Mercenary Black Mamba

449 Chapter 43 Episode 1 We Hit The Jackpot!

'Why are there so many fouls? Esper actually exists!' The sigh came out naturally.

There were numerous theories, experiments, and testimonies about superpowers, but there were still no notarized cases of psychogenic, psychometry, telepathy, or teleportation yet.

Competent people were more likely to have mental disorders such as delusions, cognitive dissonance and schizophrenia. Frauds frequently purposefully defraud others; an example was Yuri Gella, who made a lot of money by pretending to have a superpower.

He was not sure who Matilda was, but according to McPhee, she was not a patient with a delusional disorder. Why wouldn't there be psychics in a world filled with humans, Cenozoic monsters, and genetically modified chimeras that revive even after having their necks severed?

The escaped Kamuge was a psychic who possessed the abilities of telepathy, and teleportation. The only difference between science and the occult was demonstrated by Voodoo Bridge and Area 51.

Woow- The emergency pouch's water bottle vibrated. It had been sealed by Rusurufe and forgotten. This was the essence of the monster Eokgogi Byeong, which Kamuge had left behind. It was the monster that they were unable to kill.

The Black Mamba did not think that it was the one who killed Rusurufe, the immortal being. The black men and black mambas were remnants of the Concretus Twilight Century, estimated to be between 150 and 300 million years ago. Nothing could be more amazing than this.

In fact, if you understood Esper's abilities, you would realize that he wasn't such a threat. Esper, who was psychogenic, would die if he was stabbed in the heart. However, that would only be possible if you were able to constantly change your location and not give him any time to focus, making him less of a threat. Of course, this was a countermeasure that only strong players on the level of Black Mamba could employ.

He attempted to question McPhee about this type`s ability, but he stopped himself. Even though the Esper had no choice but to frequently use their power, despite their desire to conceal it, ordinary people like McPhee would be unable to recognize it.

McPhee was leaning against an old tree, He had his eyes closed as he stretched his legs out. The thick wrinkles and rough skin on his brow were signs of a middle-aged man who had spent his youth out in the field. Was there anyone out there who wasn't afraid of death? Even though his eyelids were slightly trembling, he maintained a determined demeanor.

Because homosapiens had the ability to think, they were afraid of the unknown world. Death and darkness were uncharted realms. The fear of death was genetically encoded and those who accepted death calmly have mastered the bluff or know how to die.

The past's actions and words become the present, and the present's actions and words become the future. The decision to throw his life rather than leak state secrets wasn't based on forced patriotism. This man was bluffing in order to appear manly.

This was the reason for the United States' great power. The Shadow Team was made up of 11 people. Their equipment alone was comparable to that of a battalion of Korean troops. The government spent the money to ensure the highest level of survivability for its soldiers. And because the state generously provided for the safety of soldiers, the soldiers, in turn, had faith in the state and were proud of it.

He suddenly remembered the remains of the Korean War that were frequently excavated in Wolsongsan Mountain. The immature children, who regarded Wolsongsan Mountain as a playground, played with the skulls as if they were soccer balls and thigh bones as if they were toy knives. They happily reported them to the police in exchange for candy and chocolate.

The majority of the remains belonged to the People's Army and the National Defense Force, and they were crammed into the trucks by Korean soldiers. Skeletons rattled and rolled around in the truck bins.

However, the situation was different for the US military, who searched the excavation site in case they missed even a single piece of bone. Even small bone fragments were wrapped in white paper and placed in a white nonwoven fabric. Their actions were solemn and determined. As a result, he preferred to be an American soldier rather than a Korean soldier when he was younger.

He now understood why he didn`t give up even after all this torturing. It was because the remains of US soldiers had been seen several times in Wolsongsan Mountain. Whatever their motivation or goal, those young men came to fight for Korea and died fighting for Korea. The somber youth buried in other countries' hills mingled with the thick wrinkles of the middle-aged soldier.

"Everyone has their own definition. Your definition is also correct. You can shave your head using inhumane methods, but I believe you should reconsider. The state has no friends or enemies forever, but people can be friends. We would probably have been good friends if we hadn't met under these circumstances.... Major McPhee, I'll remember you. Is there anything else you want to say?"

Black Mamba murmured, and Major McPhee gently opened his eyes and looked at Black Mamba.

