The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 852 - Information From The Old Man

It was a cold night and the sky turned gloomy, Lory sat on the railing of the pavilion covering herself with a white fur shawl, the cold win graze her skin and turn her face even paler than before but Lory was indifferent even though she knew Zhao Li Xin would scold her for spending her time outside on a cold night like this but she needed to think and the cold wind cleared his mind.

[It won't be long before your wedding, are you sure about this?] Girsha's voice woke her from her contemplation.

[I'm sure…] Lory answered curtly without looking at the bird.

Girsha turned his gaze to the sky and sighed [Marriage for humans should be a happy occasion, but what did you do?]

[Well, I do feel thrilled for my wedding] Lory grinned.

Girsha didn't amuse instead he reminded Lory with a heavy tone [This is a risky game that you play, Lory]

[My life is a risky game] Lory answers nonchalantly [We played save for way too long, it's time to take some action...]

[Is it because Lazarus's behavior lately worries you?] Girsha narrowed his round green eyes.

Lory wrapped her arms around her shoulders, a cold wind blew across his face and white smoke shot out of her breath as she let out a long sigh, [Lazarus behaved differently from the past, I don't know if it's because of Lao Min Na or something else, but I have a feeling that he was planning more than just devouring me…. somehow Lazarus' plan developed into something that I cannot understand.]

[You can never understand what's inside Demond's mind, it's beyond your] Girsha said.

Lory closed her eyes trying to collect her scattered thoughts, she lied to Zhao Li Xin. Even though she looks calm and confident, but actually she was taking a high risk, honestly this is a reckless plan, however, no one knew, only she and Girsha knew, just like in the past.

[Ancestor Lucient, Lazarus, Arthea, my father, my mother, Huo Long, King Lei Yu, Zhao Li Xin, you and I…we are connected, past, present and future are connected by one thread, I can feel, I can almost feel it…] Lory clenched his fists in front of his chest, [But I can see it…and it's driving me crazy, I know if only I knew what connected us together then everything became clear and all this suffering and death would make sense!] Lory gritted her teeth from the frustration.

Lory brushed her bluish hair to the side with her long, pale fingers, feeling stupid for acting tough in front of Zhao Li Xin, if only he knew. Not that she wanted to lie with him but Lory knew once she let herself go all the feelings she was holding inside would overflow out of control and she couldn't let that happen, she knew she had to remain calm 'Fake it till you make it' Jay says even though it's a joke Lory remember it and it becomes the basis of her nature.

Girsha's head jerk slightly  then he called out to Lory [Someone is coming…]

[Oh…] Lory turns her head in Girsha's direction.

Mong Yi cupped his fists and lowered his head, "Madam, lord Tian requests an audience with you?"

"With me, not Li Xin?" Lory pointed at herself in surprise.

After their last meeting, Lory still didn't know whether Tian Meng Ji felt about her change or not.

Lory tries to give him understanding but the result is not up to her nevertheless trust needs to be earned not given so Lory is surprised that Tian Meng Ji suddenly wants to meet her but on the other hand, Lory remembered that her wedding date with Zhao Li Xin was getting closer and Tian Meng Ji's relationship with Zhao Li Xin still hadn't improved so maybe that why Tian Meng Ji wants to meet her other than Zhao Li Xin.

"Send him in." Lory waved her hand.

"Yes, madam" Mong Yi replied politely.

Before Mong Yi left, Lory suddenly called out to him again, "Oh, Mong Yi, tell Ling Zi to serve our best tea leaf for Master Tian!"

"Right away, madam!" Mong Yi nodded firmly.

When he leaves Mong Yi thought that the young madam treated Master Tian much better than Zhao Li Xin over the years.

Meanwhile, Girsha glanced at Lory with a questioning look, [Since when you got close to the old man, I thought he didn't like you?] Girsha was confused, even after living among humans all this time she still couldn't understand them, humans were too fickle.

Lory shrugged and answer perfunctorily [I don't know...]

[I'm leaving then, I'd rather sleep] Girsha rolled his eyes and flew off, human matters are too tiresome for an old bird like him.

Lory got off the railing and sat on a chair, before long Tian Meng Ji came with Mong Yi. The old man wore a dark gray robe, his white hair was tied up in a ponytail and sealed with a jade green hairpin his long white beard swayed as he moved, he looked the same only his gaze when he saw Lory changed slightly.

"Madam, master Tian is…."

"Girl, you can't wear thin robes on a cold night like this, you will get sick, why isn't anyone accompanying you? How could the hostess of the manor be left alone outside, this is unacceptable!" Tian Meng Ji suddenly babbled non-stop.

Mong Yi was speechless, he was amazed how Tian Mng Ji could speak so much in one breath.

Lory's brows twitched slightly and then she raised her index finger. "First, I wear a three-layer robe, four if you count the fur shawl, and secondly I like to be left alone so it's nobody's fault" Lory explained calmly.

"You…." The old man was persistent.

Lory chuckled softly and Ling Zi happened to come with a tray of freshly brewed tea, "Please have a seat..." Lory gestured politely to invite Tian Meng Ji to sit down. The old man grumbled incoherently under his breath, but he remained obediently seated as Lory said.

Ling Zi suppressed a smile seeing the stubborn old man acting at the same time she carefully poured the warm tea. Ling Zi shifted her gaze from Lory to Tian Meng Ji in succession, the young madam's expression remained kind she only smiled faintly while Tian Meng Ji acted haughtily like a spoiled old child.

"Why do you want to meet me, are you afraid that Li Xin will refuse to meet you if you ask?" Lory asks with a teasing look.

"Who said I was afraid!" the old man subconsciously raised his voice, when he realized his overreaction, he sunk his neck pretending to be calm.

Lory lifted the teacup with both hands, she blew the tea slowly then she looked at Tian Meng Ji with warm eyes "You're right, you don't need to scare… Li Xin is not as hard as he shows"

Tian Meng Ji looked at Lory with skepticism, his disciple character was like a pole, to make him change his mind one had to kill him as there was no other way to change Zhao Li Xin's decision once he made it, but it perhaps different if this woman interferes, suddenly Tian Meng Ji got more annoyed.

Lory knew he didn't believe it so he said again, "Since you were able to enter the manor that means Li Xin didn't really hate you, Li Xin can be tough at times… well, most of the time but that doesn't mean he can't change her mind." Lory took a sip of tea immediately her face frowned.

Tian Meng Ji clicked his tongue in annoyance, "If you can't drink bitter tea then don't, why are you so stupid" he scolded Lory.

Even though he sounded angry but Lory could feel his attitude towards her warm up a bit, Lory put down her teacup then continued to ask "You must have a reason for being here right?"

Tian Meng Ji's brows knit tightly and his face turned serious, "I know Li Xin has old enmity with Wei Zu Tian, my sources tell me that Wei Zu Tian is planning something big against Zhao Li Xin?"

"Your source?" Lory gives probing looks.

"I'm not living for decades in Cultivation world without few sources here and there" he huffed roughly.

Lory struggles to hold her smile, despite everything that happened Tian Meng Ji still cared about Zhao Li Xin, "What do your sources say about Wei Zu Tian?" Lory calmly asks.

"The news says there is a new awakening of power in the eternal springs mountain" Tian Meng Ji straightened his pose, and his expression turned heavy as he spoke.

"Whispering forest?" Lory raised her brows.

"Yes" Tian Meng Ji nodded firmly "Many people tried to investigate what was inside that forest but no one was able to return, and Wei Zu Tian frequently visit the place as if that place his own backyard, as far as I know, he's the only person who can come and go casually in the whispering forest"

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