The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 842 - Mortification II

When Zhao Li Xin arrived at his courtyard Lory was sitting on the edge of the bridge railing above the pond, she was eating a jar of candy that she put next to her while looking down at the swimming koi fish with a blank expression.

Her bluish hair flowed gently over her shoulders like her white hanfu fluttering together as the wind blow, she looked like something that came from a dream, like a mirage that could disappear when he got too close.

Lory's existence always gave him immense joy but at the same time aroused the deepest fear in his heart that this happiness could be lost in a given time and this moment would become something like the distance memories. Zhao Li Xin never would have thought that he would love someone so deeply that it scared him because he knew for certain that this was his only once-in-life chance for him to feel this way.

"What are you thinking about?" Zhao Li Xin's low voice startled her.

Zhao Li Xin placed his hand on the edge of the railing, he rest his head on his fist while looking at her inquisitively, at the same time his thin lips curled into a gentle smile.

Fascinated by his dazzling smile, Lory blushed slightly "Do you realize you always ask me this every time you approach me"

"Well, I've always wanted to know what's inside your little head," Zhao Li Xin said earnestly.

Lory chuckled "It's not always good though...." she reply meaningfully.

Zhao Li Xin reaches for the strand of her hair then fiddled her hair with his long fingers, as he mutters quietly "That's fine, I'll take whatever you are" his voice sounded soft but brimmed with determination.

Lory's heart melted like a puddle, she knew when Zhao Li Xin fell in love with her, his path was deemed more painful and miserable than common people, which made things worse there was no certainty in their future either, still, she couldn't let him go as much as he can't let her go.

In the end, they had reached the point of no return whether they crushed or succeed they would share it together....forever.

"Li Xin..." Lory held his cheek "When this is over, let's go somewhere...just the two of us"

Zhao Li Xin's rigid face immediately beamed, "Where do you want us to go?" he sounded calm but couldn't hide his excitement.

"I don't know" Lory laughed when she sees how excited he was "We can be like adventurers, we go wherever our feet take us, cross the sea, walk in the desert, we sleep under the stars, hold each other when it too cold, and when we got bored we can find troubles here and there" Lory playfully waggle her brows.

"That sounds really good" Zhao Li Xin could already imagine the two of them exploring the world together, no more time rushing, no more scary thoughts about the future, just them enjoying their life together… how wonderful it was.

"Oh, but Girsha will still come with us, he will be angry if we ditch him" Lory added in.

"It's okay when you are tired you can ride Girsha" Zhao Li Xin didn't mind Girsha, unlike other people Girsha never annoy him somehow.

"Just like a car" Lory clapped as she found another used for Girsha.

"Car?" While Zhao Li Xin looked confused.

"I mean a carriage," Lory explained.

"Oh..." Zhao Li Xin nodded.

"Are Jin Hao and the others okay if you leave?"

"It's okay, after the matter with Lazarus and 'Lao' woman done I will resign, after all, I'm more like a mascot than a sect leader before that 'Lao' woman come" Zhao Li Xin didn't sound embarrassed, he didn't think anything wrong to be less involved in the sect matters "One day, Hei Shen will be theirs, and the four King palaces will lead the Hei Shen sect" he gives a profound look.

Lory was startled but not surprised, Zhao Li Xin didn't like to be attached to anything so is not surprised that one day he would leave everything behind and go on his own in fact Jin Hao and the other had this feeling too so they always feel worried when they don't hear any news from Mong Ki and Mong Yi about Zhao Li Xin but now Lory was here at least Zhao Li Xin will never be lonely.

"Well, they are all very reliable, the sect that you build will be in a good hand" Lory agrees with Zhao Li Xin's decision, both of them never have an interest in power and wealth, what drives them is actually what people took for granted which is freedom.

"Then…you will belong to me just like I belong to you" Lory smiles, perhaps if she with Zhao Li Xin she might actually be free from her past and duty as Lucient heir, Lory then plants her kiss on Zhao Li Xin lips.

It was a sweet gentle kiss, Zhao Li Xin caress her cheeks as Lory pulled her kiss from him and Zhao Li Xin smile brightly "I like that" he muttered then he pulled her head closer and this time he kissed her, wishing this wish will come true.


