Global Killing: I Could Plunder Talent

218 Chapter 218 Space Talent

Things went so smoothly that Dick didn't know what to do. The seemingly disagreeable castellan Metheus just wanted to hear his promise!

What happened next was following as a matter of course. The four castles, including Greenhill Castle, Wind Chimes Castle, BlueSea Castle, and Firework Castle, all joined Bramble City one after another. Dick also established the teleportation array between each village.

After entering the channel of Bramble City, everyone was shocked by such abundant resources, especially the existence of the skeleton of the king-level magical beast, which made everyone extremely excited.

For them, they were not even qualified to fight against the king-level magical beast, let alone obtain the skeleton of the king-level magical beast.

The king-level magical beasts they had seen in their lives were not as many as the skeletons they had seen in Bramble City!

When everyone saw that they could earn contribution points through upgrading in Bramble City, they were even more excited. They all sighed that joining Bramble City was the smartest decision.

"Dick, now our strength has begun to take shape. I think we can keep the castles' original names as a distinction. If we all call each other by the same name, it is not convenient for us to communicate."

After getting the news that Dick had recruited all the four castles to Bramble City, Sphinx immediately sent a message to Dick.

Dick nodded. What Sphinx said was indeed reasonable. As long as everyone had a sense of belonging in Bramble City, it was not inappropriate to keep the original name.

So he simply issued an order.

"Castellan Order: from now on, the original Tulip Castle, Greenhill Castle, Wind Chimes Castle, BlueSea Castle, Firework Castle, Night Moon Village, and the Zac clan are all subordinate to Bramble City. Each castle will keep its original name as a distinction."

With this order, no one would dare to use a childish reason like "Your castle's name is not Bramble City, then you are not a member of our castle." to reject the people from other castles.

"Hint: the number of villagers in Bramble City has exceeded 5000. The requirement of upgrading to the level-six rookie castle is achieved."

With this hint, now there was only the requirement of construction of wooden houses needed for Bramble City to upgrade to the level-six rookie castle.

Most of the wooden houses in the later joined castles were still level three. With the help of Dick, many people were willing to help them find resources and exchange for what they needed in the upgrade.

Of course, Dick also saw what they had done. Anyone who went to help other castles build wooden houses received a generous compensation, which was enough for them to exchange for an item they liked in the castle system.

After all, the upgrade of the castle was everyone's business. They couldn't just rely on some people to work, and every villager should take pains to update the castle.

"Wow, in this way, the castle's development is on the right way. According to the reserve of our king-level magical beasts' skeletons, it should be enough for us to upgrade our castle to the six-level rookie castle. Now we only need time."

After everything was settled, Dick took Liya back to Night Moon Village. The vanguard of the Orc clan would come at any time, so he had to stay here.

"Mr. Dick, what we are doing now seems to have aroused other people's antipathy. Several Green-Hand Villages are complaining about you on the regional chat channel. They said that our behavior is an illegal expansion!"

Liya sat next to Dick. On the regional chat channel in front of her, several moral artists were scolding Dick for destroying the balance between the Green-Hand Villages.

But after Dick had a look at it, he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

These moral artists were from the Green-Hand Villages that he had gambled with resources. Although they were fiercely attacking Dick's behavior, there was jealousy in their tone.

These people didn't think that Dick's behavior was wrong. They thought that Dick should recruit them, not those castles that were not as powerful as them.

"Brush them aside. They are just sour grapes. Tell our people not to quarrel with them. Let them enjoy themselves."

Dick said to Liya with a smile. He didn't want to be ruined his good mood because of these clowns.

"Dick, the strength of these Green-Hand Villages is not bad, all of them have reached the level three standard. I heard that people in many Green-Hand Villages can't bear the pressure and commit suicide. There are dozens of Green-Hand Villages missing on the world chat channel."

Dick sighed. The world of killing was so cruel.

The No. 12 Rookie District was relatively in a good situation. Basically, all the Green-Hand Villages had built castles. Although some castles were still struggling at the first level, they still had a place to live.

In the inferior world where the earth world was located, Green-Hand Villages, that couldn't establish castles up to now, were everywhere. In this world, this was almost equivalent to being sentenced to death. How could the villagers not be desperate?

Shaking his head and sighing for a while, Dick dispelled this idea from his mind. He couldn't help those people, nor did he have time to sympathize with them.

With a thought, visual sharing was connected automatically. Dick was going to check on Wolf Emperor's situation and take some elixirs to strengthen him.

At this time, Wolf Emperor was chasing its prey. It was a huge demonic bear, which had reached LV23, but it was still chased by Wolf Emperor and had no way to escape.

Wolf Emperor flapped its wings, and a hurricane made of blood-red ice crystals swept towards the demonic bear.

The demonic bear roared in panic. It ran desperately, but it couldn't avoid Wolf Emperor's attack no matter how hard it tried. It was hit by the ice hurricane and turned into an ice sculpture in an instant.

Its originally enough blood vitality suddenly fell, and the light in its eyes gradually extinguished. Wolf Emperor actually killed the demonic bear with only one strike!

To Dick's surprise, Wolf Emperor's level had reached level six, and its all kinds of properties had soared. Even if it met a magical beast above LV25, it wouldn't be at a disadvantage!

Dick called out to Wolf Emperor, which let out a joyful cry when it felt Dick's call.

Then Dick saw the space in front of Wolf Emperor was gradually distorted, forming ripples like waves. Wolf Emperor flapped its wings and flew into the distorted space.

The next moment, the same ripples appeared in the space in front of Dick. Wolf Emperor flew out and threw itself into Dick's arms.

Dick was stunned to see Wolf Emperor acting like a spoiled child in front of him.

This little fellow's space ability was actually connected to a distance of a thousand meters!

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