The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 841 - Mortification

Today Qiou Xi was waiting in the carriage near Hei Shen Manor, she had received news that Long Ming was leaving his manor and was probably now on his way home, hearing that Yang Qiou Xi got excited, she finally got the chance to meet Long Ming.

Yang Qiou Xi then waited patiently outside the palace. Today she wore her best hanfu and styled her hair beautifully and adorned herself with a beautiful jade hairpin but not too excessive, she also only wore a little makeup just to enhance her delicate features because she heard that Long Ming didn't like glamorous women so she presented herself as a modest but elegant and gentle young woman.

She kept peeking through the window anxiously while twirling her handkerchief. Her personal maid saw how nervous her master was so she calmed her down "Young lady, you don't have to worry once Lord Long Ming sees how beautiful you are, his heart must be unable to resist, after all, no one will hate beauty" the maid had away with sweet words to curry favor with her master.

As expected, Yang Qiou Xi's expression became more relaxed, "I hope so, but I heard Lord Long Ming hates all women who try to approach him so I can't help but worry" albeit Yang Qiou Xi still felt apprehensive.

"It's because they are too aggressive and rude so naturally, Lord Long Ming wouldn't like them, rumor has it that Long Ming's wife earned Lord Long Ming's favor by playing innocent and pure, I believe that woman who is called Luo Ri Yi is a sly and cunning woman otherwise how could an ordinary maidservant become a young madam that's why young miss should remain vigilant around that woman, who knows what tricks she might have," the young woman warn yang Qiou Xi seriously.

Yang Qiou Xi's face turned grim as she recalled how she had been kicked out of Hei Shen Manor by that arrogant woman, it was the first time she never felt so humiliated what make things worst she was punished by her father because of this.

if her mother had not begged her father to let her visit the temple to do some self retrospection she won't be able to get out of her courtyard and then she will miss the chance to meet the man of her dreams if that happens one can only imagine how sorry she would be..

"Miss, young miss, look Master Ming has arrived!" the maid exclaimed excitedly.

Yang Qiou Xi's face was beaming with joy she smoothed her hair and clothes before she got off the carriage at the same time Mong Ki lifted the curtains as Zhao Li Xin got off the carriage, Zhao Li Xin didn't bother to put on his mask since he thought it just took less than a minute to enter his manor, as a result, his heaven-defying beauty wowed everyone who saw him past including Yang Qiou Xi, even though she had heard rumors of how beautiful Zhao Li Xin face was but this is the first time she has seen him up close.

Without glancing at Yang Qiou Xi or anyone else, Zhao Li Xin entered the manor when suddenly Yang Qiou Xi suddenly called out to him.

"My Lord….Lord Long Ming!" she boldly shouted as she took a quick stride towards the front gate.

With a bland expression, Zhao Li Xin turns around, meanwhile, Mong Ki who is standing next to him overcome with bad premonition.

Yang Qiou Xi blushed heavily as she thought Zhao Li Xin looking at her, Yang Qiou Xi lower her head shyly and missed the icy glare from Zhao Li  Xin.

"Go..good evening my Lord" Yang Qiou Xi timidly salutes Zhao Li Xin.

Not hearing any answer from Zhao Li Xin, she slowly raised her head, it was a pair of dark cold eyes that devoid of any emotion that greeted her. Yang Qiou Xi shivered as she felt like gazing at the depths of the abyss.

"What?" Zhao Li Xin asks her curtly.

Yang Qiou Xi is dumbfounded although this is not the first time she was treated coldly since Li Mo Zhen is also quite cold to her but at least she only feels treated like air when she is in front of Li Mo Zhen, however, Long Ming is different, he is like a dark hole that sucks your soul into total darkness, it was absolutely nerve-wracking.

Yang Qiou Xi's face turned pale and her heart beating rapidly, "I...I want to apologize behavior...a few days ago" she stuttered incoherently.

"Who's she?" Zhao Li Xin turns his head towards Mong Ki.

"She is Yang Qiou Xi, one of Governor Lao's illegitimate children" replied Mong Ki frankly.

hearing how Mong Ki describes her as an illegitimate daughter, her entire face turned extremely red from shame, nothing she hates more than her own illegitimate status.

"She's also the one who broke into our manor and bothered the young madam" Mong Ki didn't forget that Ling Zi had told him how rude and ostentatious Yang Qiou Xi was.

immediately Zhao Li Xin's expression soured.

"No, it's not like that, it was all a misunderstanding!" Yang Qiou Xi realized Zhao Li Xin's temper sparked, if she couldn't explain herself Long Ming wouldn't have a good opinion of her thus she got desperate.

"I have no other intentions, I just… I just want to become Madam Zhao's friend, I even bring a gift to show my sincerity but Madam misunderstands my behavior so she...."

