Wei Zu Tian? Because of that Wei Zu Tian killed the entire family including the girl's family fiancé.

The saddest thing was that Wei Zu Tian might not really like the girl, because he already had many beautiful women around him so why would he want that little girl other than to satisfy his temporary whim.

Tian Meng Ji's expression was filled with disdain as he spat out his anger, "I know that psychopaths have had disgusting desires towards Zhao Li Xin for a long time, so I…."

"Nothing will happen to Zhao Li Xin!" Lory suddenly interrupted.

Tian Meng Ji reflexively looked at Lory, Lory slowly spun the teacup with his fingers then she looked back at Tian Meng Ji "As long as I'm here there's nothing will happen to Zhao Li Xin, you have my word" determination clearly showed in her beautiful purple eyes.

Normally Tian Meng Ji wouldn't believe easily but he had seen Lory's strength during the fight with the Sanguan family, her strength was unlike anything he had ever seen, and he had also witnessed how Lory protected Zhao Li Xin back then, it was his stubbornness that made him question Lory intention towards Zhao Li Xin but when those feelings were resolved, he could see Lory's sincere feelings towards Zhao Li Xin.

If it was her, he probably could trust his disciple to her.

"I heard you the one who healed Zhao Li Xin's old illness" Tian Meng Ji stare at her inquisitively.

Lory said nothing but smile, but that was enough to answer his question.

"The boy was hurt for a long time, I couldn't save him because my strength is not as strong as I am today and I have my own difficulties so I don't take him with me, heck the truth is it was my own selfishness and negligence to left Zhao Li Xin in that wretched palace" Tian Meng Ji looked down with regret.

"Before I realized his heart had grown colder every year, the pain he was experiencing had numbed his emotions. Zhao Li Xin was born with a special talent even his body is one of a kind, his ability to absorb Qi is mind-blowing combined with his additional skill in array master and armament master, his talent is unparalleled. Zhao Li Xin talent may only come once in a thousand years, however, what a human should have, he lacks."

Lory's heart ached with sadness for he understand what Tian Meng Ji means is and she also know the reason was, she didn't like to imagine how painful Zhao Li Xin's when he was a child, she hated that she couldn't be there for him if only she had known him sooner if only she could have taken the pain away two years or even a year earlier how good it would be.

"Because of what happened, he created a barrier around his heart, never letting anyone close, he keep his distance, in early years he learned not to feel so he wouldn't get hurt, he had only little desires so that he would never be disappointed when he unable to Fulfilling it, he learns to have realistic expectations so he never being swayed by unreasonable dreams, keeping things steady and still... and after a while he succeeds, his heart becomes icy cold and he got power as strong as a mountain if not more, but at what price. ..." Tian Meng Ji shook his head weakly.

"He's not that person anymore . . . he's changed," Lory said.

Tian Meng Ji smiled, "That's what people tell me?" part of his dislike for Lory was out of jealousy because the one who opened Zhao Li Xin's heart was not him, nor the four royal palaces, not even the Mong brother who had followed Zhao Li Xin for years but a strange woman who suddenly appeared out of nowhere it's even more annoying because she could open Zhao Li Xin's heart in a very short time.

It took a long time for Tian Meng Ji to accept that this is the best thing for his disciple, Tian Meng Ji looked at Lory deeply then he asks the most important question above all, "What can you do for him?"

Lory looked down for a moment then she lifted her gaze and gave a profound expression "Never question what I would do for the one I love"

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