Master Of None

1355 1355. More Than Enough

"This is a little too crazy." Walker gave up on trying to fuse the earth and the water to make a frozen earth whip. The idea had been good for a heavier attack but bad for speed. Not only this, but it was not an easy to use skill in the heat of battle. The only reason he had wanted to use it was because he would be able to surprise Alice.

Knowing that the water was the most prominent elemental mana around due to the previous rain the other night, Walker started to think about the water related skills he could use. However, that brought him to an idea. A brilliant idea.

Light elemental mana was strong. It could break through a lot but it needed to be able to come from the surroundings. Mostly, the sun. during dark ways when the sun was trapped behind clouds or even at night, the light elemental mana was weaker. It would struggle to gather anywhere let alone when someone manipulated it.

"Your new skill won't touch me!" Walker jumped and turned to face the light elemental image of a spider coming toward him. He was using the dance of seasons to his advantage along with the wind ripple skill. Every place his feet landed, water would be kicked up.

To the untrained eye, this was just Walker moving too fast with a great amount of force. However, to someone paying attention or that could sense the water elemental mana, it was more. Walker was slowly making mist rise up from the ground by warming the water his feet touched. Doing so was easy since he could pull the small amounts of fire elemental mana from around him to cause this.

Before Alice realized what Walker was doing, she found herself blinded by the mist. She could barely make out the light elemental mana she was guiding. Her voice went from a source of power to the very signal that allowed Walker to sneak up on her.

Seeing the chance, Walker used the shadow wrapping skill to move right behind Alice. He had made a frost whip using the water elemental mana in the air. His simple goal was to wrap Alice up to stop her from moving. The surprise should be able to end the battle right there.

What Walker didn't know was that Alice had learned. She had felt too at risk when Walker and Midnight had used their shadow wrapping skill in the past. The lasting impression made her carry around light elemental mana crystals to prevent such a surprise without defenses at the ready.

As Walker appeared behind Alice, so did a light elemental shield. The bubble of light elemental mana formed around her using mana from the crystal in her hands. This also allowed him to make the next move since Walker's frost whip had bounced right off.

Radical sharp pitches caused the shield to warp. Spikes of light jumped from it as if someone was trying to fire an arrow through rubber. The rebound would cause another spike to shoot off in another direction. Walker couldn't find any predictable angle to approach Alice in. "Fine, if that's how you do it then I will freeze you completely."

Walker gave Alice the warning because he didn't want her to get hurt. There was also the fact that his surprise attack had already failed. Therefore. He slammed his hands on the ground and started to freeze the mist. Soon, small shining crystals of ice floated around the bubble spiked shield that Alice had created around her.

A coating of ice was formed before her eyes and the light elemental mana began to dissipate. She could not pull too much mana from the crystal since she would risk abusing it. If that happened she would be trapped inside as the crystal shattered. This was a problem that Gil worried about every time he made an elemental arrow.

Being limited and trapped was not making Alice happy in the least. Yet, when she looked through the shell of ice she saw the impressed smile from Walker. Never had he dreamed that Alice had hidden a new skill from him so that she could use it as a surprising trump card. The very idea was amazing since Alice could dream up everything. But now living forms that could condense and attack? Spectacular!

A simple swipe of his hand made the ice melt leaving Alice safe and dry. "I would say you are more than ready to lead a group of healers outside of Genesis yourself. That singer's dream skill was too much. I can tell it takes a lot of mana and concentration. But still…you almost got me with it." If Walker had not been able to react properly he would have been soundly beaten.

"I'll win next time." Alice nudged Walker to the side with a small smirk. She wanted to stand beside him and now she felt closer to that goal than ever.

"Aren't you impressed brother? Alice has worked hard to be ready to go out like this. She can protect the five healers going with her like it is nothing!" The boastful attitude that Onyx had showed how much he had bonded with Alice. The two had close goals and worked together to achieve them. Alice was just the same as Walker when Onyx thought of family.

"I would say you have shown me more than enough to survive the trip. I think I owe you a reward." Walker coughed slightly while offering his hand. He was planning to find the best food in Genesis to treat Alice to today.

"Arora and I will be relaxing with the other hatchlings." Onyx took the hint and guided little Arora away. He left the two to their privacy for the moment. They would need it before they were apart yet again.



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