Power and Wealth

Chapter 243 – Save! Save! Save!

The rain was still pouring down relentlessly.

"Stop the car! Stop immediately!"

"What is Chief Dong doing? Is he trying to save the trapped passengers? Is he mad?"

"The side of the mountain is crumbling down! There is not enough time!"

"Chief Dong is still injured! How can he save others with his body?!"

Many people could not believe their eyes as they looked at Dong Xuebing's back view. When Dong Xuebing ordered to evacuate everyone, some still thought he is scare of dying and is ignoring the trapped passengers for his and the County's leaders' safety. But when everyone saw Dong Xuebing did not board the vehicle and picked up a shovel, they knew what he is trying to do!

Dong Xuebing is going to save the passengers! He is going to save them himself!

It is Chief Xiao Dong again! Whenever the people are in trouble, Chief Xiao Dong is always the one stepping forward!

A few people started crying as they looked at Chief Xiao Dong from the rear windscreen of the vehicles. No one had expected Dong Xuebing to make such a decision. Rocks and debris are still falling from the mountains, and he is alone. The muddy ground is extremely unstable, and the situation is grim. There's no hope for Dong Xuebing to return alive, and his arms are still covered in bandages. He still had not recovered from his injuries!

Everyone at the scene had boarded the vehicles and only Dong Xuebing, remained.

No words could describe the feelings of those in the vehicles.

Xie Huilan opened the windows and shouted angrily. "Xiao Dong! Get back here!"

Liang Chengpeng also shouted at Dong Xuebing. "Chief Dong! Come back now!"

Dong Xuebing heard their cries, but he did not turn around or say anything. Liu Dahai might still be on the tour bus with the other rescuers and passengers. How can he turn back? Dong Xuebing is the only one who has a slim chance to rescue everyone from the bus with his power. If he doesn't rescue them, they will die.

Everyone can leave the scene except for Dong Xuebing!

Dong Xuebing needs to save them! He must save as many people as possible!

"Chief Dong!"

"Chief Dong, come back!"

Dong Xuebing saw the bus stop again and shouted furiously. "Chen Fa! Hurry up and drive!"

Crash! A tree had rolled down from the mountain and brushed against the back of the minibus!

"Chief Dong!"

"Xiao Dong!"

The rescue party and injured passengers cried out.

Dong Xuebing did not say a word and ran forward with his shovel. The rain had made the ground softer, and Dong Xuebing almost missed a step. He quickly used the shovel to support himself and continued his way forward with big strides. Every step he took, his feet will sink into the mud!


What Dong Xuebing needed the most is the time!

Dong Xuebing had no time to lose and must increase his speed!

Half a meter…

One meter…

Two meters…

Ah!!! Dong Xuebing stepped onto a hole!

Dong Xuebing felt everything becomes black, and the next moment, his whole body felt into a muddy hole!


"Chief Dong!"

The people on the bus gasped!

Dong Xuebing struggled and could not climb out. He is covered by mud and was suffocating. He knew he would not make it and held his breath as he screamed, "BACK 10 seconds!" in his heart. Dong Xuebing's body returned to the ground and was about to take a step forward. He paused and changed direction to avoid that area where the hole was located!

It was only five to six meters, but it was extremely dangerous!

Dong Xuebing almost died three times, and the ground feels like a swamp, which can swallow him anytime!

Six meters! Dong Xuebing had moved 6 meters! He is nearing the buried tour bus!

But before Dong Xuebing can move further, danger befalls on him again. Dong Xuebing was wearing a raincoat, and the sides of his head are covered. He felt a gush of wind beside him and turned his body slightly to see what was happening. At the same time, he heard shouts behind him, and rock, the size of his forearm, fell and hit him on his waist!


Dong Xuebing shouted in pain and blacked out. He was unsure if he died or he had fainted!

Damn! BACK 8 seconds!

The scenes changed again!

Dong Xuebing regained his senses and quickly dived forward!

Crash! A rock had rolled down from the mountains and narrowly missed Dong Xuebing's back!

Dong Xuebing was relieved and got up from the muddy ground. He continued forward, and this dangerous situation did not stop him. He is not afraid of the dangers and was determined to overcome it.

