Power and Wealth
Chapter 293 –Parents vs. Parents
Friday. 1.30 pm.
Dong Xuebing helped Luan Xiaoping settled the discharge procedures and sent her back to her County's First Middle School teacher quarters. It's almost the end of December, and the weather is very cold. Afternoons during this period are the warmest, but Dong Xuebing can still feel the piercing cold winds. Luckily his mother's apartment heater is on 24 hours. After they entered her apartment, they felt comfortable.
"Mum, tomorrow is the weekend, and you should rest. Don't prepare for your lessons."
"How can I not prepare for the lessons after letting other teachers cover my classes for so long? The doctor said I am fine."
"Then you must take note of your health and remember to take your medicines on time. Oh, how about I stay here with you? I am worried about your health, especially when you are living alone."
"I am not a kid. Just go and focus on your work. Didn't you say you have the opportunity to get promoted?"
"It's just a nomination, and I stand a slim chance to get promoted."
"Even so, you must also try your best."
"Ok. I know."
Dong Xuebing accompanied his mother a while more before returning home.
Dong Xuebing returned to his apartment at the Public Security Bureau Family Quarters. He took a warm shower to get rid of the cold. While bathing, he thought about the position of Investment Promotion Agency Chief. Everyone knew Dong Xuebing had offended Xiang Daofa, and his chances of getting this position are slim. Among the 11 members of the Party Committee, Xie Huilan only controls three votes, including herself. In contrast, Xiang Daofa controls 7 to 8 votes. The difference is too big, and Dong Xuebing understands that it is almost impossible for him to get promoted.
Are there any solutions to this?
The next Committee meeting is next week, and how can Dong Xuebing turn the tides within these few days? Dong Xuebing thought for a while and felt it is impossible!
Never mind. I should stop thinking about this as I had already tried my best.
Man proposes God dispose.
After the shower, Dong Xuebing, with only a towel, sat down on his sofa to watch TV and smoke. If he cannot do anything to the outcome, he will not continue to think about it, and this is what Dong Xuebing is feeling now. He is not giving up the fight or lost interest in Section Chief rank. It is mainly because Dong Xuebing is afraid his heart might stop again when he gets tensed.
Just relax and watch TV…
Listen to some music…
Sing some songs…
Dong Xuebing tried his best to relax.
Bzzz, bzzz, bzzz… Dong Xuebing's phone on the coffee table vibrates. He picks it up, and it is Yu Qianqian's number. Dong Xuebing felt uncomfortable. After he bought a mobile phone for Yu Qianqian, his relationship with Xie Huilan and Qu Yunxuan got exposed, and he felt he had broken their hearts. After that incident, he tried to avoid Yu Meixia and her daughter. Just two women had almost killed Dong Xuebing, and if he still gets involve with Yu Meixia, he will be digging his own grave. That's why he did not call Yu Meixia and Yu Qianqian for a long time.
Dong Xuebing cleared his throat and answered. "Hello, Qianqian… you have finish school?"
"Are you Yu Qianqian's family member?" It was not Yu Qianqian who had called.
Dong Xuebing frowned. "I am her brother. Who are you?"
That woman replied. "I am the Head of Student Affairs at Hong Qi Middle School. Yu Qianqian had scratched and hurt one of our students. Our student's face is bleeding, and we can't contact Yu Qianqian's mother. Can you come over to our school?"
"Qianqian had hit someone? Hong Qi Middle School? Are you sure?"
"No. The injured student had contacted his parents. We want you to come over immediately." This Head of Student Affairs is very rude, and he slammed the phone down.
Dong Xuebing's face changed and immediately got dressed and drove out.
Dong Xuebing is anxious and angry. He knows Yu Qianqian well, and how can someone timid, shy, honest, obedient, and weak, hit someone? Also, how is it possible for her to go to Hong Qi Middle School from County First Middle to hit their students? This is impossible! Dong Xuebing is overly protective of his subordinates and also towards Qianqian. The first thought that comes to his mind is other students had bullied Qianqian and he is feeling guilty for not looking out for her because he is trying to avoid Yu Meixia.
Hong Qi Middle School.
This school is also one of the County's top middle schools like County First Middle School. Although the teachers here are slightly inexperienced than the teachers in the First Middle School, the facilities and environment are better. Many Yan Tai County Government leaders will send their children or relatives to this school. School had ended not long ago, and most of the students had left.
Dong Xuebing parked his car outside and entered the school.
"Eh! Stop!" A teacher shouted at Dong Xuebing. "Parents and guardians of students have to wait outside and cannot enter the school compound!"
Dong Xuebing stared at the teacher coldly. "Where is the security office?"
The teacher pointed diagonally. "What are you here for?"
