Master Of None

1354 1354. Unexpected Attacks

The song started softly. Walker wasn't even sure he could hear words. But that was exactly what Alice had been practicing. She had been trying to control her own voice.

Where Alice had learned to control her mana to a very fine detail while using or not using the bracelet that Walker had given her. She had realized she greatly neglected the fact that she had to train her muscles. It was the same way that Remey had begun to fall behind due to forgetting her body due to alchemy.

The training had been very subtle. It was simple compared to what other people would do. It came down to stamina and control of her muscles. If Alice could not control her muscles around her mouth, neck, and even lungs then she would fail to properly hit the notes that she wanted. That would, in turn, cause the feeling of the music she made to become warped. Instead of swords of light, she might end up with dull hammers.

The stamina training had also been simple. Alice had been moving around the cathedral more and more. She was not a stranger to the constant movement and long hours. The cathedral would heal many people and often had busy days.

Yet, the stamina that Alice needed had to revolve around quick movements in controlled ways. Since she was more used to staying in the same position holding a patient, helping put pressure on wounds, or just standing ready to help, she was not as comfortable with moving constantly to avoid battles.

The best way that Alice had come up with a training method was one that involved everyone in the cathedral. She had challenged them to trip her, block her, and even try to push her out of the way. The high priest had hated the idea until she had stood face to face with him to explain why. As soon as he understood the reasons behind it along with how much it would help Alice in the long run, he had agreed. Even if he still had to bite his tongue when doing so.

Small needles of light shot at Walker. He felt the hair on the back of his neck stand. The skills to sense mana were enough to tell him a dangerous attack was coming. Naturally, he did what anyone would. He dove to the side to avoid it. When he looked up he saw the glitter of yellow and white light elemental needs on the ground.

Before he could change positions, the pitch of Alice's voice changed causing the same needles of light to shift in to one larger sword swinging around. Walker dodged upward using the wind ripple skill. He tried to send a blast of air at Alice but she was nowhere near where she had been a moment ago.

Alice had taken advantage of the fact that Walker needed to move to dodge her first and second attack. It was not the attack she thought would win but the attack that she thought would give her time to start singing a song that she had worked pon with Midnight as the inspiration. A song that she had wanted to show off as the trump card that could defend those she loved.

Rise and fall came with the words Walker heard. The light elemental mana became dense and vibrant. It was as if the shape gathering behind Alice was dark compared to the outline of light. When the shape became more defined under the strength that Alice put in to her words, the melody shifted. It became erratic and full of energy.

The light elemental figure of Midnight dashed forward in wide leaps. Wings spread out and light elemental claws fell downward toward Walker. The more the song Alice sang changed, the more the created figure of light elemental mana attacked and moved. Walker was forced on the defensive while trying to understand what Alice had done and how he should counter it. He couldn't just dodge by jumping in to the air.

"You said serious, here's serious!" Walker channeled the water elemental mana in the air. The rain that had fallen the night before was enough for him to use to his advantage. Mixing the water and earth was easy. It was already bonded. But making the frost whip as he had before in to a fusion skill using earth as well was mentally taxing. Earth didn't like to whip around like elastic.

The ground became cold and tough while the whip made the sound of grinding and shattering. The whip that split out from where Walker stood was carrying devastating elemental mana. But with that came the fact that it had slowed. Walker was not familiar with this fusion nor was he able to perfectly control it. But it was serious. Alice had to deal with a foreign attack she had never seen before.

The light elemental image of Midnight opened its mouth in silent roar. The light elemental teeth snapped down on the moving whip tearing the image apart. But miraculously, the song did not end. The broken light elemental mana covered the fusion whip Walker had made causing it to become trapped in a webbing of light elemental mana.

In the next moment, a large spider shape formed walking along the stuck whip. It was slow, very slow. Alice's song had slowed to a creepy and unsettling tone. Seh had mirrored it after the grey haired spiders she saw who were carefully hunting pests around the Genesis walls as guards. Her inspiration was unmatched.

"Brother, that's not just Alice's singing. That's her new skill, singer's dreams. Alice can dream up any creature she has seen before in to a light elemental form." Onyx had been the first test dummy for this skill. It had not started out so elegantly. But now? It was an unpredictable attack and defense.



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