

The stage shimmered like a vibrant painting, adorned with stunning designs that symbolized the hopes and aspirations of the talented fashion designers.

Every eye in the room was fixated on the spectacle before them, eagerly awaiting the judges' ultimate decree.

Whispers floated through the air as those who knew of Andromeda's recent struggle were shocked to see her rise up from the devastation she had faced.

Though they were clueless as to how she had managed it, their jaws dropped in awe when their gaze landed upon her breathtaking designs.

Victoria and Serena who had attempted to sabotage Andromeda's work, couldn't believe their own eyes.

Gritting their teeth in frustration, they watched as Andromeda's designs graced the stage, stealing the spotlight.

Standing among the other contestants, Andromeda's eyes brimmed with a mix of joy and nervousness.

Like everyone else, she anxiously awaited the grand announcement that would determine the three finalists who would move on to the finals.

"And now, for the three finalists who will contest in the finals, we have..."

The anticipation in the room was palpable, resembling the sound of a drumroll as one of the judges stood up to make the long-awaited announcement, calling out the names of the designers one by one.

"Due to the outstanding work shown by everyone, the judges have decided to admit one additional contestant into the final ranking this year," the judge declared, his words hanging in the air like a delicate balance of anticipation and uncertainty.

Silence descended upon the room, each person yearning to hear the names that would determine the fortunate few who had made it past the initial rounds.

"Our first finalist contestant is Silvia Rong!" The room erupted with applause and cheers as Silvia stepped forward, a radiant smile adorning her face.

"Next up is Mrs. Chloe Liang!" The crowd's excitement intensified, filling the room with enthusiastic cheers.


"And now, for the tie that left the judges on a hot seat..." The judge's voice trailed off, his eyes glazing over the remaining five contestants.

"Our third finalist is..." 

Andromeda's heart skipped a beat as she shut her eyes tightly, her thoughts in disarray. 

Clenching her hands into fists by her side, she hoped and prayed inwardly, her anticipation almost unbearable…

"Ms. Lian Rui!" 


In the course of the moment, the second her name was mentioned, Lian Rui exclaimed and covered her face with her palm as she stepped forward to join the other two contestants.

Andromeda's heart sank a bit but seeing the joy on her friend's face, she could not help but feel happy for her. Truly her designs deserved a chance and she got it. 

The judge waited for the crowd's cheer to calm down before turning to face the other contestants. 

Smiles were etched on his face, bringing out his handsome features. And when he parted his lips to speak again, Andromeda felt the life run out of her as the anticipation slowly killed her. 

However, she found it hard to hope to some extent. Just as the judge started speaking, she subconsciously blocked out his voice in her mind as she began to wonder what would have happened had things gone according to plan. 

The design that was ruined was truly magnificent and could have landed her a spot easily but now…

"Miss Andromeda Kai!"

The judge's voice reverberated through the room, and in that moment, time seemed to stand still for Andromeda.

She had barely finished her thoughts when her name rang out loud and clear, breaking her out of her reverie and as the news registered, an uproar of cheers, jubilation, and screams engulfed the audience.


"Andromeda Kai!"


Tears welled up in her eyes as the sound washed over her, wave after wave. Suddenly, someone rushed towards her, enveloping her in a tight embrace.

Her heart thudded relentlessly in her chest as she inhaled the familiar scent and reciprocated the hug. It was Lian Rui, her dear friend, who had rushed to her side in a burst of pure joy.

Shocked by the news, Lian Rui was glad that Andromeda was selected and it turned out not only she was glad, the audience and Andromeda's fans. 

Everyone present had looked forward and hoped that she was selected for the final round. It was no doubt that she was truly a talent worthy of all praise and admiration. 

Andromeda's tears flowed freely as she felt an overwhelming mix of emotions swept over her.

"Congratulations, Andromeda," Lian Rui whispered, pulling back slightly to meet her friend's gaze.

"Thank you, Lian. I..." Andromeda's voice trailed off, her emotions rendering her speechless.

"Be glad. I am so happy you stayed strong despite everything," Lian Rui said, her voice filled with genuine admiration.

"Me too," Andromeda managed to utter, her gratitude overflowing.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Liang beamed a warm smile at Andromeda, blowing her a kiss. She, too, was filled with joy to witness Andromeda's triumph.

When she had heard of the mishap that had befallen Andromeda's designs, she had felt a pang of sadness. But now, seeing Andromeda stand tall, Mrs. Liang's heart swelled with pride.

Andromeda had shown incredible resilience and preparation, and it had paid off.

"You did it," Lian Rui repeated, her voice laced with admiration and pride.


As the event came to a close, Andromeda and her crew lingered backstage, surrounded by congratulations from fellow designers as they began packing up. Not far away, Victoria and Serena watched, their bitterness growing with each passing moment.

"What happened? How could she have had a backup plan? There's no way that's possible, right?" Victoria pondered, her eyes fixed on Andromeda, her arms folded protectively across her chest.

"Or perhaps she stole someone else's work? I bet that's what she did. There's no way that design is original. If we can expose her, everything we did to destroy her designs won't be in vain," Serena speculated a hint of malice in her voice.

"I don't know, but what do we do? She made it to the finals, and with the time frame, who knows? She may devise plans to prevent repeating what happened today," Victoria mused, her frustration evident.

"Well, isn't that just lovely?" a voice chimed in, its tone unfamiliar to the two seething designers.

They turned their heads sharply, their eyes landing on Lian Rui, who stood at the edge of one of the large curtains that marked the stage boundary.

"L-Lian Rui," Victoria stuttered, her voice filled with surprise. "W-what...what are you doing there?"

Lian Rui smirked and stepped forward, her hands calmly folded in front of her. "Nothing much, really. I just happened to misplace my earrings and came searching for them," she replied, her voice laced with subtle amusement.

The two women exchanged glances, their unease growing. "What do you want? Leave this place," Victoria commanded, her tone laced with a mix of irritation and suspicion.

Instead of complying with their demand, Lian Rui chuckled and took a step closer.

"I should have known that the culprits behind Andromeda's mishap were none other than the two rats standing in front of me." Her voice dripped with a calculated mix of accusation and disdain.

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