Mercenary Black Mamba

448 Chapter 42 Episode 11 Everyone Has Their Own Form of Justice

"It won't be loud for a while."

Black Mamba muttered. The United States was a multifaceted society. If the White House was behind the MK project, the Predator was unlikely to be used. This was due to the existence of public brakes such as opposing politicians, the media, religious groups, and civic groups.

The issue arises when a hawkish politician and a military-industrial complex coalition were behind the Predator. Those who had power were compelled to use it. They would not have created creatures such as the octopus and turtles if they were a moral and ethical group.

The Predator was an asymmetric power that could not be compared to any current weapon systems. Great chaos would ensue if they were put in for the purpose of gaining economic gain or seizing power.

Black Mamba had a consulting contract with the French government twice a year. And, knowing Bonipas, he'd have used that card as soon as the Predator was used. Unless Black Mamba was able to breach the contract, he would be trapped in a long and exhausting battle. It was terrifying to even think about it.

"Do you know about the Socrates project?"

"It's my first time hearing it. I act according to the instructions of the committee."

"I see!"

He wasn't expecting McPhee to know anything about such advanced information. It was his responsibility to put the puzzle together by gathering fragmentary information.

"Where is District 51?"

"Everyone knows about District 51, but no one knows where it is."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that it could be anywhere. The name District 51 refers to the possibility that it could exist in any of the 50 states, as well as the District of Columbia."

"Ha ha, that's plausible. Anyway, there's a rumor that it's near an air base in the Nevada Desert," Black Mamba said. The coordinates had been confirmed by DGSE.

"It might be in Washington, DC as well. Butt here's no such thing in Nevada."

McPhee smirked in response. Ninety-nine percent of the rumors about District 51 were false. District 51 was, in a nutshell, an organization that planned for America's future. It was a government-funded research institute. He didn't know much about it, but as a soldier, he was not allowed to reveal whatever state secrets he knew.

McPhee was cunning, but Black Mamba simply played along because he was more knowledgeable about District 51. McPhee was a tough soldier who had killed Honter Olumbo without hesitation. He completed his mission as the head of operations and intended to assume responsibility for it. His will was important, but so was the will of others.

"Is there any other special forces that have entered Ituri?"

"No, there isn't"

"The Predator you mentioned earlier? Are there any other types of it?"

"I am unaware of the specifics as well. Everything I've heard from Steve and the CIA researchers has been fragmentary. And this was the first time I've seen it. Predators are classified into two types: Honters and Grendel. Honter is a biological superpower weapon. A psychic Honter is a person who has psychic abilities and uses them. A Mechanic Honter is a mechanically capable individual equipped with artificial muscles and a lightweight hydraulic stance. Grendel is a genetically modified biological weapon with both human and beast characteristics. All three of the individuals you killed here were Grendels of the beast type. "

"The people we killed in Eunga, then, must be human-type Grendel. We've killed all the types except for the psychic Honter."

The Black Mamba mumbled. The Chimera was a cross between a gorilla and a chimp, as well as a human. He was smarter than the beast type, but he lacked physical strength.

The Voodoo priest had conjured up an immortal monster named Rusrufe, while Area 51 conjured up Honter and Grendel. The true monsters however, were humans.

Whether it's a Rusurufe or a Predator, the key is the tough vitality. Physiologically, death is a phenomenon in which the heart stops and the activities of each part of the body do not receive blood supply.

Dr. Guise, a brain scientist, has proposed a new theory in which the renunciation of the brain's survival results in the death of all living things. Death, according to Guise's theory, occurs as follows:

The body suffers fatal damage -> pain is transmitted to the brain through nerves -> the brain that cannot withstand the stress and gives up -> it delivers fatal substances to the heart -> the heart stops.

In other words, according to this theory, the heart stops beating after ingesting the poison delivered by the brain. In contrast, if the brain fails to send commands, the heart will continue to beat.

The tortoise chimera's head was amputated in an instant, but its heart and muscles continued to function. It would cause a disturbance all the day if he had left it alone. Humans, in his experience, behaved similarly.

All of the humans who died as a result of their injuries died normally. But humans who had been unintentionally decapitated, frequently continued their in-progress movements. The person who was running kept running, and the person who was swinging his fist kept swinging. The meaningless movement continued if the heart was alive even without a head.

There was also a vivid record that a decapitated chicken lived up to two years. It was the story of a chicken called Mike, and it took place in a farmhouse in Denver, USA in 1945. The farmer put water and food directly into Mike's esophagus with a dropper, and Mike got along with the other chickens without much difficulty.

When a chicken is slaughtered, the head is cut to drain the blood. If the chicken flaps too hard and you miss out on a clean cut, you'll end up with a grotesque scene of a headless chicken galloping around the yard. This was usually because the chicken hasn't realizes that its head had been severed.

What if Samdi had kept sending messages to the Honter's brain to make him fear death before severing his throat? Wouldn't the brain have declared defeat and halted the heart at that point? Was he too hasty in killing him? The Black Mamba's mind was racing with ideas.

'Ah, I don't know.'

He shook his head. The chimera turtle was an exception. The gel liquid poured from its neck stopped the carotid artery from bleeding, allowing it to continue moving. In general, life would be extended by no more than 10 to 20 seconds.

"You already killed the humanoid Grendel in Nguanga? Unbelievable!"

When McPhee heard Black Mamba's story, he was surprised.

"The Grendels encountered in the Sahara were hybrids of humans and apes. Despite the fact that they were monsters, humans have created them by tampering with human genes. Human experiments are morally reprehensible, not to mention religiously repugnant. What are your thoughts on this situation? "

"Those with no limbs and only mouths talked ethics, morals, and human rights. As a result, Woo-jung becomes one of their limbs, allowing them to raise their voices. Morals and ethics are relative concepts that change depending on the context. Power is justice. This is the constant proposition."

