

The air inside the grand hall crackled with anticipation as the semi-finals of the illustrious fashion contest were set to unfold with the designers and attendees alike being eager to witness the showcase of creativity and talent.

In the midst of this electrifying atmosphere, Andromeda felt a sudden vibration from her phone against her palm and excused herself, leaving behind her work for a quick call.


Meanwhile, the second she left, Victoria and Serena seized this opportune moment.

As the other designers remained engaged in one thing or the other, they stealthily made their way toward the backstage area where the carefully crafted designs were displayed.

They had a mischievous glint in their eyes, a conspiracy was afoot, and they intended to play a hand that would alter the course of the contest.

With silent grace, Victoria and Serena had their gazes fixated on Andromeda's flawless creations, their eyes gleaming with unspoken anger and resentment.

Checking their surroundings for prying eyes, they retrieved their hidden weapons—sharp blades that glinted ominously in the dim light. With calculated precision, they directed their malevolent intentions toward Andromeda's masterpiece, a symbol of her passion and dedication.

Silently, the blades cut through the delicate fabric, slashing at it with merciless intent. The once-glorious design succumbed to their ruthless assault, disintegrating into a cascade of fabric fragments that littered the floor like fallen stars.

Victoria couldn't contain her wicked delight, her laughter mildly echoing through the almost empty backstage.

"Shhh!" Serena berated her.

"Yes, that should teach her a good lesson when she doesn't have a design to present," she chuckled, high-fiving Serena, who shared in her twisted satisfaction.

"Yes, that should teach her a good lesson when she doesn't have design to present, hahhaa," Victoria chuckled and high-five Serena. 

"Quick, we need to go," Serena urged, her eyes scanning the area anxiously. "That spam call won't fool Andromeda for long, and who knows when her assistants will be back?"

"You're right," Victoria replied, a glimmer of excitement in her eyes. Together, they slipped away, their mission accomplished, leaving behind the shattered remnants of Andromeda's dreams.

Unbeknownst to them, Peng Xiaoli and Jian Xiaofei approached the backstage area, engaged in a lively conversation. As they drew nearer, their discussion turned to a peculiar encounter.

"I wonder what that was all about. He liked me and wanted to go on a date. Who says that on the first meeting?" Jian Xiaofei questioned, shaking her head in disbelief.

Peng Xiaoli, ever the voice of reason, tried to ease her friend's concerns. "Xiaofei, don't you think you overreacted? I feel bad for the young man. As he said, he had seen you three times already."

"Is he stalking me?" Jian Xiaofei questioned quickly. 

"No. More like he is interested in you. You guys may have started off as friends." 

Jian Xiaofei shuddered at the mention, dismissing Peng Xiaoli's words. "He feels like a stalker. I don't like him. Call it intuition, but I believe he is bad news. Now, let's meet Andromeda before—"

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by a collective gasp of disbelief. Their eyes widened in shock as they beheld the scene before them, a heart-wrenching tableau of devastation.

"Oh my God!" Jian Xiaofei exclaimed, unable to contain her astonishment. Her outburst drew the attention of a few onlookers nearby.

Peng Xiaoli's heart sank as she took in the ruined dress on the mannequin. The irreparable damage inflicted upon Andromeda's creation reverberated through the room, echoing the tragedy of stolen aspirations.

"Oh no… Ms. Kai is not going to like this. She would…"

"Not going to like what?"

Before they could comprehend the full extent of the situation, Andromeda appeared before them, her eyes searching for answers. When her gaze landed on the shattered remnants of her masterpiece on the mannequin, her expression morphed into a mixture of despair and determination.

Both Peng Xiaoli and Jian Xiaofei turned to face her. The irreparable damage inflicted upon her creation echoed the tragic symphony of her stolen aspirations.

No needle or thread could mend the deep wound inflicted upon her chances of victory.

As the weight of the moment settled upon the room, Andromeda's face fell even more with disbelief.

She beheld her ravaged masterpiece with tear-filled eyes, her spirit trembling like a phoenix on the brink of surrender.

She had believed her major problem was Zheng Ying in her life. She never knew it would soon fall back into her fashion goals. 

Peng Xiaoli mustered the courage to call out, her voice quivering with sympathy. "Ms. Kai?"

Andromeda blinked back tears, her eyes filled with a resilient strength as she turned to face them. "Hmm?"

"I'm so sorry we got held up, and then... if we had been here, this would never have happened. I..." Peng Xiaoli's voice trailed off, her guilt evident.

Andromeda raised her hand, silencing Peng Xiaoli's remorseful words and shook her head. "It wasn't your fault. I left to answer a call. One that I never received a response from, just a network problem, and..."

"Wait," Jian Xiaofei interjected, a glimmer of realization in her eyes. "Can't you see? It was staged. It was well planned. They waited for us to be sent on an errand and drew Ms. Kai out to make a call. I bet that call was planned too," Jian Xiaofei said in a whisper.

Jian Xiaofei glanced around cautiously, ensuring no one overheard their conversation, before moving closer to Andromeda to share her theory. "No wonder we were stalled by someone claiming he loved me, someone who was persistent in not letting us through."

Andromeda nodded, her hand cradling her chin, her mind working through the pieces of the puzzle. "You're right. It all fits together."

"Yes. Think of it, ma'am, if we retrieve the CCTV footage from the staircase and trace the individual responsible, we might uncover a connection to the mastermind behind this scheme. And perhaps we can have a hacker investigate his call logs and bank details."

A determination swirled in Andromeda's eyes and voice, fueling her resolve. "Hmm. I may not need a hacker. I know exactly whom to call for help in fixing this and exposing the mastermind and their pawns in this charade."

Unbeknownst to them, in a hidden corner, Victoria and Serena watched with twisted satisfaction, reveling in the aftermath of their wickedness. Their smiles grew wider as they witnessed Andromeda's devastation unfold before their eyes.

Once they were certain that Andromeda would be left humiliated, they turned away, their smiles lingering. Little did they know that Andromeda possessed a resilience and resourcefulness that would surprise them all.

As murmurs and voices filled the room, Andromeda remained composed, her mind racing with solutions.

Peng Xiaoli's confusion couldn't be contained any longer as she blurted out, "Huh, is it just me, or haven't you two realized that we don't have a design worthy of this selection process?"

A glimmer of mischief danced in Jian Xiaofei's eyes as she locked gazes with Andromeda. "About that..." she trailed off, her voice filled with intrigue.

"I think it pays that I had two designs to pick from for this semi-finals rank. It pays to be ready," Andromeda added.

"Huh?" Peng Xiaoli's face contorted in confusion and as she met Jian Xiaofei's gaze, her curiosity was piqued further. "What are you talking about?"

"We…" Andromeda looked at Jian Xiaofei. "We have a way to fix this and still save the day…. Hopefully."

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