"Thank you very much. The world is, as expected, vast. I never imagined a human like you existed. You maybe be a superhuman, but you are a warm-hearted human being first and foremost. I'm more afraid of your ability to attract people than I am of your combat power. Invincible. I want to say a lot, but Nemesis won't let me. I am sorry."

A smile across to McPhee's face. Puck- As soon as the words "sorry" were finished, Black Mamba's palm struck McPhee. In a split second, his brain was turned into soft tofu. McPhee's face was still smiling, but his head was tilted at an angle.

"Matilda, Psychic Honter! It would have been better for you not to meet me if you had been complaining about this filthy thing for four years. I'll show you what it's like to be unable to live or even die."

He was unconcerned about McPhee's warning. Cover the dam with soil if it breaks and release the cat if the rats run wild.

Because of the underwater Grendel, he felt as if a thorn was stuck in his throat. Grendel, whom he had met on the Ennedy Plateau, was a Lake Nguanga resident. Devil Spring was home to Surfund, Octopus, and Turtle. It was all about the underwater Grendels.

"No way!"

Suddenly, his terrifying home came to his mind. North Korean borders were shared by the Soviet Union and China. South Korea, on the other hand, only had two neighbors: China and Japan. Despite its seaside location, sounds from Shandong Province could be heard, and Tsushima Island could be seen with the naked eye on a clear day.

Both China and Japan were rogue countries, but China was a giant that had fallen asleep deeply. On the other hand, Japan is a mean neighbor who runs wild. It is constantly at odds with Korea over the Dokdo issue, and their shared history is becoming increasingly entangled.

Japan floats on the most unstable tectonic plate on the planet. As a result, Japan is constantly threatened by super-volcanoes and mega-tsunamis. There is also a theory that the Japanese collectivism and cruel mind are caused by these natural threats, which result in their anxiety issues. That is why, during the Japanese colonial period, the Japanese flocked to Korea like a tidal wave.

"I thought he was a bad guy, but he's not."


At Samdi`s words, Black Mamba woke up from his sudden thought.

"Well, it will work out somehow."

Black Mamba remained calm, as he always did. Anguish originates in the mind, not in objects or events. The master used to yell at him when he became concerned about the future, despite the fact that he couldn't solve the problem at hand. When you deal with your worries about the future as a reality, you will only lose your hair.

" He's a soldier. Samdi, bury him so that the animals won`t eat him. And build a tombstone for him."

"Okay. He was a good man."

Samdi still didn't appear to be in a good mood. He was the one who Samdi had to sacrifice himself to save; he even crossed the Jordan River, but eventually they couldn't get any information from him. If he had known this was going to be the case, he would not have wasted time and effort trying to save him in the first place.

It had served its purpose. It was the result of a collaboration between a human with great physical strength and a massive weapon capable of splitting rocks. Even thick tree roots and rocks did not pose a problem. A massive metal shovel scooped up the soil at breakneck speed.

"Forever oh my! (Poor Man!) Ppong-dip ♪ McPhee (bad guy) Ppong-dip ♬ Ppong-dip ♬ McPhee (dirty guy)"

Within five minutes Samdi had build a rectangular graveyard, buried McPhee, and pounded the soil. He had to erect a monument as soon as he finished the burial. He stood in front of the beautiful rose tree. Wing- His weapon fell at a 45-degree angle. Puck- With one blow, a 40cm diameter rosewood was severed. Samdi's muscles were made of proteins extracted from materials that were polymerized and processed. His muscles had a tensile strength of 7 Pascals and were able to withstand the enormous repulsive force.

The weapon was as powerful as the double-edged axes in the past. In an instant, the branches were organized, and a three meters long smooth log was made. Chowk- the log was cut vertically.


Samdi praised himself. The surface of the subsonic wood cut was slightly burned by frictional heat. This would be enough for a tombstone. Kung- A huge monument stood in front of the tomb. It took only one to two minutes to cut down the tree and make a monument. After finishing the work, Samdi paused and Black Mamba looked at him with puzzled eyes.

"You have to write something on it. Isn't there a phrase or something?"

"I don't know how to write."

His face turned red. Doong~ Black Mamba slapped his own head. He had forgotten that Samdi didn't know how to write because he was humanized so quickly.