Everyone on the bus was shouting to get off, after seeing Dong Xuebing narrowly escaping death several times. The officers from Hui Tian Village Station shouted to Chen Fa. "Station Chief Chen! Let me go and bring Chief Dong back!" The other officers added. "I will go too! If Chief Dong is not leaving, I will stay to help him! We must not let Chief Dong face the dangers alone!"

"Chief Chen! Let me go too!"

"I will go too!"

The driver was looking at Chen Fa.

Chen Fa did not say a word.

Dong Xuebing suddenly turns around and saw the minibus still there. His lungs almost exploded from his anger. "Didn't you hear what I said?! Get away from here!"

Chen Fa's eyes were red. "But you…"

Dong Xuebing interrupted him. "Just ignore me and get lost!"

"Chief Dong!"

"Chief Dong!"

More debris and chipped rocks were falling from the mountains. Crack! One of the rocks hit the minibus and shattered a window!

"Hurry and go!" Dong Xuebing shouted.

Chen Fa hit the minibus's windscreen and shouted. "Drive! Let's go!"

Tears were rolling down from the driver's eyes as he steps on the accelerator!

Cao Xupeng shouted from the back of the bus. "Stop! Who allows you to drive?! Hurry and bring Chief Dong back!"

Liang Chengpeng shouted at his men. "Get two men and carry Xiao Dong back! He is still injured, and this is seeking death!"

Everyone was moved by Dong Xuebing's fearless attitude. He was like this during the hostage situation at the school, and during the jumping incident at the County's Party Committee building. Now, he is doing it again. How many government officials in the County, city, or even province, can do what he is doing?


Seeing the driver hesitating whether to stop, Chen Fa dragged him out of the driver seat and got in. He stepped on the accelerator, ignoring the leaders and his colleagues. He gripped on the steering wheel tightly and drove forward!

"Chief Dong!

"Chief Dong!"

Dong Xuebing was relieved when the cries got softer. He looked at the rocks and debris rolling down from the mountains and smiled wryly. The past few days, he had been resting at home and accumulated around 10 minutes of BACK. But just the short distance earlier, he had used almost 2 minutes. He is also not sure if he can make it out alive. This time, he might die.

But Dong Xuebing does not have time to think about all these!

Dong Xuebing continued forward! He must save everyone!

Eleven meters…

Twelve meters…

Thirteen meters…

The nearer Dong Xuebing got to the tour bus, the more dangerous it was.

Dong Xuebing had fallen into deep holes five or six times and used more than a minute of BACK, before reaching the spot where the tour bus was. The tour bus was buried under the mud and debris. There was an area in the mud which was sunken, and Dong Xuebing guessed the bus window or door is beneath it. Mud and debris will enter the tour bus through the windows or door, creating a shallow dent in the mud!

Dong Xuebing had no time to guess if this is the correct location and can only take a gamble!

Dong Xuebing picks up the shovel and starts digging!

Dong Xuebing's arms had not recovered and should not do strenuous activities. Just moving his arms was painful, but he did not stop. He gritted his teeth and continued digging!


Five rocks fell from the mountains suddenly, and three of them hit Dong Xuebing!

Dong Xuebing shouted in pain and noticed he could not move his right hand. His right hand was fractured!

BACK 5 seconds!

Time returned!

Dong Xuebing quickly lowered his body and used the shovel to block his side. Crash… Two of the rocks were blocked by the shovel, and Dong Xuebing dodged one more. The impact from the rocks hitting the shovel made his hands numb. He looked at his shovel, and there were two dents. If the rocks hit his head, he would have died!

Dong Xuebing did not care about the numbness in his hands and continued digging with all his strength!

I must save them!

One time…

Two times…

Three times…

Dong Xuebing could feel piercing pain from his arms, but he continued.

Fragments of rocks were flying over Dong Xuebing's head, but he continues digging.

Everyone was watching Dong Xuebing a lonely figure from the minibus, which is moving further away. They could see Dong Xuebing digging nonstop with his heavily bandaged arms and were touched by him.

Many people started crying.

This might be the last time they saw Chief Dong alive.

Xie Huilan sat there quietly, looking in front. But Cao Xupeng noticed her eyelashes moving very fast and seems to be very emotional. Liang Chengpeng clenched his fist and felt terrible. He claimed to be a good official and had always wanted to do something for the people. But he got to admit that he is nothing compared to Dong Xuebing!

