Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 484 - [Bonus ] 469: The Test 1


Ka ! Ka! Ka!

The giant doors behind Lilith were closed as if someone was pushing them.

Then that thing appeared and swept on its paws.


A tremendous sound created by an explosion rang through the area.

A force that shouldn't have been associated with the simple movement of a monster.


Amidst this sound, something flew through the smoke toward Lilith. The speed and force behind this thing were godly.

All the hairs on Lilith's body rose

'I have to block!'

That was Lilith first thought as she tried to raise her scythe to block the incoming thing.

Normally with her Gift in the form of a scythe, she should've been able to block the incoming thin. However, Lilith changed her thought at the last moment because her instincts told her so, she performed another action she hadn't intended to.

'N,o I must dodge it.'


From the might of the object coming toward her and cutting through the air like a laser, it was the best solution.

Lilith's entire body reacted by shrinking; thanks to her body which had been tempered through all sorts of experience, she had been able to react to it.

Lilith's body moved out the incoming object trajectory.

Boom! Ki! Ki! Ki!

That thing that she dodged struck the giant doors behind her to produce a terrible explosion that made the giant doors emit terrible sounds as if there were about to break.

Suddenly, goosebumps rose all over her body; she tried to jump back but changed her thought; that thing that struck the doors curved back and instantly headed towards her head.

Lilith sent her scythe toward the back; fortunately, it succeeded in blocking the object flying toward her head, then there was the sound of metal clashing against metal, an intense shriek rang through the hall.



Lilith's body was flung into the air; she rotated her body and landed on the other side after her figure blurred. She could see what attacked her, and she couldn't help but shout out with a confused expression.

''What the hell is that.''

The body of the Lion.

The Wings of bird.

The head of a wolf.

And to top it, it was huge.

It was easily over 30 meters tall.

Lilith became flustered at the horrendous beast before her; she finally identified what attacked her. It was the beast's tongue; it was so long that one would wonder how this could fit its mouth.

The Demon's princess gulped and stared at the beast in front of her; above this monster were the following words.

[Final Guardian; Triple Fusion Beasts, Level 125]

Even being told, Lilith knew that this thing was the final obstacle she must overcome to get what she came all the way here for and maybe get some answers, the reason for the constant call.

Lilith tightly gripped her scythe and was preparing for her final test when suddenly an explosion occurred outside the closed doors.

Kaboom! Bang!

Both the demon and the beast looked at the door, wondering what had happened.

Outside Alex crashed against the giant doors and rolled on the ground to dodge Priscilla's stomp.

Let's rewind time a few minutes back, Alex who was killing monsters, appeared in a hall. However, he was not the only one, the dragonified Priscilla was there as well, the moment she saw him she attacked, and Alex was almost caught off guard, he tried to defend but the result he was sent flying, the bones inside his arms creaked as if they would break at any moment.

Alex, who rolled on the ground to dodge another attack coming from the enraged Priscilla Accel-ed to reappear fifty meters away.

Looking at the dragonified Priscilla ready to charge at him, Alex activated his Eye of Truth.

[Priscilla Eleanor]

Class: Vampire Duchess

Age: 140


Race: Vampire ?????

「 Rank 1????]

Level ???

Experience Value (XP): ???

Magic Power: 8000/8000

Magic: Fire; Wind, Dark; Blood Arts, Lightning

Attack: 5000

Defense: 4000

Agility: 4200

Intelligence: 2500

Luck: 1700

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Eternal Night


Skills: [Echolocation Level 9] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Night Lord Level 4] [High Regeneration Level 9] [Mana Recovery Level 7] [Intimidation Level 6] [Shadow Step Level 7] [Sword Art Level 6]

Special Abilities: [Blood Arts] [Bloody Moon] [Ethereal Form] [Devil's Charm]

Titles: [The Queen of the Night] [Slaughterer] [Vampire Queen] [Bloodthirsty] [Chaos Puppet]


Alex gulped; he knew from this result that if he didn't find a solution, he was going to die; his brain worked faster trying to come up with a solution; however, while he was thinking about a solution, the dragonified Priscilla was not going to let him free. Her feet touched the ground, and it instantly cracked as her figure shot forward like a meteor; Alex jumped back. However, a few strands of his hair got burnt in the process; a chill ran down his spine before he could point Silveria at point-blank range but,



Alex screamed in pain because faster than he could move, Priscilla struck her arm, and it broke.


Alex didn't dare to use Drift because of how faster the dragonified Priscilla had become; he Accel-ed away, just as Priscilla was about to follow after him. Her body froze, and her eyes filled with fear. She looked at the thing in Alex's unharmed hand; a black gun was there.

The moment she saw that thing, her instincts told her that she would die, the thing in the depth of her heart wriggled as if furious and at the same time afraid; these two emotions made her body froze, and Alex wasn't going to miss out this opportunity.

Alex flashed next to the frozen Priscilla and activated his Time ability.

[Time Stop]

Then the silver gun was pushed against the dragonified Priscilla forehead and,

[Time Decay]


The gray bullet greedily sucked away all Alex's mana before bursting out of the gun's muzzle and penetrating Priscilla's head. Her head was flung backward before gray light covered her body, and she aged at fast speed.


Priscilla emitted one last desperate cry before permanently leaving this world as she turned into dust and got washed away by the wind.

Alex crouched down and intense energy spread through his body; he had leveled up.

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