Power and Wealth

C.1063: Director Ma was scared away


Yao Cui’s house.

Dong Xuebing and Yao Cui’s family sat in the courtyard to have dinner and chatted happily.

“How is work, Xuebing?” Yao Cui asked.

“I reported to work today and am not familiar with the work yet.” Dong Xuebing said while eating.

Yao Cui looked at Dong Xuebing. “What company are you working at? How’s the benefit?”

Dong Xuebing thought for a while and said. “It’s fine. It’s tough, and the environment is not very good.”

Yao Cui laughed. “This place is like this. You will get used to it.”

Yao Cui’s mother looked at Dong Xuebing. “Yao Li still has not found a job. He is too honest, and not many people want to hire him. The ones who are willing to hire him are doing hard labor. We don’t allow him to work hard labor because his body is not very good. He was sick quite seriously when he was young. Does your company need people? He is already twenty and is jobless.”

Yao Cui’s father added. “That’s right, Xiao Dong. Can you ask around for him?”

Yao Cui interrupted. “Xuebing is new here. How can he help?”

Yao Li felt terrible. “Mum, Dad, don’t worry about me. I will look for a job next week.”

Dong Xuebing thought for a while. “I will ask around for him. He should not be able to work at my unit, but getting him a job in other areas should not be a problem. Let’s talk about it again.”

Yao Cui’s mother was happy. “Great. Thank you so much.”

Dong Xuebing smiled. “It’s nothing. Yao Cui and I were classmates for many years.”

Yao Cui’s father waved his hand. “Here, Xiao Dong. Let’s have some drinks.”

Yao Cui rolled her eyes and interrupted them. “Enough, both of you. I will get mad if you all drink again. Both of you got drunk the other day.”

Yao Cui’s father smacked his lips. “Fine… fine… fine…. I will listen to you.”

Dong Xuebing recalled that day he got drunk and slept in Yao Cui’s room, and they chatted until very late. He was a bit embarrassed, and Yao Cui blushed when she said that. He quickly cleared his throat and talked about something else.

Outside of the courtyard.

Ma Lin and Chief Cai arrived.

Ma Lin stood outside angrily, and Chief Cai walked over to knock on the door. “Xiao Yao! Xiao Yao!”

Ma Lin was determined to get Yao Cui to accompany him to the dinner. He is the County Government Office Department Director, and Yao Cui is a staff member. She must follow his orders and do whatever he says. She must know her place. She had been rejecting him and refusing to drink. Ma Lin had run out of patience, and he must get her to accompany him today. This visit was also a warning to her.

Inside the courtyard.

“Is Xiao Yao at home?”

Yao Cui turned pale when she heard this voice.

Dong Xuebing asked. “Who is that?”

Yao Cui said softly. “It’s our Chief Cai. Why is she here?”

Yao Cui’s mother paused for a second. “Err…. What should we do?”

“What else can we do?” Yao Cui had no choice. She cannot pretend not to hear them and opens the door. “Chief Cai…. Huh? Director Ma, you are here.”

Ma Lin asked angrily. “What are you doing, Xiao Yao?!”

Yao Cui covered her nose and sneezed. “Director Ma, I am sick….”

Ma Lin shouted. “This is an important dinner concerning our cooperation with another county. You must attend even if you are sick.”

Yao Cui tried to explain. “I am afraid I would spread my flu to the leaders.”

Ma Lin replied impatiently. “Stop giving me excuses! The leaders will be arriving soon. Get dressed and come with us! You got to look at the big picture!”

Yao Cui got mad too. “Director Ma!”

Chief Cai added. “Go and change, Xiao Yao. You will accompany the leaders to have dinner and don’t need to drink today. Hurry.”

Yao Cui’s parents were furious. Their daughter was sick, and these people insisted she accompanies the leaders. They were angry, but they could not say anything. These two are Yao Cui’s direct leaders and the county leaders. They cannot afford to offend them.

Yao Li was burning with rage and looked like he was going to punch them.