"So it's my wife's fault?" His eyes were two angry black dots that pierced one entire body.

Yang Qiou Xi trembled in fear she underestimated Zhao Li Xin's level of protection towards her wife, Yang Qiou Xi's jealousy rose like a tide she didn't understand why trash and useless woman like Luo Ri Yi deserved Long Ming's protection, what kinda charmed that woman have to make Long Ming love her so dearly.

In a stormy mood, Yang Qiou Xi begins to ramble incessantly, "I... I didn't mean it that way, you misunderstood, please, believe me, I admire Madam Zhao and want to be friends with Madam Zhao but she doesn't want to maybe because she thinks my background as a concubine daughter was too shameful but is not madam fault it was my wishful thinking I can befriend with the young madam...." Yang Qiou Xi trembles she looked down pitifully with her eyes brimmed with tears, she looked embarrassed and hurt.

Everyone pity Yang Qiao Xi miserable state, no one want to become an illegitimate daughter it was Yang Qiou Xi unlucky fate she become one but at least she was still the daughter of the formidable Governor of Sun Jan city so her background is still much better than Long Ming wife who only village woman.

How arrogant Long Ming woman was that she refused to befriend with governor daughter, is she forgot her own root.

Yang Qiou Xi's words were a blatant act of dousing Lory with dirty water, immediately all of the Hei Shen members present were overcome with fear even Mong Ki took two steps back from Zhao Li Xin.

The gatekeepers also secretly released their Qi and activated their protective talismans to make barriers to save themselves from being implicated by their Lord's wrath.

Zhao Li Xin's face ravages with rage, how could he don't know Yang Qiou Xi's cheap tricks, she makes a commotion in front of his manor and says unscrupulous things about his wife not only to embarrass Lory but she also wants to make him suspicious with Lory action.

If he was a normal man he would act amicably telling her that there was a misunderstanding between her and his wife and inviting Yang Qiou Xi in and this will make people think that he had a good relationship with Yang Qiou Xi, however, he was not normal, in fact, he was far from that.

"Good - good, you dare to slander my wife in front of my face, did Governor Yang know how brave you are, is he even know that you were here at all" Zhao Li Xin looked at her with pure disgust.

"I...I" Yang Qiou Ru agape, her guts told her she had made a big mistake.

"You want to befriend my wife, so you break into my manor without invitation just like a thief" Zhao Li Xin sneer "It was because my wife gracious that you and your stupid maid didn't get killed in the spot, do you think my manor is a park that you can enter whenever you like"

The incident of Yang Qiou Xi breaking into Hei Shen Manor was not publicly known, because Lory thought it was a small matter and Yang Qiou Xi was Yang Xi Ying's half-sister so Lory didn't want to escalate this matter but who would have thought that Yang Qiou Xi would actually bring this matter to the public and provoked Zhao Li Xin's wrath.

"You came without an invitation to my Manor, if my wife is not at home who do you expect to meet, me or one of my subordinates it seems this is one of your ruses to have a good marriage just like your biological elder sister, but what can you expect to a concubine's daughter" Zhao Li Xin mock mercilessly and Yang Qiou Xi's face drained of color.

In this world, women are expected to be well mannered, sensible, and pure but Yang Qiou Xi's actions show otherwise, Zhao Li Xin's words are true if Long Ming's wife wasn't at home and Long Ming who was in the manor instead what would Yang Qiou Xi planning to so, and Yang Qiou Xi's elder sister Yang Qiou Ru, there is a lot of rumor surrounding her abrupt marriage,  no one knows exactly how Yang Qiou Ru the concubine daughter could marry the heir of the influential Gu family, the rumor said that Yang Qiou Ru used her pregnancy to save her place as Gu Lian Fu wife because the Gu family didn't want to taint their reputation they had no choice but to marry their son to Yang Qiou Ru.

It seems the sister is alike they both didn't care to use any unscrupulous methods to trap men, how shameful.

People were muttering to each other and pointing their fingers at Yang Qiou Xi, in an instant her reputation was ruined, Yang Qiou Xi realized that after this no one would want to marry her even as a concubine.

Yang Qiou Xi's beautiful face was covered with a thin layer of sweat, she never thought the man she adored would be so ruthless, how bad of her mistake it was for him to punish her so severely.

The maid who followed Yang Qiou Xi was also flustered, she knew that her young lady's reputation was beyond repair.

"Stay away from my wife, she is too innocent and shy, I don't want her to be under the bad influence of shameless people." Zhao Li Xin flicked his robes after he give his warning and entered the manor without giving Yang Qiou Xi another glance.

As the front gate closed, Yang Qiou Xi staggered and she fell to her knees then tears rolled down her cheeks, for she knew her future had been ruined.

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