Power and Wealth

Chapter 292 –Section Chief!


The weather is warmer.

Dong Xuebing entered his mother's ward on the fifth floor of the hospital and saw his Uncle and his Uncle's wife, First and Second Aunts, and his cousin Tang Jin. They had not left and been chatting with Luan Xiaoping. There are a few empty food containers beside some leftovers.

"Mum, are you feeling better?" Dong Xuebing entered.

Dong Xuebing's Uncle replied with a smile. "The Doctor had checked her blood earlier and told us that she is fine."

Luan Xiaoping looks at her son. "Where did you go this morning? Why are you so late and didn't answer my calls?"

"Ah… I returned to the Bureau to settle some work."

Dong Xuebing does not want to let his mother worry about him and did not mention anything about the Commission for Discipline Inspection's investigation. Suddenly, Liu Li, in his uniform, entered the ward with an X-ray and a few medical reports. He should have arrived earlier and gone out to collect the reports for Luan Xiaoping. Liu Li is Tang Jin's boyfriend and was working as an Auxiliary Officer in Wu Tian Village Station. But Dong Xuebing helped him get promoted to Police Officer, and Dong Xuebing has a good impression of him.

"Chief Dong." Liu Li straighten his back when he saw Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing smiled. "Why are you still calling me, Chief? Just call me Brother will do. After all, we will be one family soon."

Liu Li embarrassedly said. "Brother Dong."

"Brother!" Tang Jin grabbed Dong Xuebing's arm and swung it. "You did not keep to your words. When are you going to transfer my Liu Li to the County?"

Dong Xuebing had promised to transfer Liu Li to the Public Security Bureau and help Tang Jin find a job in the County town. This way, they will not be separated after they got married. But after buying a two-room apartment for Tang Jin in the County town, he was either risking his life or lying in the hospital and had forgotten about it. Second Aunt and her husband and Liu Li were embarrassed to ask Dong Xuebing, and Tang Jin is the most suitable person to ask.

Dong Xuebing slapped his forehead when he heard this. "Is the renovation for your apartment completed?"

"It's completed a long time ago." Tang Jin smacked her lips. "I had wanted to show you the apartment, but you are too busy."

Dong Xuebing smiles. "Sorry… I had forgotten about this. Alright. I will settle this for Xiao Liu as soon as possible."

Luan Xiaoping, who was lying on the bed, gave her son a stare. "Stop saying you will settle this as soon as possible, and you will forget about this when you become busy. Settle this today. The renovations for the apartment had been completed, and I dropped by to take a look. Your Second Aunt and her husband are waiting for them to get married. The earlier you settle this, the earlier they can get married."

Dong Xuebing replied embarrassedly. "Ok… ok… I will make some calls now."

Second Aunt quickly interrupts. "Sis, Xiao Bing, there is no hurry."

"Second Aunt, leave everything to me."

Dong Xuebing walks out of the ward and lit a cigarette at a window along the corridor. He called Public Security Deputy Bureau Chief Qin Yong. "Hello, Chief Qin."

"Chief Dong? Haha… I was just about to call you." Qin Yong laughed.

Dong Xuebing joked. "Thanks for remembering me. I am fine and just treat this as a sightseeing trip at the Commission for Discipline Inspection."

"Hahaha… I heard about this…"

Dong Xuebing asked Qin Yong to transfer Wu Tian Village Station's Liu Li to the Public Security Bureau. Wu Tian Village Station is under Qin Yong, and transferring an officer to the Public Security Bureau is not a problem. But Qin Yong told Dong Xuebing that it is not a problem for him to transfer Liu Li into the patrol team or traffic department, after all, he is overseeing these departments. But it will be hard to transfer him to the investigation team or Political Section. He is hinting at Dong Xuebing to speak to the people from those departments before he can transfer Liu Li.

