Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 483 - 468: Inside The Dark Castle 3

From Lilith's fingertip, a dark beam shot out and clashed against Third's forehead, the beam penetrated his head, and his body slowed down like a broken marionette.

Lilith tried to access Third's memories through her ability the Eternal Nightmare; her goal was simple she wanted to learn about the mysterious organization, The Chaos's Eye, she believed that there were the one behind her brother change, by learning a bit about them would she be able to better prepare for their incoming confrontation, however, just as she was about to penetrate deeper into Third's consciousness something unexpected happened, Lilith hit a huge dark wall, a chill ran down her spine when she saw this wall, she tried to immediately retreat however it was already too late.

The dark wall blocking Lilith's path wriggled as if it was alive before,


There was a terrible explosion inside Third's consciousness that swept Lilith before sending her flying outside of Third's consciousness.

''Cough! Cough!"

Outside, Lilith started coughing blood and was sent flying twenty meters because of the unexpected attack; she had expected some kind of resistance, but not so soon. Before she knew, Third, who should have her consciousness destroyed, meaning he should have turned into a retard moved, just one step, and he closed in twenty-five meters in an instant, Third clutched Lilith's neck and lifted her, and with an eerie voice, he said.

''I have expected this one day but not soon and by the fugitive Demon's princess to boot. It's why we must have you. We must corrupt you as we did we, your brother. How sweet this is going to be.''

Chill ran down Lilith's spine when she heard those words, she tried to break free by intensely struggling. Still, unfortunately, she couldn't do anything it was as she was held by an iron's hand, despair slowly colored her face, instantly she knew she was about to disappear from this world, forever erased, she wouldn't be herself anymore, maybe her brother had experienced the same thing, Lilith quickly shakes her head to discard this thought, that bastard If a brother had signed a contract with the devil's all by himself just because of greed, she wouldn't accept, she would fight, she had comrades.

Looking at Lilith who had restarted to violently trash, doing everything she could to break free, Lord Thanos who had momentarily taken control of Third's body chuckled, he was happy to see his prey struggle believing that she still has a chance to make a comeback, how pitiful, how entertaining.

Lord Thanos chuckled; he didn't have much time as his host body couldn't take the burden of him temporarily boring for too long; he must quickly finish things here; he moved his finger who was showing signs of cracking and tried to corrupt Lilith, it was then.

Crackle! Boom!

Lord Thanos immediately gives back the control of Third's body and retreats before the lightning from descending the sky strikes Third's body and blows it apart.


The explosion rammed into Lilith's chest; she felt like a huge fireball hadn't been rammed into her as her body flew across the air, and she vomited a mouthful of blood and fell on the ground; she rolled for two meters before she stood up and observed her surrounding.

The area where Third was previously standing was erased, leaving place to a huge crater.

Suddenly, Lilith's expression sank because she noticed a presence she couldn't be familiar with; Incursio was approaching this direction fast. Without wasting a second, Lilith dragged her injured body and ran away, she didn't know why Third got suddenly blown apart, but this was a chance; she wouldn't waste it by thinking of confronting Incursio, the current her wasn't her match, she couldn't even last five minutes against so the best solution would be to escape, only an idiot would still choose to fight even when knowing the outcome.

Incursio, who appeared, looked in Lilith's direction and chuckled.

''A wise decision.''

She then looked around her; she approached the crater and looked inside it as if trying to study it, but at the end, she stopped, pointing one finger in the air for a moment. She brought it toward her mouth and licked it.

''Lord Thanos was here. He must have taken possession of Third's body in the hope of catching the princess but failed. I wonder what happened? It's a good thing that weakling died, and I don't like him anything; he was annoyed with his questions and blind devotion.'' Incursio commented before looking in the direction Lilith had fled to; for a moment; she considered whether or not she should chase after but finally decided not to.

''Better search for the Core room where that thing might be. Once I'm done, I can play with every one of them.''

Incursio's body disappeared in the direction she came from.


A few kilometers away from Incursio, Lilith, who was escaping, stopped to catch her breath; most of her injuries had healed by now. Because she was running nonstop without properly checking where she was going, she was now inside a huge hall that looked like a throne hall.

It was then Lilith knew she had stepped in somewhere extremely dangerous; her heart started to beat crazily so hard that it could be heard outside.

Ba-dump! Ba-dump!

Lilith clutched her chest in pain, her vision started to turn dizzy, there was something she had not told Alex and Sakuya, since the moment she entered this dungeon, she felt strange feeling it was as if something was calling her. At first, she thought it was her imagination; however, the more she progressed, the more stronger this feeling became, so much that she couldn't ignore it any longer, especially inside this hall, something was calling her from beyond these walls, she had the feeling that she would get the answer if she smashes the walls apart.


Lilith groaned and held her head; she summoned her Gift in scythe form, its original form, as she believed that it wasn't going to be easy. Indeed, the moment she held her scythe, there was a rumbling sound.


Then that monster appeared.

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