"I'm sorry. Let me teach you how to write when we go back."

He was truly sorry because he used to think of him as his younger brother, but all he did was drag him to this area and make him do all kinds of chores, but he didn't care about his personal affairs.

"Wakir, the master should not say sorry. Ombuti said that the servant who makes their owner feel sorry is not qualified as a servant. Ombuti is scary."

Samdi trembled. Ombuti's nagging was scarier than the master's fist. After an hour of terrifying nagging in a strange posture with his head on the ground and his buttocks raised, his eyes would twirl.

"Ombuti, where is the end of this human exaggeration?"

Black Mamba asked angrily.

Tutututu- The rotor sound rang. He couldn't see it because it was hidden by the canopy, but he could hear the chopper coming from the southwest. He returned his gaze to the battlefield. The area where the two Grendels had fought was completely destroyed. A massive tree was broken and dragged out to its roots. The rock had been smashed, and the ground had been turned upside down. The ground was littered with smashed shrubs and weeds.

He raised his eyes to the sky. Ituri's canopy was fantastic. Even after such a fierce battle, the sky remained impenetrable. A single tree branch had a radius of 30 to 50 meters. The canopy's thickness ranged from 10 to 20 meters. It was not enough to simply pull a tree out to lift the canopy.

Kurreung- Kurreung- The thunderclap rang out. Cumulonimbus clouds were formed when large amounts of hot water vapor evaporated from the cenotes. Ituri Jungle's atmospheric conditions were always volatile. Cumulonimbus clouds erupted from time to time, thunder roared, and lightning struck. This was due to the massive amount of water vapor emitted by the forests.

Flapping- Raindrops began to fall. The principle was that a drop of water that fell into a cup full of water would overflows the cup. Chii- The extinguished cenotes flame rose like a dragon and then went out.

Tututututu- The Gazelle helicopter hovered over Devil Spring. Although it was an all-weather aircraft, visibility for landing at night or in rain was not guaranteed. As a result, Black Mamba didn't want the pilot to go overboard.

The net slid down from the siding door. Samdi put his equipment, loot, and Mechanic Grandel's corpse wrapped in non-woven fabric on the net and waved his hand and then the net was rolled up by the winch. Following that, Black Mamba and Samdi climbed the rope.

Hekatonkeir (a Greek mythological giant with 50 heads and 100 hands) covered the forest where his insides were exposed as if in a riot. The cenote's water level began to rise after it had been cut in half. Without saying a word, nature healed the wounds caused by humans.

The silence was broken by the sound of monkeys howling, silverbacks tapping their chests to gather a flock, and rain hitting leaves. The gunshots, screams, and yells had all faded away, leaving only the sounds of nature. Only rough monument remained alone in the jungle where all traces of humans had vanished.

[Here lies McPhee. the one who defended his justice.]

Tututututu- Gazelle landed in Olongge Village. Since the pygmy village was established in Ituri, there had never been a single instance of a large vehicle landing on the village. All the pygmies with strong legs and eyes came out, regardless of age or gender. Shouts erupted when Black Mamba and Samdi appeared.

"Samdi Umar! (It's Samdi, the guardian deity!)"


Fire controller Lyon and pilot Bresson were puzzled by the enthusiastic welcome.

"Sir, it seems that they regard him as God's messenger."

"Wake up, the Pygmy are not fools. It's to welcome the special adviser."

"Superheroes are surrounded by fans wherever they go."

Sergeant Bresson looked envious.

"Stop fantasizing; can anyone be a hero? We're both doomed to die floating in a bed."


A shout broke out. Six strong, young Pygmy men appeared inside the village, carrying a massive five-meter-tall wooden statue. It was a statue of Samdi, with his curly hair that stuck tightly to the scalp, thick lips, plump eyes, and a huge shovel over his shoulders, and an endless smile.

"Samdi`s Kinito Uduma! (Let's praise Samdi!)"

crackle - An old pygmy warrior knocked on the banja.

"Umar Wedel Armandra! (Worship the guardian deity!)"

Dududududung- The drumbeats were heard. Hundreds of pygmies bent down toward Ssamdi at once. crackle - crackle - the banja rang short twice. Hearing the voice adult pygmy lined up in front of Samdi and kissed his feet and raised their hands in order.

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