Global Killing: I Could Plunder Talent

219 Chapter 219 Various Benefits of Upgrading the Castle

"The space ability! Is this Wolf Emperor's second level-A ability? It's so amazing! With the growth of its level, it is likely to be able to cross ten thousand miles in the future!"

Liya looked at Wolf Emperor lying in Dick's arms and shouted with surprise.

Dick was also surprised. Although the space talent of Wolf Emperor was level A, he didn't expect it to be so powerful before he really saw it.

Dick took out ten elixirs of each kind of elixir that could improve the attributes from his storage ring and handed them to Wolf Emperor, telling it to absorb them as soon as possible. Wolf Emperor gently sobbed, put the elixirs on its claws, and ate them one by one.

After a while, Wolf Emperor ate up all the elixirs in front of it. As the magical beast, its absorption ability was much better than that of human beings. It only took it half an hour to absorb all the elixirs.

The little guy seemed to think that the elixirs tasted good. It staggered towards Dick, seeming to want more.

"I can't give you any more. You can only take ten elixirs of this kind. It won't work if you take more. Besides, the rest elixirs are still useful. I can't treat them all as snacks for you."

Hearing Dick's words, Wolf Emperor gave up its idea, but it still looked at Dick's storage ring from time to time. Obviously, it was obsessed with the elixirs.

About three hours later, the message that Dick had been waiting for finally came.

"Announcement: Bramble City has met all the conditions of upgrading to the level-six rookie castle, and successfully upgraded to the level-six rookie castle."

"Bramble City Announcement: congratulations on upgrading to the level-six rookie castle successfully. All villagers will receive the blessing of the world. Villagers would get 800 points for the extra attributes, and castellan Dick would get 1600 points for the extra attributes."

Dick showed a smile. Bramble City was finally upgraded. It seemed that the Zac clan had used the entire clan's power to mine out the blood ores. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been able to mine enough ores in such a short time.

When the announcement echoed in the sky above Bramble City, everyone raised their heads and cheered at the bright sun.

No matter where they came from, after several hours of hard work, each of them had a strong sense of belonging to Bramble City.

For them, this was a home built with their own hands!

The sky was covered, and clouds gathered. Rays of light fell on the villagers of Bramble City. The 800 points for attributes upgraded their attributes to a new level.

Of course, the light also fell on Liya and Dick. Just when they thought the world's blessing was over, a light column fell from the sky and fell on Wolf Emperor, which was looking at the sky curiously.

In Liya's exclamation, Wolf Emperor's attribute also increased by 800 points.

It was strange that no matter how special this guy was, it was still a magical beast. It could not be regarded as a villager. How could it receive the blessing of the world and how could its attribute increase?

Dick looked at Wolf Emperor in confusion. The latter seemed to be unaware of what had happened to it just now. After the light column disappeared, it rolled on the grass, seeming to have a good time.

At this moment, a hint appeared on the projection in front of him.

"Hint: your battle pet has reached level six of the royal level. It can change to anthropomorphosis after level 20. Therefore, it is determined as a villager, enjoying the same rights and obligation as a villager."

"Hint: only the royal-level magical beast, which has the morphic resonance with its master and is able to transform into anthropomorphosis, will have such treatment."

"Dick, what happened?"

Liya asked when she saw the surprised look on Dick's face.

Dick told Liya what he had seen on the projection just now. Liya was so surprised that she opened her mouth wide and said to Dick.

"Wow! Does Wolf Emperor actually have the ability to transform into anthropomorphosis? My grandfather has said that any magical beast that can transform into anthropomorphosis should be at least the level-seven magical beast! Any magical beast that can transform into anthropomorphosis at level six will have a great chance of promotion to level seven in the future!"

Liya praised. Dick was also surprised to see Wolf Emperor's body. No wonder the information about Wolf Emperor mentioned that it had a strong evolution ability. It seemed that in the future, the little guy would definitely become a level-seven magical beast.

Dick lifted Wolf Emperor up from the ground and said to the little guy.

"Little guy, although you have got so many benefits and your strength has increased greatly, you are still a member of Bramble City. You can't be a drag on your ranking. You have to work hard on upgrading, understand?"

Wolf Emperor nodded its head in Dick's arms. Then it opened its wings and flew towards the forest around Night Moon Village. This time, it would fly farther, and the magical beast it was looking for would also be more powerful.

Just then, the announcement fell again.

"Announcement: Congratulations to Bramble City on upgrading to the level-six rookie castle. The migration function of castellan is activated."

"Function Description: castellan can migrate the wooden houses to other territories that were subordinate to the castellan. The wooden houses will keep all the original functions."

"Announcement: Congratulations to Bramble City on upgrading to the level-six rookie castle. The prisoner token function is activated."

"Function Description: castellan will get a chance to get a prisoner token. By using the prisoner token, castellan can turn the target into a prisoner. The prisoners are not included in the castle's population. You only need to provide simple food and water for them, and you don't need to build wooden houses for them. You only need to build a dormitory."

"Function Description: the person who is transformed into a prisoner will be imprinted with a soul mark and can't be removed automatically. The person designated by castellan and castellan has the authority to order and manage the prisoner. Without the permission of castellan, the rank of the prisoner would no longer be upgraded."

"Announcement: congratulations to Bramble City on upgrading to the level-six rookie castle. The level-S task, the third stage task of the legendary castle, has been activated. You can check it on the task channel."

Dick's eyes lit up. The castle's upgrade really brought him a lot of benefits!

First of all, the migration function. If the villagers recruited before wanted to live in Bramble City, they had to build wooden houses once again. But now with the migration function, they could avoid a lot of trouble.

The second was the function of the prisoner token. Previously, he had worried that there would be not enough manpower to mine the blood ores, and now he could completely turn the enemy he defeated into a prisoner.

It didn't take up the population of Bramble City, and at the same time, it didn't need to find materials to build wooden houses. There was no need to worry about revolt because of the existence of the soul mark. It was simply free labor!

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