"Power is justice. That's a very interesting conclusion."

Black Mamba was irritable. He didn't want to agree, but it was difficult to argue. Would Korea, if they had the technology, create a chimera as well? He couldn't even think about it because the country lacked the power. They couldn't even make missiles because they were afraid of the United States.

To create a chimera, an ape polypeptide must be inserted into a human polypeptide in order to express a significant trait. Even though humans and apes have the same nucleotide sequence, amino acid assignments differ between the two species. Polypeptides degrade into simple amino acid masses as a result of this.

To ensure proper translation, when inserting the target gene, the gene of the enzyme involved in polypeptide proteinization must also be included. They even solved the enzyme gene because cells that have been infected with viruses for many years cannot be fooled.

Viruses invade cells of living organisms in the form of single-stranded RNA or DNA. Invading viruses use ssRNA and ssDNA (ss = single strand) to borrow host enzymes and ribosomes to express their own genes.

As a result of the virus invasion, the cells of living organisms develop defense systems such as Dicer as a means of rejecting the virus invasion through evolution. Dicers are scissors that can cut all types of ssRNA and ssDNA. As a result, heterogeneous genes are unable to attach their feet.

This means that even a wizard could not create a chimera that would appear in a fantasy novel. Let alone a human chimera. This was proof that a plethora of dirty human experiments had been carried out. Samdi was an example of a genetically modified human being.

Some humans would go to great lengths to avoid stepping on an ant. Other humans had no qualms treating other humans like lab rats. Humans had the broadest spectrum oof any species. He was disgusted by this thought.

"America has only been able to maintain world peace and justice for a century because it has the power. Without America, the world would have been overrun by communism, or groaning under the weight of some sort of imperialism. Several countries gained independence as a result of the two world wars. One of them is Korea."

"That's a great quote from a cowboy gang."

Black Mamba was grumpy again. McPhee didn't give up and continued.

"Korea would still be licking crabs and digging coal if America hadn't smashed Japan. The Japanese Military's Sexual Slavery would have persisted."

McPhee smiled proudly at Black Mamba. It was exactly what an American would say.

"I had no idea the Pacific War was also known as the Korean War of Independence. In any case, if the United States had been defeated, American women would have been the recipients of Japanese men's sperm, and you, the postwar generation, would have been born with buck teeth and short legs."

McPhee's face turned bright red. He tried to hide his rage, and all he could do was respond.

"Anyway, didn't America help Korea gain independence? America paid for all of the war supplies and costs. The death toll alone surpassed 60,000, and America bore the entire cost of post-war reconstruction. Korea is a nation with a rich history. It has been invaded by a number of foreign powers over the course of its long history. Was there a country like America that used its resources to fight for Korea?"


Black Mamba was speechless at that moment. Yes. For whatever reason, the United States fought in the Korean War without any compensation and shed blood. It was an undeniable fact

"There was only one time when Korea received foreign assistance. Did the Ming soldiers sent to Joseon fight the Japanese army properly?"


"China dispatched a large army to disrupt Korea's unification, and Japan has invaded Korea since ancient times. Korea was eventually colonized, and the Korean War was used to suck the honey. It's like having a bad neighbor."

"That's true."

He responded without any interest.

"At least the United States is not a ruthless country. Scholars irresponsibly define America as a gangster country. This is especially true in Korea. There is an odd trend in which swearing in America is considered intellectual. So, have you considered what will happen when China, Japan, and Russia achieve the same level of power as the United States? Didn't you see how reckless and mean Japan was when Korea was a Japanese colony? At the very least, the United States is a country that knows how to control itself. "

Whether it's an individual or a country, they would have no choice but to prioritize their interests. But even though you believe that power is justice, the creation of predators is too far. "

"I'll be honest. I don't know the specifics, but it is assumed that there is a rogue agency among the vast intelligence agencies. A small elite group governs America. In the United States of America, the military-industrial complex has long been a necessary evil."

"Ho, you've changed your words. Didn't you say earlier that the White House is pushing for it? After all, wasn't it a military/industrial complex?"

McPhee's face was upset. He had accidentally showed his true feelings.

"America is not like Japan or China. America's politics and administration are based on checks and balances. It means it has the ability to purify itself. I'm confident that abnormalities will soon become the norm."

"Despite the fact that it is an immoral cartel, he would be transformed into the good guy who feeds America. From an American perspective."

"As a soldier I can't say bad things about my country to the foreigners. To be honest, if I can still use the communication, I would`ve informed the headquarters of the dangerous situation here."

"That's too bad!"

Black Mamba looked at his watch. It's almost time for the Gazelle to show up. McPhee was a guy with a strong sense of patriotism and military enthusiasm. The mentality of the people of a powerful country is unmistakably distinct from that of others. The Americans he met were all steadfast in their beliefs and proud of their country.

"A country's level and prestige are determined by its people. I envy America because it has people like you."

Black Mamba expressed his sincerity.

"You're welcome; I'm envious of Korea for having a being like you. I'm dying to know who you're doing this for and why you're doing it. Anyway, what's the point of knowing if I'm going to die soon? I consider myself fortunate to have met the Eastern Invincible. Clink, clink, clink!"

MecPhee grinned spontaneously.

"I met a consultant named Jaitun in Syria. He was a secretly disguised commission agent. It is a disgrace that people like him and you would have been killed. Thank you for your complaint, and please allow me to provide you with one piece of information. Watch out for Captain Matilda of the Special Operations Department. She is a psychic honter."

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