In the past, Dong Xuebing had promised his Second Aunt to transfer Liu Li to the Traffic department. But now, Dong Xuebing's influence and connections had grown stronger and felt he should offer more help to Liu Li. After all, this concerns his cousin's future, and the prospects in the Traffic department is not as good as the Political Section. So, Dong Xuebing called the Political Section's Chief Chang Hailiang. Dong Xuebing is not familiar with Chang Hailiang and had only spoken to him a few times. When Chang Hailiang heard Dong Xuebing wants to transfer someone over to his department, he agreed.

After returning to the ward, Tang Jin and Liu Li look at Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing laughed. "It's done. Just wait for the transfer order to the Political Section."

Tang Jin was surprised. "Didn't you say Liu Li will be going to the Traffic Department? How come it is the Political Section now?"

"You are not willing? Fine. Then he will go to the Traffic Department." Dong Xuebing laughed.

"Ahh… when did I say we are not willing? I am just surprised." Tang Jing laughed and swung Dong Xuebing's arms. "Political Section is much better than the Traffic Department. Thank you!" Political Section Officers have better prospects than Traffic Officers and will face less danger compared to the investigation team officers. This is also why Dong Xuebing did not want to transfer Liu Li to the investigation team.

Liu Li heard it and is grateful. "Thank you, Brother Dong. Thank you…"

"We are all one family. What's there to thank me?" Dong Xuebing patted Liu Li's shoulder. "I am close to Chief Qin, and you must pay him a visit after the transfer is completed. You must also thank Chief Chang too. Remember to prepare a few cartons of good cigarettes."

Liu Li replied. "Yes."

"Brother…" Tang Jin looks at Dong Xuebing. "What about my job?"

Dong Xuebing rubbed his temples. "Err… I need some time to find a suitable job for you." Dong Xuebing does not know anyone from the state-owned enterprises. "Xiao Jin, just resign and move to the County town first. I will help you find a job in a few days."

As they were speaking, someone knocks on the ward, and a woman in her early thirties entered.

Tang Jin, who was closest to the door, asked. "Who are you?"

Dong Xuebing paused for a second and walked up to that woman with a smile. "Secretary Hu, why are you here?"

"Haha…" Hu Silian laughed. "What's wrong with me coming here?"

When Dong Xuebing was hospitalized, Xie Huilan had visited him with Hu Silian, and Dong Xuebing's relatives had seen her before. But at that time, Dong Xuebing had only introduced Xie Huilan, and he immediately introduces Hu Silian to everyone in the ward. "This is Secretary Hu, our County Government's number one secretary." If Dong Xuebing said the County's number one secretary, he is referring to Secretary Zhou, Party Secretary Xiang's secretary. But the number one secretary of the County Government is referring to Xie Huilan's secretary.

The Mayor's secretary?

Dong Xuebing's Uncle and Aunts were shocked. "Secretary Hu. Nice to meet you…"

Liu Li also starts to tense up.

Hu Silian returned their greetings with a nod and said. "Don't listen to Chief Dong. I am only a messenger." Hu Silian will not say this in front of other government staff, as they might misinterpret her. But Hu Silian did not treat Dong Xuebing as an outsider, and the people here are not working in the government. There is nothing wrong with being modest here, and this will make her more approachable.

"Xiao Bing, hurry and let Secretary Hu sit. Help me up." Luan Xiaoping tried to push herself up.

Hu Silian quickly went over to help Luan Xiaoping. "Aunty, please don't get up. You just had surgery and need to lie down." Hu Silian had brought fruits with her, and she placed it on the table beside. "Mayor Xie had asked me to visit you. How are you feeling?"

Luan Xiaoping was surprised. "I am fine now. Thank you for your concern."

Hu Silian smiled and chatted with Luan Xiaoping.

