Power and Wealth

Chapter 244 – Severely injured!

Dong Xuebing pulled the trapped passengers out of the bus from the top.

At the same time, many people in the minibus saw what happened from a distance.

"They are getting out! Someone is getting out!"

"They are trapped passengers! Chief Dong had saved them!"

Everyone in the minibus was cheering, and Xie Huilan and Cao Xupeng were standing at the end of the bus looking at Dong Xuebing. Liang Chengpeng slapped his thigh excitedly. "Xiao Dong had saved them!"

"That is Xiao Juan! My wife is rescued!"

"Leilei! I see my Leilei! He is still alive!"

"Sob… My wife is alright!"

Xie Huilan immediately ordered. "Station Chief Chen! Turn the bus back to rescue them!"

Chen Fa was also excited to see Dong Xuebing alive, but he said. "Mayor Xie, Secretary Cao, you all should get off the bus here. It's too dangerous there!"

Cao Xupeng scolded. "Shut up and drive back there!"

Chen Fa turned the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator!

Six people were rescued. Liu Dahai, an officer from Hui Tian Village Station, another rescuer from the rescue party, a young woman, a boy, and a middle-aged man. Everyone almost cried after they were rescued. But when they looked around and saw only Dong Xuebing standing there, they were shocked.

Liu Dahai asked. "Chief Dong, you are alone?"

The young woman asked. "Where is the rescue party? Why is there no one else?"


Before Dong Xuebing can say anything, a loud rumbling sound was heard, and the ground shook. A few large rocks rolled down the mountain and narrowly missed the young woman and the middle-aged man. One of the rocks almost hit the boy, but Dong Xuebing pulled him away from danger. Everyone turned pale and knew they were not out of danger!

They are still in a dangerous situation and might die any second!

Liu Dahai was stunned. "Chief Dong, you… how did you get over here?"

Dong Xuebing replied. "I walked over."

They looked at the muddy ground, the rocks rolling down from the mountain, and at Dong Xuebing in shock. Had you walked over? It may only be around twenty meters, but you might be killed by the falling rocks anytime! How did you get here alive? You risked your life just to save us?!

Dong Xuebing looked towards the mountain and said. "Let's go before another major landslide happens!" He points in front. "See the uneven ground there? That's the path I used to get here. Follow my path and run without stopping. Don't look at the mountain and don't be afraid. If there is danger, I will shout out to you all!"

The woman panicked. "There are still rocks falling! We will not make it out!"

Crash! Rocks and tree branches fell from the mountain!

The middle-aged man took a deep breath and said. "No! We will not make it over! Let us wait for the rescue party here!"

Dong Xuebing stared at that man. "F**k you! Cannot make it to safety? Then how did I get here? I also walked the path to get here! Wait?! If there is another landslide, we will all be dead! Stop saying these discouraging words! I say we can walk out safely! Hurry up and run as fast as you can! It's only around twenty meters, and it will be over in a blink of an eye!" At this moment, they had to keep their morale up.

Liu Dahai also felt it was not possible to get to safety, but he still said. "Alright! Get ready and line up!"

No one dares to be the first.

Liu Dahai saw this and shouted. "Xiao An! You will go first!"

That officer from Hui Tian Village clenched his teeth and started running.

Dong Xuebing shouted behind him. "Don't look back! Just focus on my footsteps and ignore the rest! You must not miss any steps! Quick!" But Xiao An had only move three meters, and a rock fell onto his shoulder. He screamed in pain and died on the spot!

Dong Xuebing cursed and shouted. BACK 5 seconds!

Time returned!

Dong Xuebing shouted at Xiao An. "Xiao An! Stop! Lie flat on the ground! Now!"

Xiao An immediately dived on the ground, and the next second, a rock brush passed his back, narrowly missing him.

Dong Xuebing shouted again. "Continue running! Hurry!"

Xiao An got up clumsily and started running forward!

Liu Dahai pushed the middle-aged man beside him. "You are next! Hurry up! Don't need to be scared! Chief Dong is around!"

Dong Xuebing added. "You all only focus on running straight! I will keep a lookout for you all!"