What happened in front of Hei Shen Manor had spread to the masses, as people said 'Bad news can cover miles in a blink of an eyes' which was very true in this situation.

Everyone was discussing how shameless Yang Qiou Xi was, how she broke into someone's manor and tried to seduce Lord Long Ming but failed miserably. People laughed at how stupid she was and not only was Yang Qiou Xi's reputation that affected, they were also gossiping about Yang Qiou Ru as well.

Yang Qiou Ru's sudden marriage has long made everyone suspicious especially her sudden pregnancy when she only recently married Gu Lian Fu, it seems she already had an illicit relationship with Gu Lian Fu even before they got engaged, and if that's true how loose is Yang Qiou Ru is. They also ridiculed Governor Yang for not being able to properly educate his daughter.

They also spoke ill of Yang Xi Ying but someone admonished them to be careful as the relationship between Yang Xi Ying and Long Ming's wife was very good, she also had a good relationship with Empress Ming not to mention Li Mo Zhen the sect leader of the Jiu Yun Sect very protective towards his wife so if they don't mind their words, who knows what would happen to them, it's better not to incur the wrath of the strong people behind Yang Xi Ying.

However Yang Qiou Ru and Yang Qiou Xi were different matters, they were only the concubine's daughters and no one was sure how Gu Lian Fu felt towards Yang Qiou Ru, therefore, they spared no effort to gossip about Yang Qiou Ru and Yang Qiou Xi.

The news naturally landed on governor Yang's ears, he was so furious that he called Lin Yu Lan and Yang Qian Xi immediately, when he saw Yang Qian Xi, without waiting for her greet he slapped her so hard she fell to the floor.

Lin Yu Lan's face paled and she screamed in horror, "Qiou Xi!" she hurriedly dash then hold her daughter.

Yang Qiou Xi's cheeks were swollen, tears running down her face as she covered his reddened cheeks and cried pitifully, "Father, why did you hit me?" she sobbed with a choking voice.

But this time Governor Yang was unmoved by her actions, in fact, her behavior only incited his anger even more, "You still have the cheek to ask me, do you think I'm ignorant?!" he pointed his finger at Yang Qiou Xi and his eyes shone with anger as if he was going to swallow his daughter whole.

Afraid of her husband's anger Lin Yu Lan, grabbed his thigh and pleaded miserably for her daughter "Husband, Ple....please forgive Qiou Xi? if she ever made a mistake please forgive her, please...she's just a little girl"

"Little girl you say!" Governor Yang's index finger trembled as he struggled to contain his anger, "It's all because you spoiled her rotten that she became a shameless woman, you begged me to let Qiou Xi go to the temple to write Buddhist scriptures as self-reflection but she lied to me, do you know where she went, huh?!"

Lin Yu Lan felt guilty she took her eyes off Governor Yang, of course, she knew what was going on, actually she, and her two daughters had planned this beforehand but who would have thought their plan would fail miserably.

The plan was simple, Yang Qiou Xi had to pretend to 'accidentally' run into Long Ming outside his manor then show how sorry she was for what happened and find a way to be invited by Long Ming himself to his Manor.

It was a simple move, however, if Long Ming Ming's wife saw this, it would make Luo Ri Yi suspicious about Yang Qiou Xi and Long Ming's relationship, or at least she would feel threatened by Yang Qiou Xi's presence after they planted the seeds of jealousy, it would be easy for Qiou Xi to provoke Luo Ri Yiso she would bully her and as soon as this happened Yang Qiou Xi would make Long Ming witness his wife's wild behavior with his own eyes.

They believed it was Luo Ri Yi's innocence and tenderness that attract Zhao Li Xin so when he found out that his wife was not as gentle as he thought, he would feel very disappointed and he would feel sorry for Yang Qiou Xi instead, by then Yang Qiou Xi could easily warm her way to Long Ming's heart.

Too bad they didn't take Zhao Li Xin's character into account, if only they knew that if one day Lory accidentally killed someone then Zhao Li Xin would help her bury the corpse, whoever that person was.

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