Dong Xuebing's Uncle and Aunts looked at each other. When Xiao Bing was hospitalized, Mayor Xie had visited him, and now, she had sent her secretary to visit Xiao Bing's mother with fruits. All these shows that Mayor Xie values Dong Xuebing. Hu Silian also just found out how close Dong Xuebing and Mayor Xie are, when Dong Xuebing was brought in for investigation by the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Mayor Xie seems to be relaxed about this, and it was after Dong Xuebing was release, Hu Silian realized Mayor Xie seems to know that Dong Xuebing had won the lottery and nothing will happen to him. That means both of them had contacted each other privately.

After chatting for a while, Dong Xuebing suddenly remembered something.

"Sister Hu." Dong Xuebing pulled Tang Jin over. "This is my cousin, Tang Jin. What do you think of her?"

Hu Silian laughed. "Not bad. She is pretty and smart. Haha…"

Dong Xuebing replied. "Really? I am trying to help her get a job. She is currently working in a leather factory in the village. It's not good for a girl to work in the factory for too long, and I am thinking of getting her a better job in the County…"

Hu Silian immediately understood. "No problem. I will help you ask around."

"Ah… Thank you."

"Don't mention it."

Dong Xuebing noticed Tang Jin was still in a daze and quickly give her a slight tug. "Hurry, and thank your Sister Hu."

Tang Jin and her parents quickly thank Hu Silian.

Dong Xuebing offered to walk Hu Silian out when she was leaving.

In the corridor, Hu Silian laughed. "Chief Dong, when are you going to give us a treat?"

"No problem. If you are free tonight, I will treat you to dinner."

"Hahaha… don't think I will be satisfied with a typical restaurant. The dinner must be at a five stars restaurant." Hu Silian laughed. "I know you had won a few million from the lottery, and you are our richest leader in Yan Tai County. I want to get a least a few treats from you." There might be other leaders in Yan Tai County who are wealthier than Dong Xuebing, but their wealth is from illicit means. That's why Dong Xuebing is considered the wealthiest government leader in Yan Tai County and even Fen Zhou City.

After joking for a while, they reached the end of the corridor.

Hu Silian turns to Dong Xuebing. "You don't need to walk me out. I am not going back."

"Huh?" Dong Xuebing asked. "Are you not feeling well?"

"No. Mayor Xie asked me to visit Chief Meng too." Meng Xianglin's ward is behind the turn in front.

Dong Xuebing thought to himself. What's there to visit him? But he knows Meng Xianglin is the head of the Investment Promotion Agency and Xie Huilan had to send her secretary to visit him.

Hu Silian suddenly lowered her voice. "I heard Chief Meng might be retiring because of medical reasons."

"Really?" Dong Xuebing was shocked.

Hu Silian nodded and continued. "It is not easy to cure blood clots in the brain, and at most, the doctors can only reduce the symptoms. But after Chief Meng met the elevator accident, his health deteriorated. He cannot even speak without stuttering over the phone, and he hinted he wants to have an early retirement. But I am not sure about the details."

After watching Hu Silian enter Meng Xianglin's ward, Dong Xuebing walks to the other end of the corridor and looks out of the window.

Meng Xianglin is going to retire because of medical reasons.

Dong Xuebing becomes excited.

The Investment Promotions Agency is a popular place in these few years, as many parts of China are concerned about getting investments. The first thing that comes to the mind is to promote investments. But Yan Tai County is rural and poor, and not many people want to enter the Investment Promotion Agency as the geographical location restricted the County's development. This is also the reason why Dong Xuebing is interested.

Dong Xuebing wants a Section Chief's rank position!

Dong Xuebing does not have enough experience to enter the Finance Department and Supervision Bureau, as he had only entered the Government service for slightly more than a year. Getting promoted to Deputy Section Chief is already an exception, let alone getting promoted to Section Chief and getting a good position. Furthermore, there are no vacancies in those departments. The Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Civil Affairs are places for retirement, and Dong Xuebing will not get any credit if he works there.

Investment Promotion Agency…

Dong Xuebing thought about this department and felt it is a good place for him.