"Sob… Xiao Juan!"


The injured passengers were still shouting the names of their family members.

Liang Chengpeng looked at them and said. "Don't worry. Chief Dong is rescuing them, and they will be fine!" Someone added. "That's right. Nothing is impossible for Chief Dong. Chief Dong is the one who rescued all the hostages at Nan Liu Junior School. This time, it will be the same!"

But no matter how capable Chief Dong was, he is still alone, and it's impossible to win against the landslide, mudflows, falling rocks, etc. All these are fatal, and even if he can avoid one or two falling rocks by luck, he cannot dodge the rest!

No one knows if Chief Dong can survive this calamity!

Even Dong Xuebing also doesn't know if he can make it out alive!

Dong Xuebing was exhausted, but the mud seems to be endless. No matter how he digs, he still cannot reach the bottom. Although this is not considered mudflow or marsh, the mud will flow back into the hole Dong Xuebing was digging. After digging for so long, Dong Xuebing had dug only less than half a meter!

This cannot continue! Dong Xuebing must dig faster!

Dong Xuebing ignored the pain in his arms and dig harder and faster. He prayed for the ones trapped in the bus to hold on until he reached them!

It was pitch black on the tour bus.

Liu Dahai was lying on his side, gasping for air and could hear children crying near to him.

They were trapped in the tour bus for more than ten minutes, and the window at the back of the bus was shattered. Mud and debris had seeped in through the openings. There was only a small space at the front of the bus. If Liu Dahai and the other two rescuers had not used a seat cushion to block the bus door and a window, they would have been buried alive.

Now, the oxygen is running out, and everyone was in despair.

"I… can't breathe!" A young woman cried.

Liu Dahai replied softly. "The rescue party will be here soon! Don't give up!"

An officer from Hui Tian Village Station replied in despair. "Listen. There are still rocks falling on top. How are they going to rescue us in this situation? They might have given up on saving us."

A child cried. "I don't want to die! Sob… Mum! Dad! Come and save me!"

The child's cries affected the rest. That young woman and another boy started crying. "Someone! Save us! Help!" Bang, bang, bang… They started banging on the sides of the bus, hoping for someone to hear them. "Come and save us! Help! We are running out of air!"

Someone said. "Stop shouting! They are gone, and no one will save us!"

Although everyone knows this is true, they continued to shout and bang against the bus!

Liu Dahai was getting dizzy, and this is a sign of lack of oxygen. He opened his mouth and tried to get as much air as possible. The people around him were in the same condition as him, and they stopped shouting. All of them closed their eyes and waited. They are going to die!

One second…

Two seconds…

Three seconds…

It felt like an eternity, and just when everyone thought they were about to die, they heard some sounds above them!

It sounds like digging!

Someone is trying to save them!

Liu Dahai mustered up all his strength and sat up. "Its… the bus door… Someone is trying to reach us there."

All of them were weak and could only look towards the bus door.



The sounds were getting nearer!

Suddenly, there was a loud crash. The passenger seat used to block the door was pushed aside, and a light shone in. At the same time, fresh air entered the tour bus, and the trapped passengers were gasping for air. They felt their energy coming back to them, and it was like being reborn!


I am still alive!

A man shouted. "Is there anyone alive?"

"Yes! Yes!"

"Save us!"

"Please save us!"

Only Liu Dahai recognized this voice. "Chief Dong!"

It was Dong Xuebing's voice, and hearing the replies from inside the bus, Dong Xuebing shouted excitedly. "Old Liu! Are you all alright? That's great! Hurry! Get everyone to climb out one after another! Quick!" Dong Xuebing's BACK was almost used up, and without BACK, he can no longer revive himself. Every second count!

Liu Dahai almost cried when he heard Dong Xuebing's voice.

"Everyone, hurry up!" Liu Dahai grabbed a child and pushed him upwards. "Don't rush! Don't rush! Let the children go first!"

The bus door was forced open, and mud started seeping into the bus. They don't have much time left!

"Everyone move faster!"

Although Liu Dahai wanted to get out of the bus first, as a Police Officer, he got to remain until everyone gets to safety. He climbed out of the bus only after all the trapped passengers were rescued!

They are finally out!

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