Dong Xuebing was different from the rest. He was amused by Ma Lin coming over to drag Yao Cui to the dinner.

“What are you waiting for?” Ma Lin said.

Chief Cai signaled to Yao Cui. “Hurry up, Xiao Yao.”

Yao Cui clenched her teeth and stood there.

Dong Xuebing knew it was time for him to step in. But he is not going to say anything. He puts his glass on the table hard, loudly letting out a thud.

Chief Cai looked over and wondered who this person was.

Ma Lin frowned and turned towards the sound. His eyes almost popped out when he saw Dong Xuebing, and he froze.

Dong Xuebing did not say a word or look at them. He continued to eat his food slowly.

Yao Cui’s mother panicked. She was afraid Dong Xuebing would offend the local leaders and touched his leg lightly.

When everyone thought Ma Lin would blow his top because of Dong Xuebing’s actions, they saw Ma Lin breaking out in cold sweat.


Isn’t this Mayor Dong?!

Why is Mayor Dong having dinner at Yao Cui’s house?!

Ma Lin was stunned, and his back was covered in sweat.

Ma Lin finally understood why Mayor Dong’s tone was cold towards him over the phone. Mayor Dong knew Yao Cui and had heard everything from his call to her.


Dong Xuebing did not look up or say a word, and Ma Lin didn’t dare to speak to him. It would be awkward if he went over to speak to him and he pretended not to see him. Ma Lin was thinking hard to salvage the situation.

Yao Cui said. “Director Ma, I….”

Everyone noticed the changes in Director Ma’s face but thought nothing about it.

To everyone’s surprise, Ma Lin changed to a caring expression and smiled. “Xiao Yao…. Why didn’t you tell us you were having dinner? I would not ask you to come if you had told me. It’s fine since you are having dinner. We are going now. Take care of yourself, and remember to take your medicine. Don’t come to work tomorrow if you are not feeling well. I will give you a few more days off.”

Yao Cui was surprised. “I… I….”

Nobody expected Director Ma to change his tone.

Chief Cai was surprised by Director Ma’s change and could not react.

Ma Lin continued. “It’s my fault. I should be more concerned about our staff. I thought it was nothing serious when you said you caught the flu. I did not expect your flu to be so serious. Sigh…. Your biggest weakness is you are too hardworking and don’t take care of your health.”

Yao Cui quickly replied. “It’s just a cold. Thank you, Director Ma.”

Ma Lin said gently. “Put on more clothes and have a good rest after your dinner. Alright. We will not disturb your rest.”

Yao Cui was puzzled. “Err…. Please take care, Director Ma.”

Ma Lin glanced at Dong Xuebing and left quickly. He almost tripped himself if not for Chief Cai catching him. Chief Cai was puzzled why Ma Lin was panicking and in such a rush to leave. Why was he a different person after coming here?

Inside the courtyard.

Yao Cui closed the door and returned to the table. She was puzzled why Director Ma changed his attitude towards her suddenly.

Yao Cui’s mother asked. “Cui Er…. Why is your leader….”

Yao Cui replied. “I don’t know what is going on.”

Yao Cui’s father was also puzzled. “He looked angry earlier. Why did he change suddenly?”

Yao Cui’s mother was worried. “Will he bear grudges against you? Will he pick on you tomorrow or transfer you away tomorrow?”

Yao Cui’s face changed. “I don’t know.”

Yao Cui’s mother continued. “But there’s no reason why his attitude changed so quickly.”

Yao Cui’s father was mad. “The County Government Office is a good department. How can you take it if he transfers you to a village or town? Zhen Sui County might be poor, but we have been living in the County town. This place is much better than the villages.”

Yao Cui smiled helplessly. “You all are making me nervous.”

Yao Cui’s father said. “Just be careful at work tomorrow. These county leaders are full of bad ideas and will make your life difficult.”

Dong Xuebing replied confidently. “It will not happen.”

Of course, it will not happen. Ma Lin will not dare to pick on Yao Cui after meeting Dong Xuebing here.

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