Dong Xuebing did not reply and walked towards the security office. Bam! He kicked open the door, and the teacher behind him was still thinking of stopping Dong Xuebing from entering the school. After all, the hostage incident at Nan Liu Junior School had happened not long ago. The County's Ministry of Education had issued a regulation to stop outsiders from entering the school. But the teacher saw Dong Xuebing kicking open the door aggressively, he was stunned and is afraid to stop him.
Everyone in the office was shocked.
Dong Xuebing asked. "Where is Qianqian?"
Yu Qianqian, who was still in her school uniform, was crying in a corner when she heard Dong Xuebing's voice. She burst into tears and cried. "Brother! Sob…!"
Dong Xuebing felt his heart broke and quickly went over to hug her. He examined Yu Qianqian's face and asked. "Are you hurt?"
Yu Qianqian shook her head and hugged Dong Xuebing tightly.
A security guard shouted. "What's wrong with you?! Why did you kick open the door?"
Dong Xuebing is furious. "Who are you to speak to me like this?!"
The two security guards were stunned as they did not expect this student's family member to be so unreasonable.
The discipline teacher, Chen Fang, frowned and felt the children are all spoilt by their family members nowadays. She said. "Your sister is not hurt, and she is the one who had injured our student. You should be asking about Lui Xiaolei's injury." A skinny boy is sitting beside Chen Fang, and he looks like he is about Yu Qianqian's age. He is holding up a mirror looking at some scratches on his face, but his injuries are not serious.
Dong Xuebing looks at Chen Fang. "Who are you?"
"Head of Student Affairs, Chen Fang." Chen Fang replied rudely.
Dong Xuebing nodded and points to the boy. "Our Qianqian is a girl, and she is obedient since young. She did not even dare to scold other people, and now you are saying she travel all the way to your school's entrance to hit your students?! And it is still a male student? Are you crazy?!"
Chen Fang got mad. "What are you talking about?! It is your sister who injured our student!"
The security guard said. "Director Fang, just call the Police."
Dong Xuebing took out his work pass from his pocket and threw it on the table. "I am the Police! Shut the door! If this incident is not settled, no one can leave!"
The security guards exchanged looks, and they finally understood why this person is so overbearing.
Dong Xuebing kneeled and wiped Yu Qianqian's tears. "Don't cry… tell me what happened. Who bullied you?"
Yu Qianqian points at the boy in the office.
Lui Xiaolei immediately gave Yu Qianqian a fierce stare.
Yu Qianqian got a fright and looked away. But when she saw Dong Xuebing beside her, she felt better. "Lui Xiaolei wants my money. Yesterday, he and his friends stopped me at the bus stop after school… sob… They demanded money from me, if not they… they will beat me. I am scared and gave him 5 RMB. My mother had gave me money to buy water. But they say it is not enough. They want me to give them 100 RMB today… sob… I don't dare to tell my mother and wanted to go home after school quickly. Sob… but… but Lui Xiaolei waited for me outside my school, and I could not escape. He dragged me to an alley beside Hong Qi Middle School and insisted me to pay him. I don't have the money, and… he… sob… he wants to take off my pants."
Dong Xuebing's face changed. F**k!
Lui Xiaolei shouted. "You better stop lying!"
"Shut up!" Dong Xuebing turned and gave Lui Xiaolei a stare.
Yu Qianqian was sobbing as she continues. "There are many people in the alley, and I refused to take off my pants… he… he rushed over and tried to take off my pants forcefully. I panicked and pushed him away and accidentally scratched his face." A security guard from the school passed by there and saw what happened. But Lui Xiaolei claimed Yu Qianqian hit him, and the security guard brought both to the school's security office.
Dong Xuebing was furious after knowing what happened.
Chen Fang frowned as she did not know about all these. "Xiaolei, are you pulling a prank on Yu Qianqian?"
Bam! Dong Xuebing hit the table. "Prank?! Do you call stripping a girl in public a prank?! Ah?! How can you be the Head of Student Affairs? Are you a f**king idiot?!" Dong Xuebing could tell this Director Chen is siding with Lui Xiaolei from the start!
Chen Fang's face turns red. "How can you scold others?"
Dong Xuebing's guess is right. Chen Fang is siding Lui Xiaolei, as Lui Xiaolei is her school's student. Although Lui Xiaolei's grades are average, he is obedient in classes and is not like what Yu Qianqian claims. She does not believe Lui Xiaolei will extort money and tried to strip a girl in public. Most importantly, Lui Xiaolei's father is a leader in Yan Tai County.
Lui Xiaolei shouted. "Teacher Chen! I did not try to take off her pants! She is lying!"
Yu Qianqian cried. "You are the one!"
"What time are your parents coming?" Dong Xuebing stared at Lui Xiaolei coldly. "Call them!"