Firstly, there is a high potential in this department, and Dong Xuebing will have lots of opportunities to get credits. Secondly, this department is considered unpopular in the County, and Dong Xuebing does not need many experiences to enter. Thirdly, Meng Xianglin might be retiring, and there will be a vacancy!

Investment Promotion Agency… Investment Promotion Agency…

This is a good place for me!

Dong Xuebing got more excited as he thinks about it. He was still troubled over Section Chief, and now, an opportunity comes knocking on his doors. Thanks to his BACK, he can scare Meng Xianglin out of his wits and worsen his condition. Even heaven is standing by this side, and it will be a sin if he does not fight for this position!

That's it!

At night, Dong Xuebing returned home and thought hard while holding his phone.

Five minutes… Ten minutes… Twenty minutes…

Finally, Dong Xuebing mustered his courage and called Xie Huilan. "Hello, Sister Xie."

"Xiao Dong? What is it?" Xie Huilan might be in her car as Dong Xuebing can hear the radio in the background.

Dong Xuebing cleared his throat. "Err… I heard Chief Meng is going to retire?"

"Haha… You got the news quite fast. I think so, and I can sense he does have this intention. But everything is not confirmed yet, and we need to look at his medical report tomorrow.

"Err… if he retires, can I… errr…."

Xie Huilan narrowed her eyes and smiled. "Can you what?"

"You should know what I am thinking." Dong Xuebing replied. "I want to take over his position. What do you think?"

"You are quite motivated, and you dare to think about this after the trouble you created? Ah?"

"Huh? I am just asking. It's fine if it is not possible."

"Hahaha…" Xie Huilan replied with a softer tone. "Alright. I know about it."

After getting Xie Huilan's reply, Dong Xuebing felt better. This time, he is not confident of getting promoted, as he knows it's quite impossible to get approval from the Party Committee. But he still wants to get nominated for promotion and try his best to get promoted.


One day passed…

Two days passed…

Three days passed…

Dong Xuebing will visit his mother during with free time and check on Meng Xianglin's condition.

As expected, Meng Xianglin's condition worsened and did not improve after treatment. In the end, Meng Xianglin agrees to retire, and the County Government starts his retirement process. Many people are eyeing the Investment Promotion Agency Chief position. There are too many Deputy Section Chiefs in Yan Tai County, and who doesn't want to get promoted?

But no one in the County expects Mayor Xie to act so fast!

The day after Meng Xianglin's retirement is confirmed, Xie Huilan submitted her nominations for Meng Xianglin's replacement to the Organization Bureau. The first person is the Investment Promotion Agency's Deputy Chief Lui Dafa. This person is related to the County's Publicity Department Chen Tongbing and is from Xiang Daofa's faction. This is quite normal. Although the Investment Promotion Agency is a department under the County Government, Xie Huilan cannot prevent Xiang Daofa's men from getting promoted. The second person that is nominated, shocked everyone. Dong Xuebing!

Everyone knows Xiang Daofa dislike Dong Xuebing.

After Dong Xuebing ruined the investment site visit, Xiang Daofa immediately ordered the Commission for Discipline Inspection to investigate him. This shows Xiang Daofa's determination to get rid of Dong Xuebing. But at this time, Xie Huilan nominated Dong Xuebing for this position! Chief Dong is only 24 years old and had worked for less than two years! Is she going to push Dong Xuebing up for promotion on an exceptional basis?

The smart people can tell this is a power struggle between the Party Committee and the Mayor!

Xie Huilan nominating Dong Xuebing is equivalent to slapping Xiang Daofa in the face!

The Party Committee Secretary had just ordered the Commission for Discipline Inspection to investigate this person, and this person's name appeared on the nomination list just days after the investigation! This is a really big slap to Xiang Daofa's face!

Many people were worried and started to reassess the political situation in Yan Tai County.

A storm is brewing!

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