Dong Xuebing is a celebrity in Yan Tai County, and those who read the news will know Chief Dong had made it out alive miraculously in two incidents. That's why everyone trusted him and started running behind Xiao An!

Fragmented rocks were falling from the mountains and killed some of the rescued passengers.

"That woman! Duck! Lower your head!"

"Boy! Stop there! Stop!"

"That man! Lie down with your arms covering your head! Now!"

Dong Xuebing used BACK, again and again, to bring those people back from the dead! Liu Dahai was speechless as it was still pouring, and visibility is poor. The rocks are falling from the mountain at a fast speed and do not fall in a fixed path. He could not understand why Chief Dong can predict where the rocks will land!

"Old Liu! It's your turn!" Dong Xuebing shouted.

Liu Dahai looked around, and only Chief Dong and he remains. "Chief Dong, you go first!"

Dong Xuebing pushed Liu Dahai. "Stop wasting time and run! I will be behind you!"

Liu Dahai's eyes were red. "Chief Dong!"

"Hurry up!"

Now, lesser rocks are falling from above. Only small stones and debris are falling from the mountains, and since they will not do any serious injuries, Dong Xuebing did not use BACK. He had not to keep track of how much time is left and estimate to be less than twenty seconds left!

Suddenly, the sound of screeching tires was heard, as the minibus arrived!

Chen Fa and other officers jumped out. "Chief Dong! Station Chief Liu!"

Xie Huilan, Cao Xupeng, Liang Chengpeng, and the family members got off the bus. Everyone at the scene was excited and relieved. No one had expected Chief Dong to rescue everyone in that grim situation. Furthermore, Chief Dong is injured, and he managed to dig everyone out! This is a miracle!

"Xiao Juan!"

"Leilei! Sob… My Leilei!"

The young woman and the boy had run out through the mud, into the arms of their family members.

"Mum! Sob…."

"Da Yu! I was so scared!"

"It's alright now! Everything is alright now!"

They were reunited with their family members and were crying in each other's arms.

Xie Huilan shouted. "Hurry up! Quick!"

Liang Chengpeng rolled up his sleeves and rushed forward to help those trapped passengers get down from the mud and debris. Everyone had gotten to safety, and only Dong Xuebing and Liu Dahai are preparing to escape.

But at this moment, the earth shook more vigorously than before. Loud rumbling noises can be heard and sounded like the earth is tearing apart. Dong Xuebing and the rest turned pale and looked towards the mountain. They could see trees falling, and within a split second, the uprooted trees had reached the mid-levels of the mountain. For the trees to be uprooted, it must be another landslide!

Chen Fa shouted. "Chief Dong! Run!"

Everyone started shouting. "Hurry up! There's no more time!"

"Chief Dong!"

This landslide is bigger than the ones before it. If anyone is caught in this landslide, they will die for sure!

Liu Dahai shouted anxiously. "Chief Dong! You go first!"

Dong Xuebing roared back at Liu Dahai. "Stop wasting time and run! If not, none of us can escape!"

"Chief Dong!"


Suddenly, a rock, about the size of a football, rolled down from the mountain and hit Liu Dahai's chest! Liu Dahai could not even make a sound, and he collapsed!

"Old Liu!" Dong Xuebing screamed. "BACK 10 Seconds!"

The scenes changed!

Dong Xuebing wanted to remind Liu Dahai to dodge, but what he saw made him break out in cold sweat!

That rock is very near to them. Eight meters… six meters… four meters… It is about to crash into Liu Dahai!

Dong Xuebing knew that if it was ten seconds before, this rock should still be on the mountain, and he will have enough time to get Liu Dahai to avoid it. But now, the time had not returned to ten seconds before. It should be around three seconds, and the only explanation is Dong Xuebing had only three seconds of BACK left and does not have any more chance to use BACK now!

"Old Liu!"

"Chief Liu!"

Not far away, everyone saw the rock flying towards Liu Dahai and shouted out to him!

It's too late for Liu Dahai to dodge, and he stood there helplessly.

Dong Xuebing had no time to think and pounce forward, pushing Liu Dahai to the ground!

A loud 'thud' was heard as the rock hit Dong Xuebing's back!

Dong Xuebing out blood upon the impact. He had blocked the rock from hitting Liu Dahai with his back!

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