Power and Wealth

C.1062: Director Ma is mad


Yao Cui’s house.

“Hello, Director Ma.”

“Xiao Yao, are you at home? Are you feeling better?”

“Thank you for your concern. I am feeling better, and I can return to work tomorrow.”

“Great. We are having dinner with a few leaders from the neighboring County.”

“Director Ma, I still have flu and cannot drink.”

“I am not asking you to drink. Just come over and accompany them. We are only having dinner. Just put aside whatever you are doing and come over.”


“Hurry. We are waiting for you.”

Du… du… du…. Ma Lin hung up the phone.

Yao Cui’s father grumbled. “This Ma Lin is too much. He kept asking Cui Er to accompany his guests whenever he had dinner. What is he thinking? Cui Er is still sick! That guy forced Cui Er to drink lots of alcohol once, making her drunk. Luckily, she is smart and called me to fetch her secretly. She would be taken advantage of if I did not fetch her.”

Yao Cui’s mother added. “These Government leaders are all bad guys. They always try to take advantage of Cui Er because she is pretty.”

Yao Cui interrupted them. “Dad, Mum….”

Yao Li said. “Sis, don’t go.”

“How can I don’t go?” Yao Cui ruffled her hair. “He is my direct supervisor and oversees our Secretarial Section.” She covered her mouth and coughed. Dong Xuebing quickly passed her a piece of tissue, and she blew her nose.

Yao Cui’s mother looked at her. “You are too sick to go.”

Yao Cui’s father said. “Just stay at home and eat your dinner. You are not going anywhere today.”

“Dad….” Yao Cui replied helplessly. “I am exhausted from work. Director Ma will make things difficult if I don’t go.”

Ma Lin, Zhen Sui County Government Office Director, serves the County's top leaders and holds much power. He has powerful connections, and Yao Cui’s parents know he cannot be offended. But….”

Yao Cui’s father let out a ‘hmph.’ “Just resign if you are unhappy.”

Yao Cui retorted. “I had wanted to resign because of these incidents. What did you and Mum say? You all said my brother still has not found a job, and our family needs this income. You all asked me to endure it. Now, you are asking me to resign?!”

Yao Cui’s father gave her a stare. “I am afraid something might happen to you.”

Yao Li’s eyes turned red, and he clenched his fists. “Sis…. It’s my fault. I am useless.”

Yao Cui knocked on her brother’s head and smiled. “I am fine. This had nothing to do with you. Alright. I will not go.”

Yao Cui’s father said. “Good. Let’s eat.”

“I have to call him first. Sigh… how should I say it?” Yao Cui held her phone and hesitated. She doesn’t dare to call Ma Lin and calls her Secretarial Section’s Chief Cai. She knew Chief Cai should be with them. Chief Cai might be a section chief of the Secretarial Section, but she is not holding a Section Chief rank. The County Government Office Department Director, Ma Lin, is only a Section Chief.

Ring… ring….

“Hello, I am on my way. Xiao Yao, have you arrived?” A woman said.

Yao Cui replied. “Chief Cai, I have not recovered and cannot go.”

Chief Cai sighed. “Director Ma wants you to go, and he even called you.”

Yao Cui pretended to be very sick. “I have a bad headache. Can you help me tell Director Ma? Sorry.”

Chief Cai smacked her lips. “Xiao Yao, Director Ma specifically asked you to go, and you are finding excuses. Also, today is our County Executive Deputy Mayor’s appointment. He will oversee our County Government, and even Director Ma got to be polite to him. Yet, you did not show up today.” Chief Cai reprimanded her and said. “I will let Director Ma know.” She said and hung up.

Yao Cui sighed. “I had offended another person.” She turned to Dong Xuebing. “Everyone envies civil servants, but they don’t know what is going on after joining. The County Government got to entertain all sorts of people, which is frustrating.”

Dong Xuebing smiled. “Don’t worry. I said you will be promoted within this week.”

Yao Cui replied. “Are you still thinking about our bet? I thought it was a joke. Promotion? It’s a blessing if I am not transferred out after today’s incident.”

Yao Li asked. “Sis, what promotion are you talking about?”

Yao Cui replied. “It’s a joke by Xuebing.”

Dong Xuebing carried on eating and did not explain himself.

“Let’s not talk about these things and have our dinner.”

“That’s right. Let’s eat before the food gets cold.”

“Xiao Dong, you must eat more.”