Chen Fang controlled her anger. "Sir, stop scaring the child! He is still young!" She is trying to find an excuse for Lui Xiaolei. Even if what Yu Qianqian said is true, she can say Lui Xiaolei is still young, and he is underage.
Many people felt Dong Xuebing is an unreasonable person, but Dong Xuebing felt he is very reasonable. He will only get mad when he is right or is standing on higher moral grounds. When Dong Xuebing is at their age, in the second year of middle school, he already knows extortion, and stripping a girl's pants in public is wrong. He does not believe Lui Xiaolei does not know it. How can this incident be dismissed because of his age?
"Sob… Brother…" Yu Qianqian cried.
Dong Xuebing patted Yu Qianqian's head. "Don't cry… What is it?"
"I heard Lui Xiaolei's father is a leader in the County."
Dong Xuebing knew Yu Qianqian is worried about him. "Even if his father is a leader from the Central Government, he can bully others? Which department is his father from?!"
Chen Fang turned away from Dong Xuebing and ignored him as she felt he is bragging.
One of the security guards coldly replied. "Investment Promotion Agency!"
"Investment Promotion Agency? Lui?" Dong Xuebing looks at the boy. "You are Lui Dafa's son?"
Chen Fang and the two security guards were stunned. This person knows Chief Lui, and from his tone, he does not seem to be frightened.
Dong Xuebing immediately senses the real reason behind this incident. When Lui Dafa's relative hit Tang Jin, Dong Xuebing had called to scold him. Now, Lui Dafa and Dong Xuebing are nominated to replaced Meng Xianglin, and this incident happens. It's only been a few days since the nominations were announced, and Lui Dafa's son went to bully Yu Qianqian?
"Hey, kid! You know me?" Dong Xuebing looks at Lui Xiaolei.
Lui Xiaolei looks away. "Who are you?! I don't know you!"
Suddenly the door opened, and Lui Dafa stormed into the room angrily. "Where is my son?! Who hit my son?!"
Lui Xiaolei stood up. "Dad!"
Lui Dafa ignored everyone in the office. "Are you hurt?"
Dong Xuebing coldly said. "He is fine, and my sister is hurt!"
"You?!" Lui Dafa's face changed. "Your sister? She is the one who hit my son?!"
Dong Xuebing pointed at Lui Dafa and scolded. "Lui Dafa! Is this the way you teach your son? Ah?! He tried to rob and take off my sister's pants in public! Is this what you taught him?! Do you want to see him in juvenile prison? Sure. I can help you!"
Lui Xiaolei's face becomes pale when he heard juvenile prison.
Lui Dafa retorted. "Bullshit! Your sister had injured Xiaolei, and you dare to shout at me?!"
Dong Xuebing replied. "My sister should have beat him to death! How dare he try to take off a girl's pants in public?!"
Lui Dafa and Dong Xuebing started arguing.
Chen Fang was stunned as she realized what was going on. Although Yu Qianqian's brother is young, he is not afraid of Chief Lui and dares to scold him. His rank should be the same or even higher than Chief Lui, as Chief Lui did not try to use his rank or call the police.
Chen Fang and the two security guards regretted calling the students' parents. They are on a different level, and why did they have to get involved?
Now, Chen Fang and the two security guards cannot even leave the office.
"Leaders…" Chen Fang saw both men getting into a fierce argument and tried to stop them. She must get both parties to calm down and settle this problem. Even if Lui Xiaolei tried to take off Yu Qianqian's pants, the scratches on his face might leave a scar. This can be considered his punishment, and the students are underaged and will not be charged in courts.
Five minutes later, Dong Xuebing and Lui Dafa got tired of arguing.
Dong Xuebing might be angry, but he did not want to blow up this matter. Yu Qianqian is shy, and if this incident blows up, people might know someone tried to take off her pants in public. How is she going to face her classmates?
Lui Dafa is also thinking about the same thing. If news of this incident spreads, he will be embarrassed.
In the end, both sides left with their children.
On the way to the hospital.
Lui Dafa looks at his son. "Did you extort money and tried to take off that girl's pants?"
"It's not me!" Lui Xiaolei refused to admit.
"That girl is wearing County First Middle School's uniform. Why did you go there?"
Lui Xiaolei kept quiet.
Lui Dafa suddenly remembered on the day the nominations for the Chief position was announced, he had discussed with his wife at home, and he mentioned Dong Xuebing was also nominated. His son might have overheard their conversation from his room, and that's why he tried to find trouble with Yu Qianqian. Lui Dafa knows Dong Xuebing's mother is teaching at County First Middle School but does not know about Yu Qianqian. His son might have found out about Dong Xuebing's sister, Yu Qianqian, from his former Junior School classmates studying there.
Lui Dafa sighed in his heart and no longer bear to scold his son.
Translator's notes:
Man Proposes, God Disposes (谋事在人成事在天)
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