Dong Xuebing noticed Yao Cui was not in a good mood during dinner. She seemed to be worried about the consequences of rejecting Ma Lin.

Dong Xuebing consoled her. “It’s fine, Yao Cui. Don’t worry.”

Yao Cui forced a smile. “I don’t know what Director Ma will do to me tomorrow at work. He…. He is fierce towards his subordinates.”

Ring… ring…. Dong Xuebing’s phone rang.

Dong Xuebing took out his phone and saw it was Ma Lin calling.

“Sorry, I got to answer a call.” Dong Xuebing walked away to answer. “Hello?” After knowing Ma Lin was interested in Yao Cui and constantly forcing her to accompany him to drink, Dong Xuebing’s attitude towards him changed.

“Mayor Dong, I am Ma Lin.”

“I know.”

“I am calling to inform you that a few leaders from a neighboring county are here to discuss cooperation. We will be having dinner at the guesthouse later. Are you….”

“I am having dinner at a friend’s place. You all can go ahead.”

“If the cooperation can succeed, it will….”

“My job scope has not been finalized, and I am unfamiliar with this area. I will not interfere in this cooperation. You can discuss this area with the Deputy Mayor in charge or look for Mayor Jiang.” Ma Lin said he was informing Dong Xuebing but was trying to treat him to dinner. He might accept this invitation this afternoon, but not now.

Dong Xuebing returned and continued to eat.

Yao Cui looked at Dong Xuebing. “Is that your colleague?”

Dong Xuebing nodded. “He invited me to dinner.”

Yao Cui replied. “You should go. You are new and must establish good relationships with your colleagues. You must not be like me, always keep offending others. It would be helpful for your work.”

Dong Xuebing laughed. “It’s fine. I must finish our dinner first, even if I offend them. It’s too delicious.”

Yao Cui’s father laughed. “Xiao Dong is good with words.”

Yao Cui laughed and pointed at Dong Xuebing. “Xuebing is different now. He was reticent during our university days.”

Yao Cui’s mother was surprised. “Are you sure? Xiao Dong seems to be quite cheerful.”

Dong Xuebing smiled. “It’s true. I was an introvert then and only chatted with Yao Cui when eating. Hahaha….”

Dong Xuebing and Yao Cui’s family continued to chat while eating.


Ma Lin kept his phone after his call with Dong Xuebing. He was worried and uneasy. Mayor Dong was friendly towards him this afternoon and did not put on airs. Why did he sound cold in the phone call?

Did I offend him?

No…. how is it possible?

Ma Lin thought about it, and his mood changed for the worse.

A middle-aged woman walked over. “Is everyone here, Director Ma?”

Ma Lin looked at that woman and said. “You are here, Chief Cai. They are not here yet. They called earlier and said they would be around 30 minutes late. Oh, where are Xiao Yao and Xiao Zhang? Why are they not with you?”

Chief Cai looked at her watch. “Xiao Zhang should be here soon. Xiao Yao called me earlier and said she was still not feeling well and had a headache. She will not be coming.”

“She is still not feeling well?! She said she was feeling better when I called.” Ma Lin was mad.

Chief Cai paused for a second and said. “Maybe her condition has gotten worse. Should I ask Xiao Yue to come instead?”

Ma Lin replied angrily. “This Xiao Yao is always giving excuses when I ask her out to accompany our guests. What is she thinking? Doesn’t she know the Office Department has to accompany the County guests?”

Chief Cai could tell Director Ma was in a bad mood because of something else and dare not to retort him. “I…. I will give Xiao Yao a call again.”

“She is living nearby, right?”

“Yes. It’s not far from here.”

“Let’s go to her house. I must see her.”

Ma Lin was frustrated by Deputy Mayor Dong’s change in attitude towards him. He got angrier when he heard Xiao Yao was not attending. He could not say anything when Mayor Dong doesn’t give him ‘face,’ but he cannot accept Xiao Yao not giving him ‘face.’ Yao Cui is challenging his authority, and the leaders from the neighboring county are arriving later. He decided to visit Yao Cui at her house.

Executive Deputy Mayor Dong Xuebing was not assigned a car, let alone Ma Lin and Chief Cai. They walked towards Yao Cui’s house, and Ma Lin did not say anything on their way there.

Chief Cai knew Director Ma was angry and knew Yao Cui would be in trouble. Sigh…. This Xiao Yao…. It’s just a dinner and accompanying the guests to drink some alcohol. Why must you reject it?

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